Herp a derp the darkshire

I must of gave you amnesia if you don’t recall our 3v3 me kitty Justin vs you booty and dia out in hellfire at 2 in the morning we rekt you. You ended up bailing on booty poor guy after he died lmfao

He’s part of my community and my guild. If you want to issue a challenge to him it’ll most likely go through me. I know why you’re issuing a 1v1, you like to participate in many 1v1 wargames as shown on DalaranGamings YouTube.

Consider this a compliment, but yeah, you’re good in those 1v1 wargames. My friend here doesn’t even have heroic quality gear and you’re going to issue him a challenge. I have someone you can fight 1v1 if you want.

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You must have amnesia for all those times in Legion I 2v1’d you and kitty. Imagine losing to a discipline priest while you have a resto druid healing you.

Last I recall a 3v3, you had your healer shadowmeld flight form away to drink up and exit the fight for a hot minute.

Yea bro that amnesia gave you illusions I’m not the one running away these days smh

Man I went to do keys and fell asleep, ive commented on your threads before i assumed you knew it.

My threads? I don’t post on Twitter. Hardly. You must have me confused with someone else. Still waiting on that Twitter handle though.

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Hey guys the priest who relies on quest teleports elite bugs that 1 shot raids is giving his 2 cents lmfao

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The guy who needs to WPvP with a raid group is giving his 2 cents. I’m still a skilled player, I’m only going to teleport out if I’m being outnumbered, and if there’s a way to kill the people outnumbering me, I’m going to take that chance. I’m smart enough to find these things out for myself.

In the end, you still got killed against a priest vs many of you, no matter which way you want to spin it.


What happen to commentating only when people mentioned you hahahahaha. Let me guess that dk cried to you and you came I think he needs to talk to someone better

Literally you mentioned me in this thread and still never replied as to what you were talking about.

You’re challenging an undergeared DK to a 1v1 lmao. I have someone for you to 1v1 who’s just as geared if you want to fight him.

Edit: Also, commentating? Do you mean commenting?

I don’t cry to anyone you insignificant insect.
I mentioned to alphon that you were running your mouth off and he came take a look.

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Now are we playing the victim card when you clearly called me a zergling lmfao what are you 12 to go cry to alphon

You are a zergling
All of Brilliams Empire, cryptids league and ruin do the same thing attack small groups of players with overwhelming numbers then brag about your leet skills.

Its sad really.


Unholy DK versus Shaman ( what kind I can’t see )

Unholy would have the edge easily.

You guys know where to find me if you want to settle a score but I know you won’t come :’)

send yours, ill dm u

That’s because you are. You mentioned me here in your attempt at an insult, here, I’ll remind you:

This is indirectly mentioning me.

Someone just sent me yours, I dmed you on Twitter.

I just said you raged at papa shadow. After that I didn’t mentioned you

Yes, and I asked how. I didn’t ask him for help, he asked me. So I really am lost on what you’re talking about.

You need to work on your reading comprehension man.