Hey Blizzard: Priests are officially the LEAST played class

So much this. Disc has so many blatantly dead talents, both in the normal tree and the PvP tree. There’s legit like 2 rows that you can even think about changing.

Castigation needs to have Contrition’s effects merged into it and be mega buffed.
Twist of Fate needs to proc off damage again.
Schism needs to be baseline.

Body and Soul is dead.
Masochism is dead.
Angelic Feather needs to be baseline.

Shield Discipline is dead.
Mindbender is mostly dead.
Power Word: Solace needs to be baseline.

CC rows are boring and shouldn’t exist.

Sins is fine but could be made way more impactful in either direction.
Contrition should be removed and merged with Castigation.
Shadow Covenant’s new Shadowlands effect is actually good and interesting.

Purge is lame and should be baseline/removed and replaced with Cascade.
Divine star should be replaced with its MoP logic.
Halo likewise.

Light’s Caress is going to be dead (other than in M+ because its the least awful option).
Luminous Barrier is dead because they made it replace Barrier.
Evangelism is 100% required for raiding.

tldr our talent tree is awful and has been for years


The last time I enjoyed playing my priest was the Dot-less spec. I think Blizz needs to put more effort into the talent trees that changes the way we play the class. Having options is never a bad thing. Here’s hoping Blizz throws you guys a bone.


Defund voidform!


And?? There will always be a least played class.

To the people latching onto the monk part, it’s actually really sad that a vanilla class is one of the least played. Monk you’d expect to be on the bottom since they were added in MoP. For a vanilla class to be at the bottom that means old players who have been playing priest for years are no longer playing their priests.


Who could have predicted this downward spiral? It doesn’t feel right to see priests in this position if this is accurate data. Like when the Yankees are bad baseball doesn’t feel quite right. Yes I’m comparing priests to a baseball team fight me.

Mistweaver and Windwalker have a lot of problems too. At least BrMs are awesome, though, while Priest has three bad specs.

Given how M+ has gone, they have some real design work to do to make other healers competitive. To date, they don’t really have a grasp on it - frankly, hpal is only good because the players figured out the glimmer spec and Bliz almost nerfed it since they hadn’t designed it to be good…

Druid is so far over the top in every aspect of M+ and there has been zero sign of it changing. However that used to be true of blood dks and prot wars in reaping, so it is possible to change it.

Disc is far from being bad for Mythic raiding. Currently, disc is second most desired healer in Mythic Raiding. Even at that, holy and disc both can do M+ up to 20 fairly easy. Also Holy is an amazing healer for heroic raiding (best) and for Mythic raiding its healing is near holy pally.

It was difficult getting all 15s as holy I felt handicapped and still do, but this has been my main for 12 years… also yea shadow sucks we have to waste a talent to make a 45 second interupt into 30 seconds… whattt?

I love the basic idea of the Priest class, but also hate playing it.
So much potential hamstrung by strange design choices.

It’s like oh hey they’re great in raids but what about people who aren’t raiding?
Doing solo content they just feel bad.


Parse padding with PoH/Atonement isn’t the same thing as saving lives with your heals either, so their “great for raiding” status isn’t objective fact.

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Shadow was like THE raid dps spec for like all of legion and most of bfa. It was literally godly.

Disc has been top tier in pvp for soooo long. And its pretty good in raids right now.

As for holy, poor holy priest. (tbh I don’t really know much about holy)

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The ONE thing that stops me from playing my priest. It’s clunky, it’s frustrating, I don’t WANT to be “lol void insanity durr” like the 50 billion trash mobs I’ve killed this expac, I want to just be someone who can harness shadow power on my own rather than drawing from some tired octopus aesthetic.


I like void form, but I also unironically like St. Anger by Metallica so as you can see I’m easy to impress. But I do agree that if they can’t balance it right and make it fun and effective then it needs to go.

I’m mostly a disc player anyway and yeah it’s annoying as hell how often disc gets the shaft. They market disc as the damage dealing healer, but in practice other pure healing specs can actually do more damage…

Give me a true hybrid or nothing at all

I do more damage spamming arcane missiles on my mage at 430 ilvl than my 465 shadow priest lol. Such a garbage dps spec and I’m sick of it.


Holy isnt any better and suffers from similar issues having many dead or just bland talents like:
Enduring Renewal and Enlightment on the first tier

Perseverance and Angel’s Mercy(which sould just go baseline) on tier 2 are no match for feathers as they are our only option for mobility…

Afterlife on tier 3 is a joke and Cosmic ripple is just the worst non interactable trait that they could have brought over from our artifact in legion. (Why not the cloak effect instead or the pvp one where you can activate spirit of redemption at will ?!!)

Also agree on either feathers or Body and soul becoming baseline for all 3 specs. Both the movement speed/defensives and the cc talent rows are jokes.

Imo they should go back to how it was on pandaria for those tiers.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m a Shadow Priest, not a sea creature. I liked it better aesthetically when it was dark angel wings, ravens, and orbs than the tentacles we have now.


After playing my priest since vanilla i have contemplated on switching to another healer since i recently returned to BFA and only truly enjoy m+ content

Hold up, I thought this OP was a troll, but she’s actually right about a lot of this…