Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

So, you know. Keep making legacy raids soloable like you have been doing for 18 years.

Or I’m out.



That is a very specific reason to play a game

But yea, they need to fix that stuff already


Bosses from 2+ expansions ago should basically explode on contact. I get that Blizz loves to draw out your playtime as much as possible, but at some point people will just get annoyed and not do that stuff anymore.


You were soloing old raids in 2004?


mythic nighthold kicked my level 59 lock’s butt lol


The number of people who will be upset about not being able to solo old raids as before does not come close to reflecting in the forums.

I love going into old raids for toys I still need or the random transmog piece, and just pew pew.

We raid together in old raids when timewalking. Why this should be necessary outside of that is ridiculous.


oh man that version of ebonchill staff is gorgeous.


No, in 2004 I was running around being amazed by OG Azeroth because I was seeing it for the first time.

I got to 60 and got Epic Riding, but I didn’t raid and figured I’d never get to.

I think it was Wrath when I first started soloing legacy stuff and enjoying it. Ever since then, though, my interest in WoW has always been soloing as much current content as I can without encountering any difficulty, and then doing all the easier legacy content the next expansion.

If Legion raids aren’t going to be easily soloable going into DF, I’m looking at half my usual content. SL already stalled me out. We should been soloing BfA mythics in DF.


I’m quite fond of soloing old raids for mounts, transmogs and whatever else and enjoy blasting them as I go. Some Legion ones still take longer than I’d prefer, but I’m ready to knock around some BFA ones too…and multiple alts too, not just this guy. I also like to take some time to look around and appreciate the scenery, something that is hard to do when a raid or dungeon is current and everyone wants to zip through it. /shrug


15th this, please fix blozzard this stuff should auto die


Have you tried using some of the utility options in your talent build? I hear those are helpful.


What do you mean, can’t solo stuff anymore???


I have an undergeared 60 that is soloing BFA mythic no problem, what’s the issue

I also would like to know the specifics of this compliant. Did something change?


This isn’t WoD where you could solo everything. Everyone got used to easy mode and now that things got a little bit less face roll people complain.

Back at early MoP you couldn’t solo content till 2 expansions. I remember you couldn’t solo kaelthas in Cata, and you couldn’t solo LK 25 heroic in early MoP.

Where you guys expecting to solo BfA during pre-patch? BfA mythic raiding should only be soloed by the end of dragonflight…

Now about the Legion mythic almost every encounter should be soloed by now with exception of last raid if your gear isnt currently mythic

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what changed?

no legendary effects outside of shadowlands now
no set bonuses
no covenant abilities outside of shadowlands

that’s how one was nerfed in the raids

“but you can talent x and y effect!”

yeah and I don’t have the talent points one would have at 70


well its nice to know someone who know how the game should be played. How about you stick to how you play it and leave other people alone that don’t match your gameplay style. Not everyone likes TW raids like you do. If you really don’t have something to say other than push your playstyle on others… then perhaps don’t post


I ran a Mythic Antorus last night on my pally and it was actually easier than before pre-patch. I didn’t go too in depth with talent research, so pretty much just threw something together to gage difficulty.
Haven’t tried it on any other classes yet, but I was feeling kinda hopeful about it…that is until this emergency maintenance. Can’t even begin to imagine what they are gonna screw up.

I am with you 100%

I love old raids and dungeons and refuse to do timewalking.

I love the game. Other players not so much. the game itself its great if you dont have to deal with other players. WoW players just ruin the game


Who doesnt smash through old raids for fun? Everyone has to at some point.

Edit: this is an endorsement for the op