Hey Blizzard why don’t you release the Mage Tower completion stats?

Maybe learn to read bud, I said to over gear it to make up for a physical inability: ie, irl impairment that keeps one from being able to perform at that level.

There is also the point that something can be a challenge without being ‘extremely difficult’ as you put it, and no where did they say it would be ‘extremely difficult’ only that it would be a ‘challenge’ which can mead something very different to very different people.

For clarity, as I’ve, again had to point out to your types over a dozen types now, some of us have these things called physical disabilities. Mine is in the fact that my body can’t properly flush adrenaline so it builds up to the point that my entire body shakes violently enough that I can’t even reliably make key strokes.

Other’s have pointed out they have arthritis, or are getting on in years (I’m no spring chicken myself) and so with how tightly tuned things currently are and the requirement to basically have to play perfectly to complete it, there is an entire swathe of the player base that, this was used as a marketing tool towards, that will never have a chance to do it.

Furthermore: if it’s supposed to be a meaningful ‘solo challenge’ content, why is it designed in a ‘one and done’ way? The overwhelming majority of players will not touch this ‘content’ again as soon as they clear it, so then, why put so many hurdles in place for the majority to clear it in the first place.


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t learn to read words that aren’t there. mAyBe LeArN tO WrItE bUd. You’re talking about people with severe physical disabilities- what you wrote can easily be read as people not knowing how to execute their rotation.

Sorry mate, but the demographic you’re regarding is going to be left out of a lot of challenge content. But they’re not the majority of players, and that’s not the game’s fault. But most of them can do it to, I would venture to say.

Challenge: “a test of one’s abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking.” The Mage tower does this. By all appearances you want it to be challenging for the lowest common denominator, which is silly.

Yeah, that definitely doesn’t sound like it’s going to be difficult.

A. You’re assuming I don’t have any myself just because I’m not complaining about this tower. Your condescension makes your point look weak. Not everyone sees a hurdle then turns and walks the other way. Many people with physical disabilities find a way to get over it, rather than break down and whinge that the hurdle is there in the first place.

B. This isn’t my concern, or the Tower’s concern, or Blizzard’s fault. This mage tower isn’t a personal attack on you, get over it.

Why on earth would they tune a challenge mode around the weakest possible link? Are you up in arms over how they tune mythic raiding as well?

It was advertised to everyone universally and never made any concessions like " if you have arthritis or can’t handle adrenaline, this will be just as easy for you as someone without those issues!" Don’t pretend like there are special demographics this was used to lure in as if they lied about difficulty. This is an extremely childish claim to make.

You can repeat the scenario as many times as you want after beating it as long as the tower is up, you’re pulling this point out of thin air and it makes you look foolish.

Show me your numbers on this.

I mean at this point I’ll just be talking myself in circles, so suffice it all to say, it’s not supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be hard. Once you can get over your ego, which seems to be the real issue you have, you might even be able to do it yourself- but if you think for one moment you’re going to overgear your way out of failing mechanics, you have the wrong mentality for this.

Take the UH DK tower for example. 100% mechanics. There have been people who have knocked it down in 9 minutes. Some in 14. That is a massive dps cavern. As long as you can manage your emotions and focus properly, your dps is a secondary concern.

Guardian Druid tower. 95% mechanics. You have to know your positioning. You have to know when to save and when to use which defensive cooldowns. Higher dps can be a benefit in certain ways, but aren’t required above the baseline of burning the boss after a handful of annihilate in phase 2.

Please stop being mad at the game for your personal shortcomings and learn some personal accountability.

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Went and gave it a shot on my fury warrior just for shiggles, first attempt was 43% it’s Agatha is just an endurance fight, repeat these same actions on a constant one minute loop and if you don’t screw it gg

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If they released the numbers, all it would really show is that people posting in the forums represent an EXTREMELY small portion of the players.

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Shhhh… let them dream.


You’re not owed any information about anything in this respect, and Blizzard isn’t going to respond to macho attitudes and dares.

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I’d actually love to see mage tower stats once the event is over this cycle in a similar style to that 7.2 stat report I think that would be super cool.


I mean, im curious to see overall attempts and overall completions for each class and spec. Overall attempts and successful character counts dont really tell you much.

I would imagine bear druid has the most attempts since it has the best reward, but thats not really the point. The best reward SHOULD come from the hardest challenge. Never tried it so i have no input on whether or not its too hard.

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Okay… were you replying to that post on purpose, or?

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Dont bother with him no matter how serious chat you wanna do with him he will never listen and then butcher sentances to make them what they are opposite off .

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I could have sworn they posted the stats around that time with quite a bit of stuff in image formats (for the lack of a better description) :thinking:

Yeah except it’s not overtuned.

It seems more and more like people have a memory that only spans one or two expansions. I think most people forgot just how long it took to complete mage tower IN LEGION for the majority of people.

I am… slightly above average player… and I remember it taking me almost a month to get my mage towers done for my first character (mage). Only reason I got my lock mage tower appearance was because of the pet bug (I can be honest about that) and I didn’t have any issues at all with havoc or veng DH (and to be fair… DH was incredibly well suited to the mage tower playstyle, even the tank tower… Since it was basically “dps but as tank”… DH in a nutshell). There were A L O T of people who didn’t even attempt the mage tower until Antorus raid where they mostly outgeared it. It still had challenge, but gear really did lessen the burden.

The only big ticket issue I see with the TW tower is that things are scaled down and you can’t actually “outgear” it as a result. And I think this is why people are getting angry about it… They can’t lean on having quality gear from THIS expac to trivialize it.

We are removing "borrowed power " and still previous expac gear are more good than current so borrowed power wasnt removed completely :slight_smile:

We have stats for Legion though :

The fact that Legion launched with 10.1mil people, and assuming 20% attrition, 8mil…

The fact that only 135k characters (not accounts or players… CHARACTERS)… succeeded, is actually more astounding than I thought it would.

I figured it would have been at least 30% of the WoW pop getting at least one character done.

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Nah, I never even found the place. I went looking once, but all I found were portals to all the zones, which was useful and all, but nothing like what people were constantly talking about.

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Because you went ther after bfa and the event was removed (the npc i mean) after bfa launched :slight_smile:

I did it this time in fewer attempts than it took me in Legion. Rather than campaigning for nerfs, try thinking outside of the box in terms of what you can do to turn his attacks against him.

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I mean, what do you want from the stats? To see less people finish it then complete it? Generally that is how challenging content should work.