Rebirth of Draenor: Outland's Journey to Azeroth

If by some chance Aggramar revisited Draenor (Outland) and decided to save it by using some ability of cosmic-wonder to place it upon Azeroth as a continent(s) and perhaps a few islands — Do you think there could be new lore avenues & more content opened up? :thinking:

You’ll have:

Naaru Allies:

  • Oshu’gun and the Naaru K’ure who became friends with the spirits of the orc ancestors, allowing an ally Naaru on behalf of the Horde.
  • You’ll have the Naaru D’ore who had also once travelled with the Draenei and has now restored themselves to the light from void within Auchindoun — Given they feel responsible for consuming Draenei souls and transforming them into creatures of the void, they may also become an ally Naaru – on behalf of the Alliance.
  • The Prime Naaru A’dal – who appears to be more pragmatic than some of their other kin - Like the zealotry Xe’ra — and may be a neutral Naaru ally for us.

Demon Enemies:

  • Along with Outland coming to Azeroth, you’ll also have many demon threats now amongst a world unbroken — with vast energies, artifacts and places to take, despoil and claim.
  • You could also give revival to both Warlocks and Demon Hunters with the return of demons — Just because the Burning Legion has been disbanded, it doesn’t mean the threat of demons throughout the cosmos – and Azeroth, has stopped …

Places of Power and Greater Potential

  • You’ll have places like the Black Temple and Tempest Keep — One brimming with the shadowy power of the Dark Star and the other inundated with nether energies & Naaru tech.
  • Auchindoun, with Draenei souls along with spirit energies perpetuated throughout area – Whether it’ll become an area for rebuilding & once again for renewal — or as a ritual site to hold nefarious plots could conflict with one-another and become a war-zone to behold.
  • Additionally, you now have the Dark Portal … The fate of its gateway and where it leads up for debate amongst many.

The Elemental Spirits

  • The world being made ‘whole’ in a sense, once more — allowing the elemental spirits to heal and rejoice would be presented.
  • Yet also, the elemental powers of Azeroth itself along with the dormant nether energies remaining, the cosmic power of the titan’s actions that lingered on the land from such a tremendous act are now perpetuated throughout the area.
  • With such vast changes settling from the two, the elemental spirits of Draenor – Outland, the elemental furies and beings are now empowered … And with it, the elemental hierarchy & chain of power upon the world is thrown into disarray.

The Arakkoa, Ogres, Fel Orcs, Broken, Mag’har, Draenei and more …

  • Naturally, you’ll have the races listed above — along with many others come into the fray, some to reunite with their long lost (or neglected) kin and others now both on the same world, yet also another.

Overall :clap:

If they revamped Outland (er … Again?) but within the boundaries of Azeroth and exploded the story & content potential — How would you feel? :thinking:

  • Old Outland → New Outland: Naturally you can just have a Bronze Dragon in the area to talk towards, to change the timeline so you may visit what Outland once was.

Feel free to post your thoughts, suggestions, agreeances & perhaps even some additional ideas on top in the comments bellow :grin:

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Auchendoun was in the hands of the Auchenai, as per the draenei heritage quest. They were sorting through the remains to sanctify and rebury the dead with the assistance of a naaru whose name escapes me. Probably one of A’dal’s Sha-Tar.

I’ll jump at any opportunity for more draenei and orc screen time, so sign me up for this. It’s wild that it took like 15 years for us to get any idea at all whats going on there post TBC.

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Love it!! :grin:

Honestly I really do enjoy the Draenei lore — particularly that of their journey & culture on Draenor :slight_smile: WoD for all its faults did have brilliant visuals, I loved the the looks and aesthetics of Auchindoun and Shattrath; so seeing us have that again one day would be fantastic.

  • With ‘Player Housing’ coming around the corner, having that kind of Draenei Karabor architecture we saw in WoD would be fantastic to have.

Personally I’d love to see us revisit Oshu’gun along with helping us restore K’ure — giving the orcs a sacred spiritual place once more for their ancestors :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Lots of potential for both the Draenei and the Orcs with the return of Outland, especially if the world is helped from crumbling away any further and becomes sustainable again.

It’d be another Cataclysm with the amount the oceans would rise from having a whole continent dropped into them lol

Rather than saving Outland, I prefer the idea that the dark portal can fluctuate between different timelines of Draenor with different reinterpretations of the world.

I would like to someday visit the era of the colossi with some mechanic where you actually climb up and adventure upon the backs of the giant mobs as they slowly wander around the world.

Hence why I said Aggramar pulling off a “cosmic-wonder” :sweat_smile:

I mean theoretically — Lets say Azeroth was ‘Awoken’ and arose through the Maelstrom taking much of the glistening sea with her and drastically lowered the ocean-levels; you could then argue it was Aggramar (or even Azeroth herself) who placed the worlds together to save not just one, but two worlds :wink:

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I’d rather have AU Draenor moved into the main universe.

I miss Yrel.

Oh she’s too much of a fan favorite to sit on the sidelines forever.

We’re getting an AU Shattrath space station Light invasion at some point. It’s just a matter of time.

Exactly why I’d love for us to get some Naaru allies, as opposed to villains.

Personally, I’d rather hope that A’dal and the Sha’tar in our own universe are allied with us — as it sticks to their virtues and personalities & makes a token nod to the relationships they’ve forged over time.

I tend to find it incredibly lazy when everything of X cosmic force which has beings with their “own wills” and such, all seem to be shoehorned into the one faction category … Having different schisms, factions and perspectives within the one cosmic force, kingdom or order that has beings with numerous varieties of personalities, edicts etc — feels a lot more better for intrinsic storytelling :dracthyr_nod:

I mean, she wasn’t too much of a fan favorite to throw her (and her entier expansions worth of development) under the bus for a brief and unnecessary quest line to explain why The Horde had mag’har orcs…

Mag’har. You know. The orcs that were already in The Horde. Like Garrosh, the guy who lead The Horde for two expansions. :thinking:

Such a horrendous decision.

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There seems to be a schism between A’dal’s group and Xe’ra’s, considering their very different attitudes toward Illidan lol

Personally I never trusted those windchimes, but I could see the Sha’tar standing with us.

I wouldn’t count those chickens until they’re hatched. There’s still a lot of directions they can go with that if they want to.

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Might just explore Draenor lore with Ogrezonia on Azeroth. :8ball::robot:

I mean I’d be happy for the Sha’tar if they were humble enough to agree Illidan ultimately did good in his purpose fending off the Legion in the end — but still acknowledged he wasn’t good for Outland and its denizens.

I like the windchimes that have different tonalities :wink: Getting different varieties and factions would make things far more interesting, that’s for sure.

Additionally, I love having the little brother of K’ure with me — K’ute, who’s followed me through many places & adventurers now :partying_face:

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I have been more open minded about your posts lately. This one is not one of the better ones. Thankfully, it will never happen since there are still landmasses we have not seen on the otherside of Azeroth. But dragging that orc infested :poop:hole of a planet through a portal and parking it on Azeroth would actually be enough to make me unsub and ask to have my 19 year old $55k+ account permanently deleted.

Go visit Outland. Let it die in the past with WoD.

I mean, I rather liked it for the prospects of the Draenei & Naaru :person_shrugging:
If my priest wasn’t blood elf, I think they’d probably be Draenei if I’m being honest.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Also, you seem to have a huge chip on your shoulder of a vehemently spiteful vendetta against any orc-related content whatsoever.

The reason I liked the idea was because aside from content that could be offered to races on both factions, it could also help the class identities of warlocks & demon hunters with the return of various demon factions outside the Legion — as warlocks & demon-hunters sort of feel ‘Obsolete’ now, in a sense. Additionally, we’d get to dabble with the lore of much, much more too.

Personally I’d be keen to see more with our birdy bois (and gals) the Arakkoa too, but there’s plenty of stories to tell. :slight_smile:

I’d love to see more of the Auchenai honestly, I loved their whole concept and such in WoD :heart: The expansion’s architecture, art designs and overall themes for Talador and especially Auchindoun were breathtaking :star_struck: Seeing much of that return in the form of them rebuilding & restoring their once-lost civilisation? Heck yes! :partying_face:

We can flood Hallowfall to make space :slight_smile:

Yep. Orcs gave me PTSD in 2006 and again from Nov 2014 til Legion showed up. Thrall is the ONLY orc I do not vehemently hate. An Orc named Angwe, a rogue, camped Menethil Harbor flagged for PvP for more than a year and killed any Alliance who even tried to use the boat in that city. Then WoD came along and everywhere I looked it was orcs. You’re really big on defending your opinion and then making someone else feel bad for theirs. They tried to make TBC 2.0 and it bombed miserably. So, I stand by my opinion, and won’t apologize for it, or cower from it.

I. HATE. ORCS. and all their content.

K …

Guess that answers that :eyes:
Needless to say though, it’s not just orc content.

Well that’s a gaslight if I’ve ever seen one :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You could literally say that to anyone, about any thread of theirs – after calling it stupid or harshly dismissing it and watching them disagree …

If the thread is simply a concept, naturally people are going to defend the ones they like, lol — especially if it’s against those who rebuke & dismiss it simply because they have a personal vendetta.

:clap: Honestly speaking, if they presented and actioned the idea of this thread — I’d be more keen to see further story developments on the Draenei, Elemental Spirits and the Naaru stories than I would simply the orcs.

I am on board with Draenei. I am even on board with the Arrakoa, elementals, and Naa’ru. But honestly speaking, if we get any more orcs, or they park Outland on Azeroth as an island chain, I will actually quit after 19 years of being subbed.

I’d absolutely love if they parked Outland on Azeroth personally.
However if they did such, I’d rather orcs not be the prime focus.

And as evidently seen, there’s others who wouldn’t mind Outland coming to Azeroth either for the story potential for continuing the lore of Outland.

  • Personally speaking, I couldn’t really care too much, connect with or feel too bothered about Alternate Draenor from a roleplay perspective, due to the fact of it being an Alternate-Timeline and not really our own :person_shrugging:

That all being said, Orcs weren’t really the prime focus in Burning Crusade’s Outland either, so I think it’d be fine.