Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

LOL, well played!

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Was something negatively affected? I’m still able to clear Legion stuff just fine.


Its understandable to feel weaker when i first level or in content only 1 xpack old, but I shouldn’t feel weaker when a pre-patch happens especially when its claimed “we’ll balance around losing tier sets”. I still feel weaker than I did pre level squish which is absurd.

People like to point to FF 14 and say well they do scaling and stuff, but you can still setup the raid to just overpower it with raw power increases. This just speaks to how detached from reality they are with certain things, always feels like 2 steps forward 1 step back.

I worked at Blizzard for a little over a year and it’s all MAU’s and people logging on everyday stuff, I’ve been playing since vanilla and it might seem small to just not feel strong in old content but its just another in a list of pointless nerfs to player power. Especially when this is super easy to fix and they even have a system in place in game to handle it already.


I used to love doing this too.

Any raid or dungeon 4+ years old should be soloable by max levels in greens. I was soloing ZG on my DK and Hunter in Wrath. Why they would mess with this unofficial rule is beyond me.


I’m not too happy about not being able to make old content after WoD. Because for ALTS Legion and BfA is a nightmare. This is unsatisfactory even for the Main. You pay a subscription for it, but Blizzard shows how disgusting they are.

Legion, BfA, and Shadowlands (when Dragonfligt comes out) should be playable solo without breaking a sweat. The bosses and the mobs should be killed in no time


All I can say to this entitlement is Byyyyyeeeee!

Okay thanks. Soloing older content is always a fun time at the end of xpacs to burn time, but also maybe catchup on encounters and drops might’ve missed. I’ll read up on this more.

Nope. Nobody ever suggested that players should be able to stand around and not have to actually do the raid to have bosses die. You are the only one who has said this.

The current design philosophy is to make old raids harder when the new expansion comes in. The idea that you are guaranteeing to us that it will be easy enough to solo Legion mythic raids if only players whose gameplay is mostly collecting keep paying for the game even though you and your buddies in the dev department deny access is hilariously false.

Did Ion tell you this personally, and you believed him? Did he come to you in a dream and say this? Or are you just making it up like you were in the BfA beta, telling people that they would be able to solo Legion Mythic raids on their main when they had full heroic gear but obviously never be able to farm them for transmog?


Thought you already left because of archeology? Or was that another bluff?


Ideally content from 2 expacs ago should be somewhat easily soloable as soon as you hit max level and get some gear. So BfA mythic Ny’alotha should be soloable 1-2 months into 10.0

Content from Shadowlands should be challenging, yet soloable beginning in 10.3 / 10.4. This allows a type of mage tower content that is continuously in rotation.

Neither of these are the case right now and its an arbitrary time gate. As long as new content is continuously being made then there’s no value in putting a two expac delay on this stuff. Even BfA raid finder stuff isn’t all soloable right now as certain bosses have mechanics that prevent it (Opulence, Queen’s Court for example). Putting a chaellnge into solo’ing last expacs content is really an untapped source of player engagement that blizz is neglecting.


The funniest part about this whole thing is when the lack of content WoD debacle was going on, one of Blizzard’s selling points was going back and running old content.

Ah, how times have changed.

Hope they fix this before 12.0.


Legacy raids were not soloable by all classes until MoP, and even then there was a limit on what you could solo.

Blizzard didn’t officially add the level difference tech to make old raids soloable until WoD, which was 8 years ago. It hasn’t been 18 years.

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pretty sure they didn’t intend to overtune raids, it was just an oversight with their world tuning sadly. it’ll be fixed, this isn’t the first this this has happened lol. give it time. if it’s not fixed in 2 weeks, then ya there’s a problem.

i still have mounts to get

Before, I was easily soloing every mythic Legion raid with 230-240 ilvl gear. I tried to solo mythic Antorus today, with 290 ilvl gear, and I could not kill Aggramar. Felhounds was a very close fight.

Legion stuff should be faceroll by now.


Did they never add in the legacy damage buff to all Legion content?


I mean, these are the same people who nerfed Soar because of Pet Battles, so I’m not sure what you were expecting …


You have my blades and support.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I hope that its only the pre-patch and the 2 weeks. Tbh, its a bit confusing on why they made it so that it cannot be solo’d? I don’t understand the reasoning behind it.

Here, I’ll help you out :wink: Msg me.

I did, but they’re “bringing archaeology back” by making a faction tied in with Dragon Isles archaeology. The expected rewards will be appearing, but will be acquired through a rep grind, I guess.

I said if any form of archaeology came back and if we got more character slots, I’d return.

We have 10 more slots per account now. Here I am.