Hey Blizzard why don’t you release the Mage Tower completion stats?

Then you’d know that the greater majority of players screamed just as much back then, too. I can only imagine you beat it after you outgeared it if you think it was overtuned now.

They brought it back because players had wanted it back since it went away. lol

Yes, players wanted it back. However, they wanted it to be a reasonable challenge that was rewarding yet reasonably beatable.
But instead of making the experience rewarding for everyone, they catered to the high end players.
Not only was it outrageously overtuned, it was a negative experience for 97% of the community, the rewards were crappy recolors that didn’t justify the 10s of hours on attempts and the 100ks of gold spent on overpriced consumables.
I won’t go into arguing about it bc I find it a waste of time for a timewalking event. But if there is anything to be learned from MT is that blizz has to realize that there is not 1 community in wow anymore, there is 2. Pushing overtuned content for 97% of the community will only turn ppl off.

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It was a challenge mode, we knew from the start it would be crazy hard.

“While the original was hard, this version will be gear normalized” is what they said.

“While something something” means that it won’t be like that thing. And the challenge was far from normalized, as the tuning was completely out of wack.

They really botched the event, but we know Forum Troll Grincel is just here to piss people off.

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Yes, a challenge is supposed to be hard. We have already established this core aspect.

However, context matters, a lot. A challenge for the 3% is unachievable for 97% of the community. Its proven by the recent numbers. Therefore, for most of the community its not a challenge, it’s just not doable.

Blizz needs to realize that if they want to keep both communities happy, they need to most past the 1 size fits all challenges.

Let me be clear: everyone wanted a challenge. We all wanted to feel awesome when we beat the challenge. However, the MT this past go around was a complete failure and a cater to the high end players who verbally bashed any and all players who voiced their opinions on many different public forums.

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They’re just trying to gaslight people to think the 7.2 challenge was harder than it really was.

Forget the fact it was tuned around normal raid ilvl and you could still out gear it back then. Or the fact you still had your legos which were almost necessary for some of spec’s challenges

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While the Challenges were considered quite difficult for most of Legion, we’re tuning the encounters in Timewalking to normalize player power, with the intention of providing a meaningful level of difficulty to current players.

You can never believe what blizz says anymore.

Big tech.

I’m glad you highlighted this. Too many people think normalizing means anything except borrowed power systems and previous class design don’t apply.

Normalizing, meaning one player won’t be stronger than another.

Obviously, the tuning failed to account for that as it was all over.

That’s literally not possible without templates, so I don’t know how you could possibly think your definition works.

Was fine in the majority of instances.

I swear they should have just disabled sockets and it would have nuked a huge portion of the wonky tuning memes.

The one copium I have is that this tuning of the scenarios around the base raw specs allows them to get clearer view of the foundation and likely cracks that have been painted over the years. And maybe they’ll fix things to have classes play more smoothly even if we are to get another round of borrowed power in 10.0. But yeah a big cope on that.

The issue wasn’t templates.

It was Arcane Mages having a much lower DPS treshold to maintain than Assassination, even though their DPS capability isn’t that much lower.

Poor tuning. Arcane had to maintain like 400 dps to clear the enrage, Assassination 1.1k dps. Arcane is quite capable of more dps than 400, especially with a 2 button rotation they have. That is poor tuning.

That’s because templates didn’t exist. I see my point has gone straight over your head, so let me slow it down- your assertion that normalizing difficulty means no player is going to be stronger than another is impossible in a scenario that permits gear and stat variance, and class kits inherently vary widely.

It sounds like your problem is that different classes had different thresholds in tailored scenarios. That’s proper tuning. Normalized isn’t defined as flattening class and spec discrepancies, and it’s not even possible to do so.

For example, I’ve been reviewing my tower footage and I’m noticing some interesting differences between the same bosses for different classes. The Guardian Druid Kruul has 62k health while the Vengeance DH Kruul has 56k- but the druid version was 4 minutes long vs 6.5 on DH. My druid was running with far less optimal gear and some very janky trinkets. The druid kit was stronger in the scenario even though its kit couldn’t cheese the majority of mechanics in the fight. The DH on the other hand could literally jump out of every single cc in the scenario.

By your logic, the druid and DH should have been equivalent. Aside from gear choice, their kits make it literally impossible. Your concept of normalized is flawed at best.

Templates wouldn’t have fixed the issues that were imbalanced.

AKA : it wasn’t normalized at all. Assassination had to play much more perfectly while Arcane could just afk half the fight. The enrage basically wasn’t even a mechanic for Arcane (hardly anything was).

Equivalent kill times yes.

It’s the only way to normalize by your definition of it because it removes the most variables. And I’m not a proponent of templates. This also doesn’t factor player skill.

Not by your erroneous definition, no. They were normalized by the standard definition, removing borrowed power systems and old legendary effects. Normalize =/= equity.

It really bothers you that different classes are different.

Please explain in detail how this could possibly be achieved without templates and giving everyone the same kit, and how it would account for player skill gap.

This is false.

Tuning is. Actually giving Sigryn more health for Arcane or less health for Assassination has the same result of normalizing the kill time for 2 identically geared toons.

You don’t get to pick what definition is correct or not.


Other than the fact that same bosses already do have health differences between classes, if you think a simple health tweak is all it takes, you’re sorely out of touch with kit differences. Do you think giving Agatha less health for UH is going to make up for the raw AOE power of Fury? This is silly.

… What? If it’s being tuned around identical gear (which is an extreme rarity), your advocating for a template. Why? Because the chances of a single player having identical gear between two alts is an exception, not a rule. And the chances of multiple players having identical gear is even less likely.

… and you do? You’re funny :clown_face:

I’m starting to think you have no concept of what tuning is or how it’s done.

Yes and those were tuned improperly.

That’s a fact.

All gear is stat sticks downscaled to ilvl 50. It’s not as rare as you think.

Adjusting Sigryn’s health so Arcane doesn’t kill it in 3 minutes and Assassination have to do so much more to kill it in 6.

You know, tuning. Not that hard of a concept, it happens all the time, happened many times to the Mage Tower.

That’s an opinion. I’m noticing a theme here.


Adjusting health is a single aspect of the multi-faceted process of tuning. The fact that you’re choosing to ignore this to make yourself feel right isn’t doing you any favors.

Yep, and it’s never just a health tweak. Confirmed, you’re a goober.