Hello? Fix your trash please. Holy crap…
And DK.
And DH.
Edit: Even in the case if Enhance healing was even equal to Arms/Fury, UHDK, or DH, it still wouldn’t be as effective. Arms healing IS good because it’s good on use healing. Healing stream and Earthshield aren’t effective CDs to counter incoming damage. Maybe over the length of a long match it might add up, but dampening negates that value.
So that leaves us with Healing Surge and Ancestral Guidance to mitigate more immediate damage. Well, Surge is junk, especially into MS and Ancestral Guidance is only so good as you’re able to deal damage. Stunned? Disarmed? Sorry, no healing.
i play with warriors a lot and the only one who’s ever healed me is kydrav
Look at this garbage. 87% uptime on Earthshield over a 2 minute match. A whopping 385k healing. 5 total casts. That’s 77k per cast of Earthshield. What? Is? This? Trash?
2 casts of healing stream, split among 2-3 people… 310k total.
I can’t even. DH passive healing is doing more single target healing than enhance.
Idk dont see anything out of the ordinary here, isnt that the way its supposed to be? Enhance is supposed to be the dark souls mode unlock for wow
Working as intended, if anything youve shown they need to scale the healing on them back some because of the 2 casts of healing stream being outhealed by 8 turd balls
This is feeling a bit like Elden Ring.
imo the devs deserve some props, theyve consistently and perfectly have kept enhance in perfect mediocrity every single expansion, all except MoP but they got right back on course.
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boulderfist intro expansion?
kinda miss that ability
If enhance isn’t gonna have good healing, then why can’t it have a mortal strike?
Yea, gave up on my hunter for WoD. Since it was hot garbage. I really did enjoy enhance though. After WoD though it really fell off.
I’d rather have the utility and healing. To that though, it makes no sense for arms/fury to have all the damage, mobility, healing, and ms.
So would I.
Just pointing out that when Blizzard was handing out mortal strike effects in shadowlands like candy, they took a pass on enhance and it seemed like that was because we were a hybrid with strong healing so we brought that instead.
Now we don’t even bring strong healing.
If regular DPS can heal as much or more than enhance without the kind of cost to offensive output that enhance has, then how is enhance supposed to balance out the scoreboard without good healing AND without an MS?
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by channeling your Elden Ring 1.0 Radahn, Melania boss fight determination, and playing that rng lotto.
Die, die, die again, die and die some more, and then keep dying.
How will you ever use your defensive reincarnate if you dont die?
I see this time and time again enhance arent using their full toolkit as in 0% of enhance are using their reincarnate defensive in RSS.
Cmon guys were better then this
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You should know what their agenda is because they keep nerfing defensives, hybrid healing, & buffing damage.
not for lack of trying at least
the biggest E for effort
Personally I blame the red sword agenda for undermining him.
Add DK and DH to the list as well. Watching DKs double my single target healing as enhance is awesome.
Put a fork in it…this season is done