Hey Blizzard: Priests are officially the LEAST played class

Should not be an issue. I just can’t stomach another Diablo 3.

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The OP is so passive aggressive that Alanis Morissette could sing it

I agree though. I miss my holy priest.


Reason I stopped playing my priest was world content and things like visions becoming more tied to your endgame progression.

Holy you just spam smite for 10 minutes until the mob is dead, and Disc you throw your wet noodles at them for 10 minutes to meet the same result.

Shadow should be a viable DPS option for the healers to switch to, but ha, haaha. ahahah.


There will always be a “least played class”. That is just the reality of having more than one class. :roll_eyes:


Just curious what metrics you use, because they aren’t as low as you think.
First holy/disc are well represented, shadow is low but that’s to be expected when 2 of your other specs are healing specs and well represented.


I have 3 priests, I think all specs are flawed but holy is at least decent.

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Depends on your data source. Warcraftrealms, for example, shows priests at 6% and monks at 7%. It also shows shamans at 6%, but those are rounded and there are fewer priests.

We don’t have the real data, so what data we do have will likely have some error in it. But, priests are unlikely to be secretly the most played class.


It’s all unreliable unless Blizzard releases data.

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The word you want is representative, not reliable. However, when we have data limitations (such as those forced on us by Blizzard), you make the best of what you can get your hands on.

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That’s a long winded way to say “guessing.”


I don’t see how it is so difficult to just make VF instant cast… Would be a great start in fixing the spec IMHO. Just make it more like Metamorph…

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They should probably just scrap voidform at this point, I don’t hate it completely but it seems like its always been broken, either in the sense of being overpowered or in the sense of just not working at all.


No, it isn’t. You don’t even have a point that is relevant to the discussion, do you?

How about you cough up the better secret data you have?

Alternately, demonstrate that the method warcraftrealms used to collect the data is biased. Not “may be” biased, but evidence of that bias.

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warcraftrealms com census stats show priest as the least played class next to shaman.


I mean, there are specs with low representation and known problems, that are still fun and flavorful, like Arcane Mage.

And then there’s Priest.

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I for one don’t get the hate for voidform? I like the flow it creates, hell my spriest was the only character I could be bothered to play in 8.3 because I specced shadow word death for another instant.

Do people like the turret gameplay of classic spriest?

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definetely, in my case.

Voidform is the reason I stopped playing Priest. The gameplay is so punishing for such little reward, and instead of creating a rewarding spec based on a properly executed rotation and positioning, it’s a stressful time trial that punishes you every single time you have to move. It’s one of, if not the worst, class designs in the game right now, and many Spriests agree with these statements as well.


Look at some of the language people use to defend Holy Priest: they’re “fine” and “viable”.

No one uses “viable” as a selling point for Fire Mages, they describe how Comustion works and why it lines up so well with modern encounter design. No one says HPaladin is “fine”, they describe the massive game changer that is Glimmer.

If Holy Priest has parity with other specs, tell me what it brings to the table other than raid throughput padding that rarely saves lives.


Yupp, people say the same things with shadow. Very few spriests say, “Voidform is so fun!” or, “Voidform is a very rewarding mechanic”. They either say “It’s fine”, or “I don’t mind it”. I forgot Holy was even a spec to be honest. :rofl: