Hey Blizzard: Priests are officially the LEAST played class

I couldn’t stand warlock because I couldn’t move, I can see people disliking the rotation, but it flows pretty well with shadow word death specced imo.

But seeing how apparitions is required in that slot I get the hate.

Edit: realized I basically repeated myself lmao, Trying to say shadow word death being an instant helps prolong voidform easily on the move with the obvious caveats of reduced efficiency at the cost of improved function and its use being conditional.

And the flow of combat that results from that (and dotting everything with pain while i’m running) Is kinda fun. However, Since talents are unbalanced and thus required for optimal play its a moot point

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Why on earth would I settle for a class that “flows pretty well” when specced into a talent that was ripped away from us baseline when I can play a well designed caster class?

A class should not only work and feel good if you spec it correctly, the talents should further prop up an already fun to play spec.

Doesn’t mean anything. We are almost always required to spec into AS and not Death and even if we can spec into Death it’s an execute. It does not change the core rotation and feel of the class until a boss is under 20% health.

Almost every Priest now takes Misery because SW:P is not only a waste of a global, the benefit from ToF is not worth the global saved by Misery when multi-dotting.

Voidform Spriest was a spec designed for Legion around the artifact, which means we borrowed all the power that made the class even somewhat fun and playable. That was all ripped away in BFA, and we were left with an awful spec that not only punishes you for moving, the REWARD for proper positioning and proper VF rotation does not outweigh the RISK for bringing the class into M+ or Raiding content.

If you like it then more power to you, I don’t want Blizzard to remove something you enjoy. But Shadow, from a fundamental standpoint of how the game works, is one of the most poorly designed specs they could’ve ever made. Probably sounds like I’m just raging at this point, but every time I talk about this class I get pissed because it used to be so awesome and Blizzard took what 99% of spriests enjoyed and through it in the trash when they introduced voidform.


“Priests are officially the least played class”.


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… what the hell…

Pretty sure blizzard has never played shadow based on those changes. As someone who LIKES current shadow I hate those changes

Make no one happy lmao

Every class I play has been ruined by the new animations. There. I said it.

I hate nothing more than every single race using the exact same combat animations in this game. I made multiple warriors, rogues, priests, and mages. BECAUSE of the different casting and melee animations for all of these races. Now we all do the same pattern of attacks in exactly the same way, admittedly it’s much worse for melee than it is casters, but casters are being neglected too.

Race specific combat animations was the one thing WoW had over every single other MMO in the world. To my knowledge, nobody went to the extent blizzard did originally to make your toon feel unique and special to go as far as to make different races use different attack patterns.


I love playing priest but wish they did something about how bad shadow is

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i mean you still auto attack different. Its just when you use an ability that you LEARNED you do it the same way you learned to do it. It actually makes more sense this way.

I mean, yeah. If we’re looking at it like martial arts or something. it doesn’t matter who taught you the pattern of the attack will be the same.

But it isn’t about sense. It’s about fun. It was much more fun to have variety. And auto attacks aren’t the problem. It also kind of makes sense that a gnome isn’t going to be able to perform the same movements as a night elf. Or dwarves momentum driven swinging movements compared to orcs strong, focused slashes.

Take pandaren melee for example, they had the most sophisticated, advanced attack animations in the previous iteration of the game. Now only 1 of 3 of those beautiful attack patterns is available. It’s really sad.

Some of the more iconic attack animations are gone. Like the Blood elf male crusader strike. Or the human heroic strike animation.

Watching the difference between my undead warlock and my gnome warlock casting immolate was 100% the fun of playing different races for me. Now i have no reason outside of racial benefit becuase it’s going to look the same on a different body.

Edit: i’d also argue that if we were different races, we’d have different cultures, and while we might arrive at the same destination as classes, we may have forged our own path leading to different styles.

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Yeah… I have two max level priests. I hate playing them though. The biggest issue for my shadow spec is there is no AOE. I can’t deal with more than a few mobs without some amount of hassle. Look at any other class and a few mobs to a large pack of them makes no difference.

So what I usually do is … just play holy and deal with the abysmal DPS.

I really enjoyed priests from vanilla through … well, panda land even. Something makes them un-fun now though :confused:

What caster class is well designed at the moment though? Fire definitely is not if that’s what you’re insinuating.

Speak for yourself Horde human. I quite enjoy being an envoy of the old gods.

If you took a poll asking all Spriest mains if they are for or against Voidform, I’m willing to bet that at least 85-90% of them would want it removed. The majority of them have been saying it’s no good since Legion.


You know somethings wrong when the basic priest class is the least played! That’s super surprising to me! We need a FIX BIZZ!

Priests are rumored to touch kids and are so religious it’s boring.

I’m not sure any amount of changes is going to make people flock to a class that has a totally different identity in real life.

Guys, keep being vocal. Just don’t lose hope. Just because they haven’t said anything yet doesn’t mean they don’t have something in the works. Don’t give up. Keep giving feedback even if it seems like you’re repeating yourselves.

Throw me in for either Cataclysm or MOP shadow priest back though.


This is the reason SPriest sucks. You people and your “suggestions”

Really you had to go there? This has nothing to do with the game.


Blizzard: What can I say except youre welcome?


And you don’t think the two have a connection?

I certainly don’t play the class because I don’t like religion, lol.

Folks play classes that resonate with them.

Just saying, aside from mechanics, that’s likely why Priests are this unpopular.

They also aren’t the “best and only” healers like in Classic, many people were Priests because they had to if they wanted better heals.

Voidform sucks.

It’s awful in leveling, mythic+, arenas, and mediocre in raids.

3-4 mandatory talents that must be taken to prop up the spec in all content.