Herp a derp the darkshire

Well, I certainly don’t, nor do I need to. :roll_eyes:

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He got farmed hard camped him for 1 hour he mad I even put an apple on his mouth and roasted him :pig:

Not actually lmao

This is true. Alphon is more of a five man kind of guy.


Not what I saw. You had more than 21 attacking our group. I don’t care if you had a group of 21 and stranglers joined, the point being 27-29 vs 17 which again isn’t a problem. Just no need to lie about it.

Yes I agree. I don’t have an issue with it. I’m just telling Bril not to lie about the numbers. It’s all good. it was fun


Numbers no numbers nobody cares all we know is that the alliances defended darkshire and pwmd the horde

I don’t know about lies. I know there was more horde in Duskwood than was in your raid. A significant amount actually. We had originally thought your raid was much larger due to the amount of horde in the zone. We expected 25-30, which was how many were in the zone at the time. Anyways none of this really matters. We reacted to an incoming raid of unknown numbers, you guys attacked a town full of players. Also it should be mentioned, spy doesn’t just count 120s, it counts all the players around you. You guys were in one of, if not, the most populated alliance leveling zones. You’re gonna pick up on a fairly decent amount of low level players. It is what it is though, we killed some of your people out in hellfire, you guys put a raid together, we put one together, doesn’t matter how many people were there because regardless of all this, y’all got goofed because your raid leader is about as dense as a neutron star.

Your words cut deep little dwarf

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Let me ask this when are you all going to step up and say “there’s x amount of us vs this one guy” let one of us brave alliance step up to the plate and 1vs1 this guys?

I got knocked off my mount and floated down. One of your guys gave chase and had second thoughts soon as he took a few hits and ran back for help.

You can’t expect anyone to 1v1 you when you’re attacking alliance towns, or when you’re fighting raid vs raid. You got knocked and people went after ya. I’m sure if you want 1v1 there will be plenty of takers.

Also, for some reason the system keeps removing quotes from my posts. Don’t know what that’s about.

ask for a 1v1 and you get a 1v1. however the last few times we TRIED to 1v1 someone on horde they called in 5+ people as soon as they were about to lose.

That challenge will have to come from your part…plenty of times we have been outnumbered a poor alliance and one person in the group will fight 1vs1

Anyone in a group of ten people can hit two buttons and kill one person with ease…not much skill needed.

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again… if you ASK for a 1v1 we honor the 1v1.

Hardly, that community is full of cowards when the challenge comes up except for Brill, only one that actually honored a 1v1.

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if im present we always honor it. without me there not much luck. and to the previous comments about me landing a 30 man raid on a 15 man raid and not being skilled at the game for xyz….u landed ur raid just behind the blacksmith building…right next to darkshire….where theres ALWAYS 15+ afk 120s all decked out because I geared most of them. I had 17 in my raid. the rest of that 30 u got were all randos. if ur looking for an even fight try not hitting darkshire for like the 15th wipe in a row…

im always down for even fun wpvp….but in my experience even when it was set up to be an even fight the horde always had a hidden raid waiting to land and take advantage of a raid knowing they had numbers over me. I put in community to join raid and I bring what I got. if u don’t have as many or more then that’s on u. my community is relatively small compared to yours since I have 45 members and your community has what…2700? something retarded. don’t use numbers as an excuse my dudes. get more. ur horde u post in any horde community “brilliam is in duskwood” instant 40 man raid. lets be honest. u guys love trying to kill u a trash talker warrior

and to the other comment about how I lead my community. I lead my community with an iron fist. the people who stay enjoy it immensely because we play all aspects of the game not just wpvp and afk. I don’t have time nor the patience for people I gear up and they turn around and tell the horde when where and how many people we have in a raid. that’s an instant kick. im not a trade chat community that invites anyone and everyone

I feel like it needs to be said. Pringles are a lie. They’re only 42% potato. They can’t be trusted.

Don’t trust pringles

They’re the enemy