Hey Blizzard why don’t you release the Mage Tower completion stats?

Unless you were Demon Hunter. The chaos orb regen class mechanic made the challenge… Not so much of one.

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I’d agree, but also: the number of times it’s been challenged per spec, so you can see the number of times completed compared to the number of times challenged and failed per spec, and a list of the most used gear/enchants on each spec

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In the beginning, yeah. After that, nah.

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Lmao, this :laughing:

Depending on the spec, you might be in-and-out of your challenge in less than 10 wipes (easy specs) or you might literally go 200-300+ wipes (specs that depend too much on borrowed power, specs that depend too much on leggos, etc)


Friendly bump for relevance

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Why not? I’d be happy to be proven wrong I just want to see the numbers.

Dude, just let me stop you right there. When has Timewalking content in the entire history of WoW ever been hard or marketed as top end challenging content? Absolutely never, that’s when. You are right that there was no ambiguity because everyone thought that if anything it would easier than it was in Legion not ten times harder and overtuned af.

This has literally been the first and only instance when Timewalking content has been a challenge and so there was absolutely no reason for anyone to expect Legion Timewalking to be any different. Why would anyone assume that something which has been a cakewalk for years and always marketed as a fun little side event for nostalgia purposes would suddenly become some of the hardest content in the game with incredibly tight tuning to boot?! That’s why so many people are upset and frustrated. The fact that they never said anything to the contrary or warned us just further exacerbated the issue to say nothing of the short testing period and the huge buffs to HP virtually all bosses received from the PTR to the live versions.

It’s fine if you enjoy banging your head against these ridiculously overtuned challenges but don’t sit there and try to tell us you had any inkling how hard it was going to be because Blizzard gave us no indication whatsoever and even acknowledged themselves only days later that they had indeed miscalculated and overtuned them eventhough in typical Blizzard fashion they still haven’t adequately addressed it and in some cases actually made it worse.


In the beginning AND the end. DH regen was stupid nutty in Legion. Being able to death sweep the ice shards and go from 1% to 500% hp because of the orb heals AND the 100% dodge baked into the ability. It trivialized all but the most dps heavy components of that fight.


I was talking about 9.1.5, not Legion. DH currently has the most gutted toolkit of all classes coming from Legion.

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Why should they? So the players who aren’t skilled enough to beat the mage tower can scream and throw a tantrum? Everyone isn’t meant to beat challenge mode content.


Not saying they should drop the stats, but if there’s a very disproportionate ratio of classes/specs that are and aren’t able to complete the Mage Tower, it warrants more tuning, simple as that.


YES FOR RELEASING THE STATS! I bet so many more than people think have done it. They will feel bad when they realize.


Now this I kind of agree with, what would the complainers excuses then? lol


Go ahead and stop me, but only after you go back and look at the marketing material.

Anyone who thought this didn’t read the announcement post. Like you, for example.

It also appears you haven’t don’t the TBC TW raid.

I’m sorry you’re not good enough to do it then.


^this might sound mean but it’s the truth. People seem to think that everyone should be able to complete it, it’s not meant for everyone to complete. Everyone simply isn’t a good enough player to win.


Well this is the thing- literally anybody /can/ do it. But they have to have the right attitude about it and accept that it’s intentionally extremely difficult and something to work hard at. This person in particular never did this challenge with their druid, so they have no basis for comparison anyway. I did, and while it is a bit harder, it’s really not by much.

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For transparency’s sake, why else? And people are already throwing tantrums so this can only do one of two things (1) proves that the tantrums are warranted or (2) shows that they weren’t.

See I keep hearing that sophomoric line “not everyone is meant to beat it” but no one actually tries to justify it. Why shouldn’t everyone be able to do it? It’s PvE content and the rewards are cosmetic so there’s no player power involved. And there’s that “challenge mode” nonsense again. Show me when did they ever say it was going to be a “challenge.” You can’t because they never did.

I did, and quite successfully too it seems since you’re just talking nonsense now instead of addressing anything I said.

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I don’t have to address nonsense spoken out of ignorance. I’ll help you anyway:

“Are you a master of your class? It’s time to put your knowledge and skill to the test once more!”

“Meaningful level of difficulty,” and “normalized”

Nothing in these described the towers being easy or easier. A lot of peeps mistake “normalized” to mean “easy” when all it means is “unable to utilize borrowed power.” All you’ve effectively said is you and a bunch of other folks made a series of baseless assumptions about the tower and somehow it’s Blizzard’s fault for providing exactly what they advertised.

You haven’t stopped me at all, just demonstrated your own ignorance and bizarre sense of entitlement as to how challenge content is tuned.


Here, let me show you.

“When first introduced in Legion, the Mage Tower challenged players to conquer unique solo class-specific encounters. Legion Timewalking brings back the excitement with all-new rewards to obtain, and a chance to prove your tenacity. Are you a master of your class? It’s time to put your knowledge and skill to the test once more!

See that bold part? That bold part says right there that you’ll need to know how to play your class. Many players don’t even know how to play without keyboard turning, many have no idea how to use their interrupt, many don’t know how to utilize their class to half the potential that is possible.

Mechanics are another thing. Many players aren’t capable actual boss mechanics, especially when they have to do it on their own.

If this doesn’t justify it for you then nothing will.


I’m now 5 out of 7 scenarios down for the mount (one of which is guardian) and I suck. I’ll admit, I may be part of the problem - I’m doing whatever I can manage to make up the gap between my skill and what the challenge requires, and maybe that’s throwing off the metrics and making Blizzard think stuff isn’t over-tuned… but I just don’t feel like I can count on Blizzard to randomly nerf stuff to a point where it’s doable by pure skill for me and… I want a book mount!

Edit - 6 out of 7, woot! Just the healing one to go.


Imagine giving proof as the interpretation of what blizz said :slight_smile:

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