Hey Blizzard, Classic Dungeons Are Fun

You know what’s even better, when there’s two affixs stacked that both make the dungeon near impossible, so people literally don’t even play for that week, they just wait till next week. Great design.

Also some dungeons/bosses with certain affixs are literally impossible without a fully decked group. Like tyrannical with explosive in Temple of Seth. The last boss is a show.

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All of which are currently in m+ at a higher level then classic


I don’t find M+ mindless at all, but I certainly welcome a revival of old dungeons systems in addition to M+. My whole point is that you don’t have to burn all the oranges to make apples grow.

Homeslice. Haven’t heard that one in a long time.

As someone has said, Cata didn’t fail because of “Classic design philosophy”. If that’s what you remember, then you don’t really remember, or you weren’t really there.

Cata failed because they ripped apart the game, both the map and the classes. And it was met with profound negativity. Cata was also the true beginning for class homogenization, which we all know is a huge reason WoW has suffered in recent years.

What are you even talking about? What reaction do you expect? Are we supposed to be impressed that you have a spectral tiger? That you made 350k from some boe’s? That you’re so salty that you need to believe you’re “winning” on the forums. It’s kinda sad to be honest that you think that humblebragging about completely trivial things like that is going to do anything more than evoke pity.

The thread is exactly where it belongs, where the bulk of the playerbase won’t even see it.

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We’ve already been over this. No, they are not. Mythic+ design is completely antithetical to that of Classic WoW Dungeons, even though you sometimes need to use CC during Mythic+ game play.

Also, you literally cannot engage in higher level Mythic+ content without first obtaining the gear that nullifies the very things you are suggesting are relevant. That’s not how Mythic+ works.

Precisely. Only the try-hard masochists even attempt high level M+ with bad affix combos, and we all know top runs don’t happen during those weeks.

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So you always come in first on everything you do? Never second place? Not even once?

It’s funny that you’re looking so deeply into my reply. I’m simply stating(since you don’t get it yet). I’m the farthest from mad someone could be, the only salty one is you. I have zero reason to be mad, I don’t doubt anything I say because I know I’m right.


Cata promised to bring us back to the old continents for gameplay, and that was a lie. They tore up the entire world map, didn’t really use any of it, and then plunked down some new zones that people spent the entire expansion in.

  • They started to utterly destroy the lore in Cataclysm.
  • They made the old world more difficult to navigate, changed it beyond recognition, and then failed to live up to the promise that this would fold the old world into current gameplay again.
  • They began the systematic destruction of classes in Cataclysm with the boring talent trees and highly over-complicated ability combinations. I mained a priest, and my action bars were ridiculous while my talent “tree” became unrecognizable. It was the beginning of the end for class identity.
  • The Deathwing fight was atrocious.
  • They started messing up PvP rewards in Cataclysm.

Everyone hated Cataclysm, and they had tones of reasons to.

Never once. Even in school I was a bit of a genius, things just come easy to me.

Yeah, Classic Dungeons are great. You know what isn’t great?

Spamming /4 World for a group for an hour.
Waiting upwards of 30+ minutes for people to waddle to the dungeon entrance or AFK
Getting a couple of pulls in before someone needs to AFK, repair or they forgot something.
If someone has to leave mid-dungeon and you can’t complete it then someone has to hearth out and start spamming again and repeat the previous gripes.

My first Deadmines run was fun when we actual did the Dungeon. It was awful trying to herd the cats to it.

Everything except real life, I’m sure.

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lol I think we all know the answer to that one.

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Yeah, this topic isn’t about any of that.

Though I’m surprised that someone is so wound up about these “issues” on the classic forums. It’s almost as if you came here specifically to be angry about something that doesn’t affect the modern version of wow at all.

Go queue up for a heroic and be happy that you don’t have to waddle your way to the meeting stone to summon 3 of your lazy friends. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep. It’s pretty obvious. Also, I doubt the genius part, too. Geniuses don’t go on video game forums to tell everyone how great they are.

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So a petition to add old school dungeon crawl to modern wow ended up in Classic forum? That’s pretty hilarious, if mods think Classic people should absolutely give their input to modern wow… :rofl:

Actually a self made millionaire when I was 22, but whatever helps you sleep. My grandfather and family in general are all worth 20-100m each.


And I’m Bob Dole irl.

Helps you sleep because you’re probably 40 and never achieved anything in or out of game, it’s common, don’t feel bad.