Hey Blizzard: Priests are officially the LEAST played class

It’s not that they are bad, it’s just that other specs outshine them. Shadow will be fine in shadowlands when things get AOE capped. Disc is fine, right now, for anything up to around a 25. Holy does fine in raids.

What, I like it… It reminds me of the frantic DH demonic eyebeam window or a sub rogue’s shadow dance window. People that don’t like void form are usually just bad at planning on the fly during encounters.

I stopped playing my spriest at the beginning of BfA and it looks like I won’t be going back anytime soon. I miss playing him, but I don’t miss playing the overflowing outhouse that spriest has become. They can’t even throw us a bone by letting us glyph the old shadowform visual.


you cant make me

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Yeah, that is interesting. In my own experience, I do more healing as holy than I do disc (but that could just be me sucking at disc) but it’s just that added utility of the big shield (the reason I was asked to go disc on m hivemind progression) and the extra damage that are just too good to pass up, especially for progression.

I’m not a fan of disc in this expansion either.

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I’d rather play WW than shadow, and I don’t like WW. Ele>shadow, balance>shadow, ret > shadow.

Enhance probably even beats shadow, at least in terms of fun spammy visuals and the occasional rare leap; the mobility is nice at least.

Disc isn’t bad but it’s tricky to master, holy is ZZZZ.

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gotta love when someone says “it’ll be fine next xpac” i have PTSD from waiting for “fine” on my shaman…


Heck, Wrath Shadow had horrible visuals, spam dots that only appear as debuff icons for the most part, with only the flay laser doing anything iconic. And I’d still rather play that because tab dot tab dot, run to the next pack, getting huge passive self-healing from non-cooldown VE, and Dispersion instead of drinking, was a way better playstyle than Voidform.


Agree with this completely. Sham might be in a bad spot (for a really long time :roll_eyes:) but at least compared to Priest it’s fun to play.

Priest has 2 specs that just aren’t remotely fun at all. The class needs a total gut and revamp.


I loved Wrath-era shadow. The dps may not have been the best but between stacking presence, dispersion, and the passive heals from damage you could go practically forever and ever without needing to stop for heals or pots.


I don’t have a priest, maybe it’s because I have never been drawn to their aesthetics or lore. I would make a Tauren priest of the sun if their culture was represented in their class. Or a pandaren priest as described below.

Sunlight-themed visuals for sunwalker tauren; because they revere the sun and worship An’she. Perhaps some of their abilities are accompanied by chanting or gentle drum beats. tauren sunwalkers (paladins and sun priest) having warm sunlight visuals in their spells as they worship An’she. they would appear more sun-themed, with warm orange-yellow sunlight, reflecting their culture; sun-kissed feathers and glowing sunbeams in their spell visuals. golden fire birds. more prayerful animations as well; kneeling, or raising staff / sword toward the sun, or closing eyes and being calm and still. Calling forth radiant beams to energize, sparkling sun to blind foes, calming, tender warmth to heal friends.

I don’t really care for the old gods or whatever the priest’s theme is. cool it’s there for those who dig it. each race should have their own culture’s spell and ability visuals, animations and sound effects reflected in their class. night elf priests of the moon, with moonlight as/in their spells, starry magic, pearly sparks, a tender moonlit forest theme, with shimmering / pale / ghostly flora and fauna, luna leaf auras, bright glows and also shadow of the moon, darker version of those spells, all set to the sounds of harp or ancient celt horns or even soothing windchimes.

tauren sun priests and paladins (sunwalkers), pandaren ancient protection magic, meditation, celestial / sha themes, and traditional pandaren methods; bells, seals, coins, statues, herbs, etc. you hear traditions pandaren instruments such as bamboo flute, pipa, guqin, guzheng, zither, and gong, healing sounds in their spells.

Gonna be beyond cool when bard comes out and each race gets their culture’s traditional instruments and sounds! Anyway, priest can still use old god theme but only if it fits their culture/race.

Our classes could be super amazing if our classes had our race’s culture identity in their spell and ability visuals, animations and sound effects.


I recently started playing retail again just to play disc after I found out about the versatility corruption.

I spent over 2 weeks doing PvE. Grinding my HoT. Getting my azerite traits. Leveling up my cloak. Doing so many mythic +.

I hated every second of it. I finally got my priest to 460, not the best but I could finally start doing arenas and buying versatility corruption to put on my gear. The next day Blizzard decided to nerf the versatility corruption by 33%.

I haven’t logged into retail since that day.


i dont really care about dps or anything but can shadow form just auto apply in combat… and after i can just natrually go back to being cute again…

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Some Shadow spells are just a circle of void on the mod or the shot like beep of Shadow Word Pain.

And to make it worse, only the player sees the Spiteful apparition, not the others.

Placed special attention on a Enhancement Shaman the other day and he looked amazing with all this electricity on him as he fought.

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Blizzard has kept Priests down for a long time now. You know they hate Priests right?

Want to heal better? The Druid class is waiting for you!


I’m a Holy Priest. Means I’m a rare?

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Of course, there’s still the silly OG lightning shield visual…


You are if you push M+ as a Holy Priest.

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It’s not really surprising. Say what you will about the state of Shamans in BFA, but we are still fun to play at least. Especially enhancement. I mean yeah our numbers are trash and we are on nobodies invite list for top level content, but still…we are fun.

Priests meanwhile have one kind of fun spec and that’s disc. And that’s only if you wanna heal which is the most thankless job in the entire game. Your job is to make sure that everyone else is having fun and able to play the game. And that’s not that fun sometimes. Especially if you get grouped with…shall we say…not very good players. So many people don’t like doing it.

And then it’s other two specs are meh at best. Holy is the most vanilla cookie cutter healing class in the game. No bells and whistles. It does it’s job really well, but with no fanfare. And don’t even get me started on Shadow Priest. It’s been up and down and all around the whole expansion and just got nerfed AGAIN heading into Shadowlands.

So I don’t blame people at all for avoiding the class like the plague. Not when there are options out there that are not only more fun to play and more versatile, but also better at what they do.


I do fine in mythic+ and mythic raiding.

But I am pissed that they promised a Shadow revamp in 8.1, put it on the backburner for ‘next expansion’, and now it looks like it’ll be on the backburner AGAIN in Shadowlands.

People have HATED voidform because of how wonky and uncomfortable it is for a while now but Blizz seems to just flat out ignore those concerns, and I’m worried in Shadowlands how it’ll be without Chorus x3, Shadowy Apparitions x2, and Whispers x1 (our basically ‘required to be fun’ traits).

I’m going to play Shadow in Shadowlands because this has been my main for almost 10 years now, but Blizzard needs to stop flat out ignoring the class.


“Other than monks…” So they’re NOT the least played. Got it.