Hey Blizzard why don’t you release the Mage Tower completion stats?

You know how you re-released the most requested piece of sunset old content i.e. the Mage Tower 2 weeks ago and how it’s a horribly tuned buggy mess?

And do you also know how you’re stubbornly refusing to admit it and have only pushed out minor hotfixes many of which actually only served to make the challenges even harder?

Well then how about you just drop the stats on how many players have completed them and settle the matter once and for all?

Double dog dare you, bet you won’t!

P.S. Drop your active subscription numbers too while you’re at it.

P.P.S. I know some fan sites have published achievement competition rates in the past but they are never about the current expansion. If anyone reading this actually knows how please be a doll and do it! It won’t be the same as Blizzard’s internal data which can show much more, like how many tries it took to complete, etc. but at least it’s something.

Edit: My subscription expires tomorrow and before I am locked out of the forums I wanted to look up the stats on Data for Azeroth as someone suggested and post the results here for everyone to see. So here it is, feast your eyes:

  • 3.9% completion rate for “A Towering Success” awarded for completing any 1 challenge

  • 0.3% completion rate for “A Tour of Towers” awarded for completing all 7 challenges

Totally balanced, git gud, /10char, LMFAO! /s

Anyway, y’all have fun with this “game.” I am on hiatus until 10.0. Peace out! :v:


i think you would be surprised at the amount of people who have completed it.


I want to see stats per spec. Some are ridiculously easy, some are just frustratingly difficult.


OP keeps making posts like this. I think you should put that time into the game trying to overcome the challenge imo.


I’d also like to see the stats from the first week of Mage Tower in Legion.

Bet way more people have completed it now than did in the first week, back then.


Probably 1 per 100k or less if I took a shot in the dark atm atleast until the golden set is figured out or the next patch heroic tier/leggo drop.


Just considering the amount of people that played in Legion and the amount of people playing now makes it difficult to compare. Legion also had an entrance fee.

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Eh, I’d say that anyone that got Agatha as their challenge got a free pass at the very least. Those that Xylem just got shafted.

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Yea not ret palies basically got 1 shot moment it started and laughed glad I beat this junk in legion.

Ret’s challenge is Sygrin, no? Agatha is the imp mother.

Yea thats what I ment legion was a way more fitting fight.
Sygrin got rick rolled so as it started smack dead.

Legion gave us so many more resources that the current classes can’t even compare. I’d definitely say Legion was incredibly easier than the current tower, save for Agatha. You can seriously go in blind and beat it in less than 10 tries.

Xylem though, that guy just shreds. I wish my Frost Bolts hit that hard.

I dont even have the best self heal anymore they knew word of glory was crap in legion and replaced it for prot ret with light of the protector, cost no holy power to use helm leggo had 2 charges which allowed me to take inquis pool debuff up to 4-6 stack.
Now I have to pump 3 hp to get a heal off.

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Dataforazeroth will update an estimate of the amount of players that have completed the towering success or whatever achievement soon. lots of people have got it done, i can tell you that, just from logging in and running dungeons, etc.


I don’t doubt that. Just the fact that it currently has no entry cost is already a huge deal on accessibility. The problem really is that it’s incredibly hard for certain specs while being ridiculously easy for others. The tuning, for some, is simply off. The loss of borrowed power wasn’t carefully taken into consideration.


I think it’s doable by anyone that understands their class/spec, has a comfortable UI and the ability to learn/lots of patience.

i also think certain specs have higher skill caps maybe in these proving ground scenarios…no class performs the same in any other activity either - so this isn’t just a mage tower thing.

but i would agree - i wish we could use legacy stuff in there, just for the fun factor if anything :pleading_face:


So don’t read them? Also, this is only the second thread I’ve made about the general topic of the Timewalking Mage Tower.

I am not going to waste my time doing any of the challenges unless I can do all of them because I only care about the mount (that’s why I want to know how many people have done Tour of Towers). The transmogs don’t interest me at all because I wear transmogs for the aesthetics not whatever happens to be the fotm or what’s considered the latest badge of honor (for example I’ve never once used the Fire mage artifact MT challenge mog even though I have it unlocked because it’s absolutely atrocious). Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it’s just not what has value for me so I am not going to put in the time.

The challenges in of themselves also hold no interest for me because I already did them in Legion. The fact that the Timewalking version happens to be ridiculously overtuned doesn’t help either.


then they have no reason to withold the data


Good to know, never heard of the site before but I will keep an eye out now. Thanks!

I know a number of people have done individual challenges for the transmogs but frankly I don’t care about them as I don’t find most of them good and they’re just recolors anyway. What I am really curious about is the Tour of Towers achievement, the one rewarding the mount which came in second in that poll and which I voted for and really wanted.


This statement works either way people choose to take it.