Hey, Blizzard. The whole reason I keep paying you is so I can solo old content

I do hate it. I love the developers who make it, but I spent the worst seven years of my life in Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV gives me PTSD flashbacks of the Valkurm Dunes.

A game giving PTSD flashbacks. So I guess going to a therapist is not one of your options.

This is cringe. If this is really the case, you REALLY need to get off the game then.

Yep. Final Fantasy XI was a horrible experience for me. It started off as an addiction to graphics. I actually found the world quite pretty and engaging. I liked what I saw of the story, and I’ve always been a Final Fantasy fan.

But that game required groups to level, and everything was OP vs. you.

Even a crab the same level as you would butcher you if it caught you walking alone.

Like most young gamers, I stupidly tried to play that game with friends and loved ones. All it did is make us fight, and reveal to me just how much I dislike having friends with needs and schedules to consider.

If I respected my friends’ wishes, I made no progress. If I went ahead and leveled, everyone got mad at me. And it didn’t matter anyway, because no part of it was fun for me. And then I’d get to max level and just start over again on another job. It was boring, tedious, frustrating, and painful.

I could not do anything I wanted to do in that game.

Not one thing.

So I ended up spending my last year in the game just sitting inside my Juno Mog House, ERPing in whispers. When WoW came out, Blizzard was like, “Are you tired of having to group? Our new game lets you solo all the way to the level cap.” And I was like, “I’m down like a clown, Charlie Brown.”

I literally left all my friends behind and came to Azeroth and never looked back.

This is my soloers paradise, and these level squish changes that retune legacy dungeons threaten the foundation upon which my 18 years of satisfaction are built.


Or voice our concern that they’ve (again) broken something?

Crazy how something works just fine for YEARS, but suddenly it should change for mysterious reasons?


And scaling. Not just level squishes as scaling is broken.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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7 posts. This is definitely the newest form of trolling.


Old MMOs definitely suck in this regard. It’s actually crazy it took so long for MMOs to become fun playable games instead of jank attempts at simulating Tabletop games.

People say this and that about WoW, but really, what set WoW so far forward is that it is the first MMO to attempt to be a fun game and not a Tabletop simulator. Vanilla was pretty bad, but it was still miles better than the actual trash-tier garbage that was out at the time.

Like, I enjoyed DAOC, but I enjoyed DAOC because it was an early PvP game. Many humans have an inherent drive to compete and DAOC allowed us to compete against each other, even if it was in the context of a very jank experience.

People say hindsight is 20/20, but honestly it wasn’t “hindsight” to say “Maybe MMOs should actually be fun”. I feel like the jump to WoW from previous MMOs was actually totally obvious if you played any other actual videos and not just Tabletop Games like it seemed EQ / FF / all those other guys were doing.



People love to sing the praises of Vanilla, but Vanilla sucked by today’s standards.

What made it so magical was that it was the first MMO to emphasize personal fun.

I could just log in and immediately start doing the stuff I wanted to do, and I could keep doing the stuff I wanted to do forever! Once I consumed all the solo content, new solo content would be introduced! It was great. I loved the dynamic and that was why I loved vanilla.

But leveling was way too slow, there wasn’t anything to do at end-game, and making gold for your first epic mount was tedious to the nth degree. There were no collections tabs, inventory was embarrassingly small, and nothing was account-wide.

The game today is lightyears better than it was then.

The MMO landscape is just significantly different today than it was, and so people are less impressed.


If you can’t solo legion stuff by now maybe consider a new passtime ingame.

I don’t get all the random people in here trying to argue with the OP. Blizzard made old raids harder for people to solo, so people cant enjoy the game like they used to. Folks have a right to complain when something they pay for transforms into something they dont like anymore. All the people in here arguing with the OP probably don’t even solo old raids, so why are you here arguing for the game to be worse for someone else? Do any of you in here arguing even touch old raids AT ALL? What do you possibly gain? Blizzard fans have this strange habit of defending Blizzard no matter what choice that they make, even at the cost of the player’s own benefit. It’s utterly baffling to me.

“Oh blizzard ruined a piece of the game for a large portion of their audience? Would it be healthy for the game to support the people telling blizzard is was ruined? Nah! I’m going to call the OP stupid and gaslight him instead.”

It’s all so tiresome.


So you’re saying there’s a chance!

There will always be 2 kinds of players, those who like group content and those who don’t. Like it or not, both are present and both have needs.

Saying you should not be able to solo old raids because it should be hard is missing one important point. Drop chances for things like mounts are abysmal. Sure, up the difficulty, but increase the drop chance for stuff.

If it’s going to take 100s of runs to get something and you also make it harder, you’ve made it unnecessarily painful and have done nothing but made these folks more bitter.

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Hey guess what. everything got “raised” 10 levels due to scaling. You’ll be able to solo the content at 70 since everything is currently tuned for that. take a break for 2 weeks. launch happens. hit 70 in 2 days, and go back to farming your crap. jfc.

I solo old raids a lot, and I don’t really have any issues doing it. Just because you pay 15 bucks a month doesn’t give you a say in how the game is made. If you don’t like it, or don’t have the skill to keep up, try a different game /shrug

It’s really more like Blizzard cares about two groups of players - those who play at level cap to play the current expansion, and those who are leveling to the level cap.

Blizzard doesn’t really care about you otherwise. Scaling changes that impact and improve the experience for tens of millions of characters are more important than the handful of folk who want to mog farm while 3/4 of the way asleep.

Blizzard isn’t trying to make content harder, they’re just trying to improve the leveling experience and the blanket scaling changes have impacted raids.

Your post has a threat within it, and Blizzard doesn’t respond to threats, just saying. When you state that you’re doing something if something isn’t done, then it’s a threat.

Also, I have no issue soloing in Vegeance, and like that mobs don’t melt in 1 shot.

Bosses from the last expansion should explode. They have conditioned the community into this three expansion nonsense. The last expansion is legacy - plain and simple.


Legion content should be easy as eating cake, especially at lvl 60. And I was able to solo Aggromar and the Unmaker on LFR relatively easily on my lvl 60 190 ilvl Warrior prior to Phase 2 of the prepatch (still searching for the Scythe of the Unmaker), but after Phase 2 the scaling of legion raids went bonkers and now the bosses are damage sponges.

Good thing there’s an event that will give out some catchup gear, but… please stop changing the difficulty of old raids, it’s just asinine.


It is. :dracthyr_love_animated: They’ll be giving people a huge damage buff at 70, though.

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