Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

Before the stat squash, I was farming M NH every week in between regular raiding.
After stat Squash, I can’t even get past the cake boss.
Like seriously Blizz.
I don’t want to run an old raid with other people just in order to get the mount from that raid. Seriously fix it.


here’s the general rule…if it’s fun…
it’s probably headed for the chopping


here’s the general rule…if it’s fun…
it’s probably headed for the chopping
and it’s our own fault…they do these things…
and we keep paying them…thus, they think we


It’s time for the BFA legacy buff. 8x damage given, 1/8th damage taken, or something like that.


Well-geared level 110’s were able to solo mythic Archimonde. You can still see the videos on how to do this. This is how the game should be. A well-geared players should be able to solo every raid of the last expansion, and everyone should be able to solo a 2 expansion old raid.

Every 100 of mine was able to solo Firelands during wod. After changes in Legion that came with level scaling, even the best geared 100 twink (with better than mythic HFC gear) couldn’t anymore.


is fun defined as steamrollable without even watching the monitor? Like i’d see all of your points if you were talking about stuff like wod or early legion raids not being soloable aside from the odd mechanic here and there but cmon, bfa wasn’t THAT long ago. If you’ve waited 2 yrs you can wait another 2 or so. Game doesn’t need to be balanced around people not wanting to put any effort into it.

Just to let you all know, the game is back up!

now we know why emergency maintanence was declared…they found out people were having an easier time soloing old content.


i enjoy collecting legacy raid gear, mounts, etc that i missed…
but that’s too much fun, i guess…
we’re not supposed to be having fun…we’re supposed to be
they better wake up…and really soon!


FYI, there is an issue with Covenant soulbind conduits messing up you skills, whether you are in SL and or if they “active” or not. I’m not saying this will help any but it is known to happen. Like, if on a Havoc DH you have the conduit Serrated Glaives but also have the Talent of the same name, it for whatever reason gives you the lesser version from the conduit instead. Try removing all you conduits? No idea if it helps, just read stuff somwhere.

I haven’t tested myself, but there are reports that the health of bosses in legacy content have increased, making some old content stay out of reach of easy solo farming. This has happened a few times in the recent past because of rescaling issues from squishes, but there seems no rational reason for it to happen in old instances now.

(I suppose I should add a run or two to the todo list to check it out for myself … my one successful run of Antorus a year or two ago was pretty traumatic and I haven’t been back since)

edit: started through Legion mythic raids for the first time. Got up to Tomb/Avatar where I hit a wall of not having looked up how to deal with the rapid terrain destruction mechanics. Decided it was a good place to take a break. Took some damage in the last couple of encounters so Antorus mythic is probably still a little dangerous for me. May have to wait until the end of Dragonflight to start going for the mounts?


Not for everyone, but for me, that is a requirement - yes.

Any difficulty at all and I stop having fun and become annoyed.

Yes, it does. Blizzard is a business and I pay them because things have worked a certain way since this game launched. It is an ongoing choice that every player makes every 1-6 months.

I have never put effort into video games, and I never will.

If you don’t design your game in such a way that I have fun, you don’t get my money. Simple as that.

My money is for whoever entertains me best.

This is true of most people.

If you want to make money, you will please as many customers as you can.

In my case, all I want is for them to keep doing what they’ve always done and stop trying to force me into things I will not do. I don’t care what they offer or change, I’m not grouping up.

It’s up to them who gets my cash. They have it right now because I still have things to do, but the second I run out, I’m walking, and if they don’t make new legacy content easier in the future, there won’t be anything to draw me back into the game. I have played this game two expansions behind since Wrath, and now I’m 3 behind because I still can’t solo Legion raids.

If it gets any worse, other gaming options will start to look more attractive than WoW.


I’m not sure if it’s because it’s an xyz class situation, but none of my toons are particularly geared and I did my Tuesday sweep just as easily as last Tuesday. Could have taken an extra 10s and I didn’t notice, but I wasn’t pressed even through mythic Antorus.

Is this a BfA thing?

I think you misunderstood — I don’t do timewalking, but if I did, I need a raid. Otherwise, I still want to be able to solo old content.


Yeah, as of late Blizzard is taking out a lot of the incentive to solo old content, they want you doing the new content… and like it…


Kinda like the new ui? (which btw, I like but get people dont want to be forced into anything)

If they do, great. If they mess it up for a while I guess cya

I suppose so, FYI I think the new UI is ok, not great but not bad, my opinion only

Where ya been shreds?

not farming old raids…