Herp a derp the darkshire

Big oof. If that’s the case, you better have a talk with your boy Cryspark. He always tells a certain someone whos in your raid, when, and where. Better give him the ol’ spanking or ground him, Mr. Tony Stark.


Man… stop lying. also im bored tell horde to come fight us.

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Kek zug zug

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Why would I lie about that? He’s still friends with a certain someone that you guys recently booted. He tells him every time when you are coming, how many people you have, etc. But yeah, I’m lying. :man_shrugging:

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screenshot it imgur send it to us for proof then

Seeing i know who youre talking about so you dont need to say certain someone I know thats a lie. but dont worry that certain someone told me your numbers and sent me screenshots so if you wanna go there let me know

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Yes, I would like to go there. I feel it’d be beneficial to both of us, actually. And I don’t have screenshots, I’d have to ask him for them. I’m not seeing them first hand. I’m just being told.

id love to see those screen shots cus imma believe Cry over anyone.

I’ll ask him for them. Other than that, where’s your screenshots? I’d love to see them as well. You did just say he sent you them.

ight im not responding here anymore I said my piece that’s all I care to say. have a nice night

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Let’s be honest, I’m sure both of us don’t want spies in any of our communities or groups, or anyone playing the middle man game. I think its beneficial for us both if we have proof of one or the other doing just that.

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I also want to see this, would you please post.


No mames wey, play the game and have fun.
No lloronitas, no chivatos.


Not posting on forums feel free to look up my twitter and ill send it there.

Got it, what’s the Twitter.

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This got a little spicy


Tapatio spicy


Who’s the mole? Lol


I definitely prefer small scale. No more zergs for me chief.

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We want to know too.