Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

Mog farmer here, signed and agreed. One of the few reasons i play is to farm and collect rare or hard to get mogs from old raids.

I even do m+ on most toons to gear up enough to make soloing legion raids possible.

If you keep making legion as hard in DF to solo as it was in SL i too probably am going to be out i do not want “hard old repayable content with a group” no, i want to listen to music and 3 shot everything so i can do 3 or 4 raids in a day and 10 or 12 in a week.

The new tuning in DF has made it just as hard to solo legion stuff as it was in SL at the start. But it should be BFA requiring 3 or 4 people now and legion should be quickly and easily solable.

I am not here for these poor changes just because you think you can con us into playing longer.

I haven’t bought DF yet and don’t intend to until the day before launch and only IF i see positive changes around legacy buffs and legion / bfa.

You keep going the way you’re going blizzard
Greed destroys all things and many of us are tired of you exploiting every way you can think of to increase “time played metric” that we know you love to talk about so much.

I didn’t play at all in Cataclysm or WOD because i did not like the direction those expansions went. That was a 4 year break and i have no problems finding something else to spend my money on the next 2 years.

And i buy a lot of tokens because i love buying rare mounts and other things so I’d watch it if i were you, you’re going to alienate a lot of people.


I seen this post yesterday and was upset a bit thinking I was gonna have issues soloing legion content again. Not sure where or how anyone is having issues with Legion raids at this point? Ran all them last night with no issues, actually found them to be easier than before.

Is Mythic Kil’Jaeden soloable yet?

Seems like throughout both BfA and Shadowlands, everyone just gets blasted off unless you’re a demon hunter.

what’s going on with solo old raids? Did something break?

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No, just Blizzard being lazy. Again. This happens every time they touch scaling and they cannot be bothered to try fixing it.

Adding a legacy buff is hard.


Question: was this done on purpose or is it just a snafu? because if it’s an error, they should be fixing it, hopefully in the near future. If it was on purpose, how dare you blizz? You just killed a major part of what makes the game fun after so many years!


We honestly do not know. It would be nice if BlizZard communicates.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’m extremely casual and have completely skipped out on SL after first patch but I’m considering a return for DF( still haven’t pre ordered)

This would kill tmogging for me. I’m leveling two new characters who have no mogs and not being able to farm mogs would be garbo


I explicitly stated all classes for a reason. I’m aware that a couple classes could solo a couple ZG bosses during Wrath, but most classes could not, and no one was soloing the entire ZG instance. Raids as a whole were not soloable until MoP and WoD.

They got their info from the same place everyone else is and i can say testing myself and keeping track of numbers this is false and nothing has changed.

Class used BM Hunter.

Boss was Goroth in ToS Mythic

Beta: Current standard gear and loadout with no modifications

LVL 70 and ilvl 340 with a 40s ttk

Live: LVL 60 ilvl 272 with a 23s ttk

Update: LVL 70 Full tier 5/5 ilvl 375 with a 28s ttk.

10.0 Live: LVL 60 ilvl 272 with a 44s ttk Boss was Goroth in ToS Mythic

10-16-2022 update

Boss was Sky Cap’n Kragg in Freehold M0

Beta: LVL 70 Full tier 5/5 ilvl 375 with a 23s ttk

Live: LVL 60 ilvl 272 with a 24s ttk

10.0 PTR: LVL 60 ilvl 272 WITH A 40S TTK!!

10.0 Live same results as 10.0 PTR

Just tested Goroth Mythic again after seeing your post and still got a 24s ttk on the latest Beta build.

So if by faster they mean 4 seconds then sure but that could be margin of error for execution of my rotations.

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That’s one of the main reasons I play as well. Old content is so much fun to me, and if Bilzz ruins it, I won’t stick around.


It does seem like the devs vastly underestimate the appeal of running old content, even as they add new mount achievements and the like. A lot of people run old content for many things. There’s no reason to make it or keep it harder if a few years have passed since any particular dungeon or raid was released.


They understand it enough to nerf speed sets


On beta, BFA outside Chromie Time I believe scales to 60 not 50.

told you guys it’d be fixed lol https://www.wowhead.com/news/legacy-raids-damage-multiplier-added-to-legion-raids-in-dragonflight-329581?webhook

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Like I said, in WoD…

First squish and made every content trivial. in WoD pre-patch you could solo the entire dragon soul 25 heroic! Before that 99% of people couldn’t solo raids from 2 previous expansions! Most Dps couldnt solo classic raids in wrath, just like most dps couldnt solo BC raids in Cata, and by solo I mean teh hardest bosses in the hardest dificulty

This just in, despite what your mommy says, it’s not all about you snowflake.

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It’s all about money, and I have some of it.

If Blizzard wants it, they’ll keep me happy.

This just in, despite what your Tucker Carlson says, Blizzard does want my money, and they will comply with anything that would increase or maintain their profits.

Do I expect things to change just for me? No. But millions of people play this game, and even most of the people here in this thread have expressed their agreement with what I said and the ultimatum I gave.

And look.

It worked!

Kindly extract your head from your rear end and enjoy a slice of humble pie.


Blizzard is finally adding the old raid algorithm to legion raids. It applies to our toons once we reach 70 so we can spit at mythic argus and he will die.


I have a completionism problem so I understand wanting to solo stuff. My guild always breaks down because of GM gets burnt out so I run old school stuffs solo. The addon All The Things is a bane upon my existence but I must complete it ALL!!

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