Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

You’re in for a rude shock when in 2 weeks that’s no longer the case because that BFA content scales up to 60 instead of 50.

If you’re planning on, say, farming Mythic Islands, do it before the 15th. Currently those and a lot of other BFA content are soloable that won’t be after the 15th.

Uh, yeah. You’re going to need a decently geared 60 to clear Mythic Nighthold. There’s essentially a DPS check on Mythic Gul’dan that also requires you not to get chain stunned.

BfA isn’t scaling up to 60 in 2 weeks, it’s remaining at 50.

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Hopefully in the future they take a long hard look at the rewards that were added after it’s initial Cataclysm release. It’s all subjective but Scimitar of the Sirocco, Zin’Rokh and Thurissan’s staff were leaps and bounds above the other weapons they released with each passing expansion until it’s pause.

Preferably without the RNG that laughs every 500 or so solves, which you don’t get the item.

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You do this a lot. How’s it been working for you?

Come back on the 15th and see how well this ages.

It will age really well since you’re confusing Chromie Time with the actual content in normal time.

Molten Core isn’t level 50 right now even though you can level in Vanilla all the way to 50.

Excellent. I got everything I demanded.

Now I’m demanding more.


Hogrus says you aren’t ever allowed to leave.

*rampant oinkery…

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Can you solo mythic Eonar?

Ok bye, you won’t be missed


The clear issue is the obvious gear rework, since they want to make SLands be done via Chromie which creates a problem. I think Blizzard should be putting a debuff in old content to make it easier.

Wouldnt that be a point against caving into your demands as now there is an established pattern of you never being satisfied regardless of whether youve gotten what you want or not?

if yall haven’t seen it, someone on the beta is reporting that they just added damage multipliers in legion content(at level 70) in this last build



You are both correct. BFA in Chromie time while levelling will scale 10-60. BFA outside of Chromie time will remain at 50.

I had no problem with damage in Legion. I had trouble with Eonar’s mechanics. What’s the trick there?

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There’s a 3 minute youtube video of a DK doing it and explaining it. It is very simple and scripted. It’s been soloable since 9.1

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Thanks. I haven’t tried it in quite a while.

There is absolutely no excuse for Legion AND BfA raids to not be an absolute cakewalk for solo farmers when we hit cap in DF.


yeah you could, you just had to run all the way to the start of the instance after phasing him so that the adds walked their way over 1 by 1 and you never had to fight all 4 at once :stuck_out_tongue: (they walked/run at different speeds) and there was something with the doorway i can’t remember anymore


Wrong - some of us have been soloing old content for years. That isn’t to say it was ‘walk in, hit boss, boss falls over’ easy though.

In Wrath, I solo’d the classic ZG bosses for chances at mounts on my hunter (never got one to drop).

In Cata, I farmed old TBC raids for gold and mounts and completed the ‘earn 100K gold’ achievement, and could even solo the Firelands bird boss by DS.

By MoP, I was able to solo level 80 Wrath raid content on a level 80 DK (MoP blues lol).

By WoD, even my terribad alts could routinely solo anything two expansions old.

Just because some players are really bad at the game or maybe just never realized that older content was solo-able doesn’t mean some of us haven’t been doing this for years.

Oh and the legacy buff was not added to make solo-ing possible, it was added to compensate players for the relative power lost in older content due to the stat squash.