Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

I remember when i soloed onyxia 80 in cata on my blood dk, it took me 14 minutes but i was so happy :joy: in mop i spent most of my time soloing older raids, became an expert at soloing DS spine

Only reason i was ever able to afford spectral tiger was because of soloing or two manning old raids

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While you’re on a roll can you demand playable Ogres please?

Git gud. Or don’t.

There might be hope

I don’t want them to explode on contact - a moderately challenging but soloable experience would be nice. Explode on contact should be every dungeon though.

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That only works on people without friends. I am beloved throughout Azeroth and every step I take away from this game draws tears from the eyes of people I cherish.

I will be missed, and I will miss others in return.

Your aggressions cannot alter the connections I have forged throughout the years. :slight_smile:


We are in patch 10.0. old raids are set for a level 70 toon not 60. This is why people cant solo some of them at this time. Also didnt you leave cause of archeology?

Boss Hogrus.


you’re never soloing ghunn

why is their philosophy on old raids like this ffs

why make it so next expansion raises the level of difficulty of old content to the new cap? if it works fine now


I thought they fixed this already. Legion raids or something?

Because their only job is to seek out fun where ever it lurks and slay it.


New talents borrowed powers ect can bug out the instance. Its the same reason why our legendaries dont work on Azeroth right now only shadowlands content.

I don’t have legendaries, so I didn’t know.

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looks like 32x multiplier on legion now in beta, good

but bfa? what is bfa at lvl 61? it better be good

the guy ur responding to make no sense, legendary didnt bug stuff out before lol

is this at level 70

Wasn’t there a time when you could just go into old raids and whisper at the stuff and it would die, what happened?

The only character I can solo on is my Hunter for Mythic Tomb of Sargeras and even then, KT still gives me issues if I mess up on the stupid bombs. I would love to go back through multiple years old content and just one shot it easy peasy for mounts and transmogs.


Legion content and above.


Level squish screwed us over.

That’s the entire point of the game for me.


Hush, you.

I’ll have you know that Grand Lord DJ Shreddie Shreddimus Von Shreddums Shredsquatch Shredinator McShredster from Shredsylvania and parts unknown would absolutely be missed.


The stat squishes along with the new scaling has been problematic to say the least.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: