Hey Blizzard why don’t you release the Mage Tower completion stats?


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I hope they do, and people see how many are able to do it. Then realize the whole, “it’s a skill thing” comment makes sense.

I’m already pumped that J. Allen Brack’s, “you think you do, but you don’t” comment is looking like it’s aged pretty well in terms of classic due to the low numbers. He was right that people don’t want classic, and you can see all of the people’s demands to update classic with new content. BUT, that would make it a 2nd retail so…


the stats will be mainly agatha XD

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All it shows is that no one is left at blizz with the technical expertise to pull this kind of content off.


I mean they don’t.

Other than to prove MT failed but that’s kinda academic when WoW is compared to FF14.

blizzard probably pats themselves on the back if the percentage of the playerbase completing the MT is “too low”

it is supposed to not be completed by most wow chimps

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They can’t, even if it looks good, because it is meaningless without data about how many of the playerbase have attempted and have not. Which would give people a good idea of how many are still playing.

Besides, they’re constantly changing it. How many of the people having an entitlement tantrum, screaming “git gud, scrub!” completed it using timewalking gear and every old enchant, gem, and piece of gear that are now useless?


I think the magetower will be nerfed after the holidays, once this cycle ends. I have focused on Agatha and Xylem, and think the later is a lot overtuned. Agatha gave trouble, but it felt rewarding when I did it. Xylem feels s nighmare, one moment I’m doing fine, suddenly I die in ice phase. After spending a week in it (thank you vacation), I feel stressed as I died because of poor target swap or being at the exact spot of a shadow orb once it spawns.
Seeing the amount of people complaining, I believe a nerf will come, but only at the next cycle. It may seem I’m weeping at my lack of skill (more true than I want to admit), but I can’t see a future in which I finish Xylem. He wasnt this hard in Legion, which just add to frustration. Guess it is a manter of how the game will hold untill then.


But…but…a few people on the forums are mad!


The most casual place to discuss WoW has a problem clearing challenging content, who could have seen that one coming.

The hard part of that fight is not even the first or second phase, but the final burning phase. You just alternate between heroic leap or bladestorm to deal with the ice storm.


I disagree. I think they will continue to nerf player items, buff the mage tower bosses, and change the fights to make them harder.


Im going as DK, heroic leap would be really helpfull though

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Why? So they can prove it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to, which is be difficult and for a small percentage of players to complete? Just like when it was current?

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Again, it was used to bring back average players to the game. They were targeted by the marketing. The tested version was replaced with an untested version that was much harder than suggested by what players were told.

Should they somehow have known that the advertising was misleading and was intended to get them to resub for an event they would not be permitted to complete?

And before you say “everybody has permission, if they weren’t so lazy”, the fact is that if the design changed so it was no longer possible for the players who were encouraged to try it to complete it, that’s false advertising you are supporting.

People would never have resubbed if they had been told their money was only being spent on elite content for the top 1%. Not sure why you think that wasn’t deceptive.


Along with regular Legion Timewalking. It was marketed as being a challenge that would be passed only by those who had mastered their spec. There was no ambiguity.

Blizzard is fickle like that and they shouldn’t be. But what they put out is far from broken.

Go ahead and link me the misleading advertisements.

Also, this is actually pretty on point, so I’ll let you say it instead:

Show me the false advertisements.

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Nope. Nowhere was it said that only a tiny percentage could complete it. Advertising said gear would be “normalized”.

What they put out is far from what was on the PTR.

“They should have known that only the best players in the game were going to be able to do this, despite the fact that the version on the PTR looked like a tough challenge for average players.”

I get it, really. You think you’re worth it to Blizzard. They needed to show casuals what they really think of them with this, and you just lapped it up. They’re still nerfing gear and other items. They will continue, and we’ll keep seeing threads by elites on how “I only got it after I got timewalking gear, but you lazy casuals should be able to do it without the gear I needed”.

My guess is you’ ve already gotten 2 waves of unsubs, players who either felt cheated right at the start or who are now permanently burned out and will probably never play again. But hey, the game doesn’t need paying customers, does it?


They said very clearly only people who had mastered their spec could complete it. Therefore the percentage is irrelevant. And “normalize” doesn’t mean “make easy.”

This is common, welcome to the game.

You’re not linking anything because you know it’s going to defeat your point. This is sad.

… lmfao. I don’t know where you could have possibly gotten that from but you’ll find that’s very much not the case in my post history.

I love conspiracy theories, let me grab my tinfoil hat, too.

Whoever these people were clearly weren’t going to stick around in the first place if this is all they came back for, a 2 week (now 4) event. And they clearly didn’t do any reading on what it was.

If out of all the things in this game to burn out on, this is where they draw the line- this 2 week (now 4) event… they should try literally any other part of the game.

I like how you slap this on at the end as though it qualifies the previous statements, as though the answer to the question is obviously linked to specifically the Mage tower. You’re a goofball.


Every time they scale our gear down is to make it harder, not easier. The moment they said they were going to do it for the MT it was pretty clear they actually want it to be a challenge and not a freebie like at the end of Legion.


I want to see participation rates by day :laughing:

I’m willing to bet some olecranal skin that mage tower participation might be a bit low

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It has some tuning/scaling issues, but doesn’t need gutted. I did the arms one and had probably 35-40 pulls and my best was 19% on P2. I added crusader enchant and it was like 2 pulls into P2 and I got it.

Tune it so I don’t need a specific enchant or trinket to complete it and we’re gravy. Yes I know there’s some <1%er’s that beat it with all SL gear. You’re mommy and daddy’s special little person and they love you very much, but it’s time to share.