Hey blizzard, you there? Why are warriors healing for more than enhance?

Enhance still feels like it’s being punished for having (arguably) too strong offheals in BFA and I think a bit in SL as well. Back when you could surge yourself for meaningful amounts.

I mean lowkey the way enhance works I don’t know that I necessarily want strong healing just because either you have to take that garbonzo beans PVP talent or you have dump maelstrom. Both feel kinda bad.

I would very much like better defensives though and either some straight forward offensive utility that actually works and doesn’t require weird gameplay like static field, or some additional mobility (or both). Enhance just feels like it’s kinda outclassed at everything atm.

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Yea, doesn’t excel at anything. Basically all the melee specs have good utility these days and that was the one niche enhance had. Arms having banner, intervene, a root, etc. puts it in about the same range of usefulness. Same goes for the rest of them.

Lavalash build doesn’t really have maelstrom for days in the same way as stormstrike. Not that it matters much. Feels like I’m giving up significant damage just to take a poultry 30% increased healing to Surge which is already low. I’m assuming the top enhance shams, from what I can see of their builds, are reallllly focusing damage. Issue is, the lavalash rotation (if you could even call it that) is convoluted and doesn’t pair well with the utility.

Spec just feels bad.

feral enters chat with less healing as a hybrid than arms war

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Our heals are only meant to keep the real dps specs alive. We must… we must sacrifice ourselves to the pures. /sob

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Not gonna lie, feral does feel weak af. All the ferals my healing alts ran into this past week all went 0-6, it’s sad to see the guys trying to make a play and just get 100-0ed in an instant.


Yea the nerf to hybrid healing and decline of double DPS 2s this expansion was probably my least favorite change to PVP.


i agree i miss not neading a healer :frowning:

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Why would you play enhance in the first place knowing that it’s garbage

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Because warriors are magical and carry a sword, while they mystically regen their health on command, thats why. You wanna have good self heals, roll war.


IDK if warrior heals are bugged but rn they out heal every other dps spec except warlock by a lot. DH, War and Lock self heals need to take a serious hit.

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Pure dps classes should have zero healing while in combat. Outside combat let them regen health however fast is necessary.

Dampening in arena was partially caused because all those pure dps classes are able to heal themselves on top of regular healers doing their thing. Basically, every other spec in the game is suffering from dampening because of pure dps class self healing. Hybrids were hurt the most.

I used to run. Endless games of 2s on my ret with my bm hunter buddy was lots of fun but since hybrid healing is dead I just stopped queuing altogether 2s. Most stupid change ever


They need to bring back second wind how it used to be and get rid of the other self heals

Hell no second wind was part of the reason warriors were OP the entire mop cycle.

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No, things like that shouldn’t exist on warrior period. Second wind and the dk version of it along with the dk ranged heal should never ever come back.

I’m ok with dk self heals because you can shut them down. Silence/disarm/dodge/ms/good consistent damage wreck them. Warrior/DH/Lock are nearly impossible to punish when they have a good healer. If these things were subject to purge/shiv etc fine, but they really aren’t, so to me that isn’t fine.

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I try to play what I enjoy. For me, the game is more fun that way. I’m certainly not playing SV because it’s good. :laughing:

Yea, the on demand healing or damage mitigation is the issue. If the healer gets cc’ed, healing stream and earth shield aren’t offering enough healing to keep you safe and healing surge neither heals for enough and is still to dependant on maelstrom.

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do you consider this a problem in and of itself or only in comparison to specs like arms

Yea I loved feral double dps in Shadowlands. It actually felt like a game trying to live, set up cc, and burst. Now You just kind of die to dots/pets behind a pillar if you try. Popping all CDs and heals effectively just makes your health dwindle a little slower, and you never actually recover with good kiting/cc.

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Saw a warrior do 2m heals in a 3m game last night, just fkn stupid.

Intervene needs to go

Blade storm outing cc needs to go

Insane self healing needs to go.

Lose defensive stance or gut it.


Well I know that you love survival because even when it’s not good, you play it.

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