Heroic+ - Why?

That’s still pretty irrelevant.

We have bis lists now, badge gear might not even be bis in later phases.

For me even in phase 1 the only bis item is the trinket and tier.

I imagine that falls off later besides tier.

Didn’t realize you’re guaranteed to get full BiS the moment you hit 80!

The system won’t even be in the game when I hit 80 what are you talking about?

All of that starter badge stuff will be replaced before phase 2.

Like I said besides the trinket and The tier

…which is when new badge items are introduced, including new tier pieces from Ulduar.

WotLK is not like TBC where the day 1 badge items are the only ones available through Black Temple. Each raid = new badge items.

And the best badge gear in phase 2 uses what badges?

The next tier of badges. Last tier’s badge items are downgraded to the previous tier of badges.

Some of the gate keepers…will be gate kept. the irony…is there.

this will jsut be more mobs, HP sponge and maybe Boss X learns a new trick.

something rabble rabble naxx gear in dungeon. Several seasons later. even hall of fame true pro guilds could not give a rat’s butt about what gear is out there after season end. OMFG, they ahve a mythic Sire D drop. Oh wait…we jsut ran full season 2. Nothing to see here.

One more change to make this a true non issue is a few more chievo’s. AOTC and CE like stuff. those seal on season end. that way the “I must be special” folk keep that. season ends, chievos seals.

and if I go find a crew to run mythic OG CN decked out in season 4 gear for mogs its all I get. it will not give me the AOTC or CE. they locked at season end.

You know, this post makes a lot of sense and I didn’t think about it like that.

I was trying to lead you to water but this will take too long.

Emblem of valor is the raid emblems, you will get them all of WOTLKC from raiding and in 10 and 25 man. They will only be Emblems of Valor from raids in all of WOTLKC.

What this means is when phase 2 hits I will have so many badges from just raiding that heroics become irrelevant because of the Valor badges we have all gotten all of phase 1.

Phase 2 drops and I have 300+ badges of valor and I can already buy the BEST badge items on Ulduars launch.

Means day 1 I have the 25 man 2pc badge tier items from the start and whatever else is in my bis list.

This is why heroic+ is good, it keeps heroics relevant.

Is your sub up yet? <3 how you like the changes theyre willing to do but not willing to put rdf in the game? <3

How so? If you were raiding all through phase 1 you’ll almost certainly have all the 10 man naxx gear as well as tons of extra badges. Heroic+ will be nice as a pure catchup mechanic for alts but that’s about it, and because it splits the people running 5 mans further it might even be ideal for alts.

Yep. this is how retails makes dungeons matter months later.

Once you hammer out KSM/KSH…you could be done. Now they help give raid usable gear when upgrade. to maybe get you to try that.

since if you can hammer out KSH with even 50% of slots BIS…you have beaten the season dungeon wise. there is literally nothing left for a player. PVP is its own gear. and player X is probably CE’d for heroic raid.

where raid gear in dungeon comes in. this going on makes it easier…yes. for some. Retail side the good raiders are well into mythic completed run way before the mythic spammers have worked on upgrade to even enter.

Then you factor in raid itself. Fun fact…even with mythic dungeon mechanics for gear catch up mythic jailor had a very low completetion rate. even filling up the hall of fame 100 took forever.

getting raid gear in mythic dungeon was not enough to complete the 100 with ease. Gear…does not a raid master make.

I meant more for alts.

I won’t need to do heroics at all unless I somehow got unlucky in a raid drop.

Heroics are only relevant phase 1 for mains.

Not really, mythic+ scales up to current raid tier gear, so they remain relevant. Heroic+ will not.

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Why is this inherently good? Graduating out of content and moving onto the next challenge should be the standard. Retail’s style of running the same instances all expansion because of more difficulty levels is lazy on Blizzard’s end and feels way too circular on our end.

I see otherwise being optimistic. rare for me I know lol…

Peope will take content to catch up. AV is loaded these days for example. even my time which is wow’s “graveyard shift”.

I can maybe get 5 minutes between AV’s. I am not used to this.

I, not even BS’ing, found ample time to run out a D3 season last year on my switch waitng for epic bg pops in retail pvp.

even as alliance I’d get 30 minute waits. ample time to run a GR for thost higher tier completes lol.

I meant more for alts.

You will graduate out of heroics on a main pretty much in phase one

This would be more accurate if heroic+ would be dropping ulduar 10 loot instead of naxx 10 loot.

If I spent Phase 1 chain-running heroics on my main, I don’t want to have to run even more on an alt in phase 2 or 3. I’m fine running current content multiple times a week on different characters, but making something as menial as heroics be THE thing to do to catch up is meh

when rdf was implemented how the badges worked with heroics was a huge help in catchup, what you’re seeing is a way for them to implement in phase 2 instead of later with heroic in rfd.