Hey Blizzard, Classic Dungeons Are Fun

I replied with nothing but facts because I was there when the content was relevant and did it at a high level. It’s not that you won’t dispute my points, it’s that you can’t.

Ay, d/w I never lose if it makes you feel any better.

Modern dungeons have and require almost anything that old dungeons had. The problem is that in modern wow you can brute force most of the content, and this causes that players don’t find the need to use crowd control, use aoe dmg without breaking CC, interrupts and pulling specific mob groups to prevent a wipe.

Not to mention cooldowns were actually cooldowns in Vanilla. Tank and healer defensives were 5-10 minute CDs sometimes longer. Now most cds are less than a minute cooldown, it’s way easier now.

Good! I want to really sit with it and visit all the zones and take my time. I considered going ham on the leveling, but my old guild is getting a solid group back together. Some of my new guild mates are going to join us. I will have plenty of people to play with and plenty of support and time to just marinate in the nostalgia for a couple of weeks before I have to grind out resist and prep for the old raids.

I’m going to enjoy leveling 35-40 in Shimmering Flats again. I loved that zone. LOVED it. I’m going to stand there and just look at it and marvel, and then I’m gonna ding 40 there (by grinding out the last half of a level on turtles for [Turtle Meat]), and then fly back to buy my fat kid mount in triumph.

That’s an irrelevant detail that’s meaningless in context of the overall. You pointed at Baroness and listed a giant diatribe of tactics and a singular ability and tried to argue that the fight was far more complex than it actually is. They aren’t. The bulk of them are, for all practical purposes, tank and spanks. Just because a mob casts Shadowbolt doesn’t magically add some super crazy complexity into the fight and doesn’t change that it’s a tank and spank.

So, uh, gonna address this at all? Or did you gloss right over and hope no one noticed? Who/what are you even talking about there? Cause that certainly wasn’t at me. I haven’t mentioned M+ at all in this entire thread anywhere. This serves as a pretty good example of how rational you actually are though.

It’s always funny when you see the responses in a thread that very clearly was first made in General and then moved here.

Yeah this mess of a thread just sort of appeared…

It’s the only detail in context to what was being talked about. I know you want to try and muddy the waters with all this extraneous silliness but I’m just not interested in arguing with you about these mundane, off topic issues you seem to be having.

Go do a Mythic+ and move on.

So, again, since you don’t seem to understand this point, we’re not comparing Retail to WoD. We’re comparing Retail to Classic. It’s not that I can’t dispute your point, it’s that your point is entirely irrelevant. You cherry picked it to argue the point I made about fight complexity since vanilla til now but it doesn’t actually prove me wrong. Has fight complexity increased since vanilla? Yes. Has it trended upwards like stated? Yes. Has it gone down at points? Sure. Have I said that it hasn’t ever gone down in complexity? No. What are you arguing again? Nothing. Nothing at all.

Wait, you think you’re winning/losing on the forums? Ahahaha. Man that’s great. Are you on here trolling people because you’re super salty you didn’t get into Classic or something?

Thanks, I’ll take that as a sign that you don’t have a leg to stand on since you intentionally ignored the bulk of the post. Nice chatting!

Bad moderators who don’t actually read the topic being discussed making bad moderator decision has been a hallmark of the internet since it’s early days.

Pre-beta, I think most people have been basing their opinion about classic on their experiences in vanilla. However, it seems that classic WoW is not vanilla WoW in terms of look and feel and even gameplay. If true, then classic (vanilla++) is a different game and has to be judged in that light.

But I still remember the pre-launch buzz over Cata and WoD and more recently, the ones cheerleading BfA before launch. If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is.

Big props to the classic devs. They have either pulled off an amazing re-mastering effort of an old video game or the best con job in recent memory. :grinning:

It’s not retail to WoD. I already told you I could of mentioned every fight in every tier and told you most of them were easy, easier than bosses in Vanilla in fact. WoD was the only outlier because it was actually hard from the first tier, every other first tier was easy and had little to no mechanics.

You dropped 5/6 of the points I destroyed you in and then replied with this. You lost get over it.

“gEt InTo cLaSSiC oR SoMEtHiNg?” I already said I’m in a 10 US guild easy for classic raiding.

I see this thread finally got moved to where it belongs. I dont know why op is so surprised that hes getting this much push back about adding classic design to modern wow. You seem to think that it will bring players back but as i recall the first time wow had a huge net loss in subs was cata. You know, the 1 where they brought that classic design philosophy to modern wow and hemmoraged subs because of it. You member? I member.


Not being able to faceroll everything.

Cata wasn’t hard though. It just had terrible, god awful, no good, class design.

With the removal of spirit and mp5 healers were in a living hell doing dungeons until they fixed things. Also, warlocks were completely nerfed, hunters for the entire start of cata did zero damage, literally none. Mages were killing people in two hits, it was just a mess and poorly released.

That’s why people left.

lol, salt farming is pretty lucrative today.

I’m chilling on my spectral tiger, just sold a few boes for a total of 350k. Watching you tear yourself apart is the only thing sweeter than all that gold.

Nah. Mythics are still pretty mindless. They only become punishing because the affixes reach a point of utter ridiculousness. I don’t see the value in something becoming impossible because you just amplified everything by 1000%, made the ground shake and mobs randomly drop aggro - that is such lazy, boring design that it makes the game one big, monotone experience. The most frustration I’ve faced is when you can’t complete a M+ half the time because retail is populated by braindead children who don’t even know what a “mechanic” is.

Homeslice, we’ve all done M+ dungeons, and most of us got bored of it. So here we are.

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Yeah, a moderator fired first and failed to read the actual post, which isn’t related to Classic Server at all. Good job moderation team!

As for bringing Classic Dungeon design philosophy to modern WoW, there’s nothing about it that is incapable of presenting itself to the modern game. Mythic+ isn’t the end all, be all to engaging instanced content. Mythic+ players are just full of themselves in this regard. Hell, top tier raiders aren’t even this annoying anymore when it comes to puffing up and beating their elite gamer chests.

You all need to get a grip on reality.

Basically, they brought Diablo 3 game play to WoW. Which, in itself, is just fine, but in the process they removed game play that plenty of players found fun and enjoyable. There was no need for that.