Hey Blizz! Any plans to Glue outlands onto Azeroth as a new island chain?

Asking for a friend :thinking: Well, more of an acquaintance. Technically just some guy… ok, let’s face it. It’s a Blood Elf.


No, it will never happen.
In Midnight a big chunk of the northern Eastern Kingdoms will be flung through the twisting nether though, creating a new “outland-like” set of zones.


Are you certain? Cause he seems pretty convinced that it will happen and it will be “amazing”.

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Would be cool tto just fly to any island land mass.
My latest thing I like to do is going to the old underwater zone west of ironforge.
Lots of stuff to find there

They exist across space and time…so likely not?

I mean, he’s pretty confident that some dude is gonna open some portal, suck it through, and drop it on the map of Azeroth.

I wanna say no… but I recall the forge of soul retcon bs

I wonder how he will take the news. He seemed adamant that Outland would be sucked in, glued down, and used for all new lore and other stuff.

Lol we’d need something like what the Jailer used, those giant chains that he used to pull in Korthia.

I have a bad feeling about what it’d do to Azeroth’s gravity.

Or, it might just smash into us and we all die.

Remember, it’s large chunks of Draenor lol

Bringing two planets together generally doesn’t end well.

Oh I get it… and I am not a fan of the idea. I just have to wonder if it is even a possibility. Not sure he’s thinking clearly.

Why should Outlands come to Azeroth? (again) :mag::robot:

Who makes the glue? Not you? Are you due?

I have no idea what’s going on in here.


So this person seems to think Aggramar is gonna yoink Outlands onto Azeroth and drop them into the ocean on the other side of the globe so we can explore them like a new archipelago or something… I’m trying to figure out if it is even possible, let alone reasonable.

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Not just a portal… but the whole place.

Oh an Aussie thread? I don’t usually read them anymore because the lore is so whacked out it triggers me. LOL

I know it’s usually all in fun, but still. Not my cup of tea, so I stay away and them have their fun. They don’t need me all up in there grumbling. :wink:

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You’re twisting the narrative just a tad …

I don’t actually “Seem to think” it is going to happen, it was a concept pitch idea — One of which I detailed a series of events to balance the lore if such was commenced.

You already outted yourself anyway by stating you don’t want any orc content, reference, hint or involvement in the game whatsoever; so your opinion on anything that correlates with orcs in the slightest — is biased by default.

If it becomes part of Azeroth does it become Inland instead?

Oh, I absolutely hate orcs and orc content. No secret at all. In fact, if we could have signature lines, mine would probably have something to the same effect. But, I have not bashed a single orc in this thread.

Or does it get a new name like Drae-no-More?

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