Herp a derp the darkshire

Lol I love how horde play the victim like they don’t Zerg. Shadowblades, Terran Empire, ISR, WSB and many other horde communities and guilds do and did the same thing, they just got wiped fighting against organized opposition.

Stop trying to spread false nonsense.


The dk wanted to wargame 1v1 me that he gave me a heart and he probably deleted what he said because he wanted to play the victim card.

Im not apart of any of those communties boomer.

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While I do agree that other Horde communities do this, my community certainly doesn’t.

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I wasn’t accusing you and yours of doing it, just pointing out the irony of Horde whining about zergs.

Look at one of ol slick videos when we are sitting at bh clearly proves you wrong

I’ll admit, in the beginning of BfA, I was a bit desperate to find the numbers to attack your group. I asked for help from Shadowblades in the past, but I haven’t asked him for any help since 8.1, or rather, since February of 2019.

I fail to understand though how asking for help is raging. You used to ask help from Cryptids League all the time.


He’s a princess takes things personal you gotta give him a :kissing_heart: so he takes it easy

That might get me suspended but you read it already :]

With as much as you snowflakes report posts i can’t be to careful.

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I’m not the one crying to him to come defend me from the “internet bullies” when I challenged you to a friendly 1v1

I didn’t ask him to defend me, he saw this post and hes my friend and spoke up.

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I agree with the snowflakes but I don’t take my stuff away cause IDC it only proves me better if someone is offended by my fat neck

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Again, you did mention me with your previous comment. Indirectly.

Yea I agree now but before he called you no. You came in when he told you I wanted to 1v1 him. He should take it us darkshire people aren’t good right?

Uh, no. You said this comment first and then challenged him to a 1v1. If you read my original post I addressed this comment first and then your challenge.

This was first. Followed by:

Edit: To clarify, I addressed your challenge asking a question. You never specified if it was 1v1, 3v3, or 5v5, so I asked you what format you were going to use.

I didn’t know a duel indicated a 2v2 3v3 5v5 I thought it was a 1v1 :o

Lemme get some gear and ill duel you somewhere neutral like sewers. How bout that :]

Still had to address it. There’s many forms of wargames and you seemed like you were challenging all of us since you mentioned me indirectly.

Alright princess everything is about you these day. I’ll go find your glass slipper

Okay neckbeard lol

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