the only thing I agree with is that enhance needed an improvement in its healing and a simplification in rotation because…MY GOD…
AMZ maybe, but IBF and AMS are only used to prevent/break CC during your go setup. AMS In particular pops the minute any caster looks at you, calling it a defensive is laughable.
Yea, lavalash build isn’t fun. 10-11 dps specific abilities is massive overkill and ties up free globals for utility. =/
I understand your concern for healing on Enh shaman, was just pointing out that DHs do not out heal an Enh shaman unless people pump into darkness and makes healing meters blow up. I’ve gotten a 1.8Mil darkness this season.
yeah but keep in mind arms warr is very susceptible to dying in stuns . healing doesnt do anything if your dead
It’s still a defensive and does have some additional utility. DKs are soaking damage better than enhance. Regardless, this wasn’t an us vs them thread. More like, why isn’t enhance able to keep up with non-hybrid specs in respect to single target healing/absorbs.
Well, that’s (almost) all of us.
yeah but especially arms
Yes I did a post the other day about classes that can use a defensive in a stun at least once a match. Arms, WW, DH, shamans, evoker, Hpriest, rogues (unless you count cheat death proc) all can die in a stun and don’t have a defensive they can use at least once in a match. Hunter can RoS but requires pet to be in LoS (I know it ain’t much but it’s something) other classes have at least one defensive they can use in a stun per match (bubble, ibf, fury wall, ice block, lock shield, dispersion, Ps)
Yea, it’s really even less than that these days. Like if a monk leg sweeps you and you’re on the monk or near, than the pet is getting stunned with you as well. Same goes for a lot of CC. DK disorientate, DH aoe stun, shockwave, etc. To that, lots of stuff is just a guranteed crit anyways. Chaosbold, lavaburst… Then you have the nerf that was made to crit in pvp and the talent is realy useless outside of some key CDs, like combust.
In most cases, I’m trinketing or dying in the stun, ROS or not. =/
Feral and balance out of bareform are currently making up for the fact that in shadowlands, they could press convoke and kill multiple people once a minute.
I think you might be on to something. But what pure DPS classes would you like to no longer do healing in combat? Hunters? DH? DK? Rogue? WW monk? Warrior I’d imagine.
With how high certain specs/classes dmg are, most defensives feel laughable. The animation immunities feel the strongest, which DH has a ton of. Nothing like going for a hard hit and just nothing happens, put on CD.
Yeah beat that dead horse until it’s paste.
To make it fair, bring all hybrid healing down to the level of how ferals self heal with regrowth. But all pure dps should have zero healing “when in combat.”
Those two changes would probably eliminate the need for dampening in arena, or at least reduce the need for it dramatically. Then you’ld have a lot more healers joining solo shuffle.
Actually, the only exception to this would be tanks. They should keep their self healing. Tanks aren’t considered dps so it kind of makes sense.
and the good part is that is completely passive, warriors are just healers now lol