If you aren’t getting the relevance I don’t know what to say.
If you can’t explain the relevance then I’m not sure your argument really holds up for me. Good talk.
How do you normalize for missing functionality or classes playing differently?
What’s the point? They let people win trade to complete it. Stats would be inflated for sure.
OK, how about this:
What would have happened if players back in Legion had stripped away all their gear and their artifacts and equipped themselves with MoP Crafted gear? How would MT have gone for them? Would they have even last 5 seconds in a fight?
So now, they do the same thing and do a great deal better in the current MT than they do with ‘normalized’ gear and abilities.
My point is that my understanding of their design for this MT is that they have taken away all Shadowlands extra powers and lowered the gear to level 50. Whereas in Legion characters had raiding gear, had artifact weapons with a full set of extra powers, and working bis legendaries.
If I’m wrong then I’m actually happy to have my misunderstanding explained.
If by completed it you mean buy a carry or farm old content for the pitch perfect gear…
You are a true keyboard warrior.
None of your answers not even a single one was right or even close to right.
I just gave you facts and u twisted them.
Subjective opinions are fun.
Tata now, enjoy the bliss of your ignorance.
It would be an eye opener for 100% of forums posters.
If its hard (done by just some%)then all the people who have been called whiners etcetc are proven right.
If its “normal”(done by a lot of %)all the people who called other side whiners are proven right .
Top kek. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I don’t remember any bugs, but I’ve only done 9/12 classes.
All the mage specs are super free, though.
And it also had a sub 1% clear rate in that first week (15,200,000 is more than 100x 135,000) so if they were brining back what was initially released in legion before any proper tuning/nerfing/gearing up, it is, by your own admission, designed for only 1% of the player base to be able to complete.
Technically, 4,320,000 of those attempts were reserved for people who actually cleared it (135k people got it, average attempt to succeed 32, 135kx32). Leaving 8,880,000 of those attempts to be done by people who didn’t get it. If you assume that on average everyone did 32 attempts, then it means about 33% of players who did it got it, though I doubt that’s the case, probably a lot of quitters who did 2-3 attempts with 870 gear and just outright decided to wait in that 8M figure.
15.2 million total attempts. This would include people that did clear it on their run, and all the people that did not.
Total number of clears was 135,000.
135000/15200000 = 0.0088815
Now, we move the decimal two to the right and put a percent sign behind it for 0.88815% of runs cleared it on initial release. Less than 1% of attempts resulted in success.
You are trying to shift the numbers by using the ‘number of average attempts to clear’ but that’s exactly that an ‘average’ not an indicator of percentage clear rate, and it doesn’t take into account all the attempts that were done but where people didn’t complete the tower in that first run, as they wouldn’t be factored into that statistic as it specifies average number to complete, meaning, it’s the average number of attempts players that COMPLETED the tower made.
Let’s say that’s what I’m saying. Okay.
Let’s say you were an adult and accepted that it’s hard- anybody can join that successful minority if they apply themselves. But most people don’t want to, hence why so few did it and are doing it.
Yes, but 4,3M of those attempts were made by those 135k people. So the success rate, the number of people who tried vs those who succeeded is much higher than that 1%. You can measure success rate in raw attempts. It’s about the people trying and ultimately succeeding or failing.
You don’t know the actual number of people who tried. You can’t claim “only 1% succeeded!”. From the attempts total and average attempt to success count, we know that not to be true.
Except, again, I’d like to point out, that isn’t the case for some people, as I’ve had to point out numerous times to you lot.
With the current implementation, there are players who will not be able to clear it, likely ever, until it’s nerfed more since their one method to make up for the physicial inability to perform at that level required (that being to over gear things) is not going to be a possibility for the current mage tower.
I would guess that the vast majority of the players will not clear MT. I bet the number is 80%+ will not complete it…
At which point, it just further shows that Bliz cares little about the majority of the player base in favor of the bragarts they, some how still, think should represent their target audience in a nearly 20 year old game.
Sure, the ones who don’t want to skill up to do it. It’s a challenge, advertised as requiring mastery of one’s spec to complete. This is for anyone , not everyone. Players who don’t know how to play their spec and won’t devote the time to learn won’t compete it.
Do we really have to link every video of a player doing their challenge in all Shadowlands gear? This is a sad, false argument. But even if it was true- run a couple legacy raids and you’re all set in a few hours.
What part of this being intended as extremely difficult aren’t you getting? You can make any excuse you want- gear, consumables, tuning. The fact is enough people have succeeded in enough different ways to expose the fact that its not as unfair as it’s made out to be.
Oh yeah. I’ve stated this on numerous other threads, but to release “new” content at this time for a small part of the playerbase seems like a really questionable move considering all the stumbling Blizzard has been doing over the last 6 months.