There’s nothing to show because they never gave any indication that it was going to be ten times harder than it was in Legion, that’s the whole point. All they said, in literally the one official article they posted about it, was that they were bringing the Legion Mage Tower back.
What they brought back was an overtuned mess which did not take into account that this time around you have to face the challenges without any kind of borrowed powers and with no hope of ever outgearing them like you could at the end of Legion and which is when the vast majority of players did the challenges back then.
Anyone who chooses to not acknowledge these two facts, regardless of how they feel about the current version of the Mage Tower, is simply being disingenuous.
If anything, people who are completing it now should be toting their accomplishments because it’s a lot more difficult now that it was back then. Unfortunately, a lot of those folks instead choose to antagonize players who can’t complete it this time around by claiming it’s easy and telling them to “git gud.”
To reiterate, WoW is not a particularly difficult game by design. It’s not a first person shooter or a game that requires incredible levels of coordination or insane button mashing parkour skills. The difficulty here stems from improper tuning and the willful (and ignorant) removal of player power. If you can’t see why that can be incredibly frustrating then you’re just burying your head in the sand or choosing to turn a blind eye for whatever reason.
It’s a sad testament of just what kind of people are still playing the game and why so many have long since quit. The level of toxicity and elitism in WoW has been off the charts for years and it’s now finally boiling over when, to be perfectly frank, the loudest voices that remain are Blizzard apologists who are willing to overlook their glaring real life failings let alone their inability to keep making a good game or even to effectively communicate what they’re intending to do and checking first with players, i.e their consumers, to see if people are going to be okay with it. Which is exactly what they didn’t do here with their 24 hour PTR testing and zero communication.
You’re really struggling on the reading comprehension aren’t you?
This isn’t what he asked for- He asked for stats from the first week of the tower, not the end-of-tower fluff piece. This is post-7.2 data, after the tower had been made significantly easier through multiple tiers of gear and higher legendary drop rates. It’s also only counting characters, and not players who completed the tower. And since many people who did one tower did others, it doesn’t actually indicate how many players did it. The number who succeeded on their first attempt is astronomically small, and I also find the
supposed average attempts to succeed highly questionable. Aside from a couple of savants/easier towers, most people were spending days if not weeks on one challenge, even in 7.2.
Having something with a date makes all the difference.
With that said, this still doesn’t indicate how accessible it was. Unfortunately trying to find character population data at the time doesn’t appear to be fruitful, but I can say anecdotally that what they’re flaunting in that image was still describing a strong minority of players. And it came with the exact same complaints it has now.
World Of Warcraft Players Unhappy With Mage Tower Challenge - MMOExaminer h t t p s : / / w w w . m m o e x a m i n e r . c o m / w o r l d - w a r c r a f t - p l a y e r s - u n h a p p y - m a g e - t o w e r - c h a l l e n g e /
I was not gonna do this but seeing you using same posts i m defeated by my “urge” .
1 If you are gonna take words and then twist them to what YOU think they mean is not right dude .
2 Normalized - transitive verb. 1 : **to make (something) conform to or reduce (something) to a norm or standard
3 level of difficulty meaning - difficulty levelnoun. The relative difficulty of completing a task or objective . difficulty levelnoun. One of the difficulty settings in a video game.
Now lets butcher what the official post said
While the Challenges were considered quite difficult for most of Legion, we’re tuning the encounters in Timewalking to normalize player power, with the intention of providing a meaningful level of difficulty to current players.
Let me say exactly same thing in a different sentence
I know mohammad ali is the greatest fighter of all time but this time their are celestial powers at work and they will normalize contender power, with the intention of providing a meaningful level of difficulty to current contenders.
This should not be hard to comprehend and yet you are spreading “what you think” as “facts” .
I think you are confusing difficult for bad tuning and bugs. That’s not the case. There are no bugs and the mage tower is intentionally difficult. The mage tower is working as intended.
The Mage Tower was built and tuned for classes, talents, artifacts, gear, and legendaries that no longer exist in that same state.
The fact that many classes have been pruned, gutted, unpruned, buffed, regutted, etc and play differently than they used to has not been taken into account. They have leveraged a borrowed power system in each xpac since Legion, but disabled all our borrowed power (which is intended to make our classes whole) for the Mage Tower.
In Legion you would have had an artifact ability and 1-2 legendaries equipped AND set bonuses!
The Mage Tower content remains essentially unchanged. It requires players to accomplish the same tasks as before, but handicapped. This doesn’t mean some exceptional players can’t do it, they clearly can. And you are seeing plenty of people using specific gear/enchants/trinkets to regain some of their lost power.
If they don’t want to tune it for how classes play now without borrowed power, then Blizz need only enable covenants and SL legendaries.
I.e. remove borrowed power aspects and various gutted/reworked kits.
=/= “We’re making it easy(er)”
This is gibberish.
I don’t know why “what you think” and “facts” are in quotes, but if this is a standard you’re setting, you’re doing the same thing. Blizzard never advertised these as easy or easier. You can try to remove context of the borrowed power systems all you want, that fact is a fact. I’m sorry that hurts you enough to give into your “urge.”
Im not sure that ‘normalizing power’ is the same as making it the same as it was at a time when there were more power options.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what normalizing means. Unless it means make the players less powerful than they were back then. Which certainly seems to be the case. If they need to equip a MoP dragon trinket to get more powerful, thats seems a bit counterproductive.
You are a true keyboard warrior . None of your answers not even a single one was right or even close to right . I just gave you facts and u twisted them again and r again asking for facts again . Arguing with you is completely pointless so have a good day .