Hey Blizzard: Priests are officially the LEAST played class

Other than monks, (who are quickly catching up) priests are now the LEAST played class in the game, even getting beaten by Shamans and Warlocks.

Thank you for keeping all 3 specs the worst in mythic+ for 2 expansions in a row and soon to be 3 if nothing changes.

Thank you for making Priest’s only DPS spec a dumpster fire. Thank you for ignoring all feedback and calls for voidform to be changed for the past few years. Thank you for propping Shadow up with borrowed power instead of actually fixing the spec…

Thanks for nerfing Disc every patch just because of raids while it suffers everywhere else. Thanks for doing the same for Shadow too.

Thanks for marketing Disc as the damage dealing healer while Holy Pallies, Druids, and Monks do damage (as well as everything else) better. Thank you for not doing anything about resto druid dominance in mythic+ in general.

Thanks for giving priests zero utility.

Thanks making Holy useless in PvP outside of disgusting Destro comps. Thanks for nerfing Disc in PvP over and over again while MW monks and holy pallies look on and laugh.

Thank you for promising a rework for Shadow in 8.1 but never giving it to us. Thanks for the radio silence on this class in the 2 months we’ve been in alpha so far.

Maybe if you keep up the excellent work, priests will go from barely played to not played at all. Shadow is a mess on alpha right now and you still haven’t addressed it. None of Holy or Disc’s weaknesses have been addressed either. Priests are in need of serious help. There’s been so much feedback on how the class can improve and yet nothing is done.

I really hope you’re happy Blizz.


Why are you thanking them?


I mean, in their defense they did make it easier for you to play alts that dont suck like priests.


Shamans :handshake: Priests : Getting the short end of the stick from Blizzard.


My two favorite classes keep getting ooked in the dooker :frowning:


While I disagree with the sarcasm in this Aviela post, at least she’s not making stuff up this time. Priests are in serious need of help to avoid going through another BFA and until addressed, I fear for the future of my favorite class since BC.

Shadina will always be my main even if she’s in a terrible state due to horrible balancing, but I do hope something’s done about this situation. I would rather not dislike another expansion because my class feels so utterly terrible and dependent on 3rd party progression / borrowed power progression systems.


I’ve said it plenty before and I will say it again: NO. ONE. LIKES. VOID. FORM. !!!
It was a stupid change that no one asked for. It’s pathetic at its job as the exclusive damage window in which we have any power. The whole void theme looks lame as hell. Translucent old type of shadowpriest were superior in every way, specially appearance. They took something that wasnt broken and broke it trying to fix it. Shadow was perfect up till WoD.
Ever since Legion i’m Disc exclusively cus I hate the “new” shadowpriest.


I’ve got 2 main reasons I don’t play my priest anymore. I don’t like the look of shadowform and I hate not having Cascade.

And the new sound effects suck


Stares in Warlock


People will claim to “like” void form, but in actuality what they like is being a special snowflake on the forums who countersignals any attempt to form a player mandate.

I also don’t get what’s supposed to make Holy the “simple but effective” healer. It certainly doesn’t feel like the Havoc or Beast Mastery of healing.


Excuse me elf, but this is racist.


Class design in general has been extremely LOW EFFORT for shadowlands. They dont want to change anything even if its something we’ve been begging all BFA for, which is stupid as hell because it’s the best time for the next 3 years they will have to do so.


Sounds like it’s time to reroll.

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There’s no reroll when you play all 12 friend.


Post on a priest character otherwise you’re just spewing hot air

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I’m close. I never bothered to level a priest because I hate the class.

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As someone who benefits immensely from a disc priest meta please buff disc :slight_smile:


TLDR: Priest is the SECOND least played class.


Well when you take something fun and ruin it, I can see that.


For a healer that is supposed to do damage it sure takes us a hella long time to kill anything.