Heroic+ - Why?

People bought carries in Wrath lol. This isn’t a new thing lol. My guild in Vanilla WoW sold MC/BWL carries all the time.

So, nothing is good about it then? Glad we agree.

And RDF eliminates the carry meta, which Blizz has conveniently removed.

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It eliminates like 1/10th of the carry meta, most of the carry meta is in raids.

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No it doesn’t, because people bought carries in Wrath when the LFD tool was in the game. I know this because I was there. Did you play Wrath when it was current?

Watch what happens when Mythics get added. All the dungeon experience will be is buying and selling of Mythic carries. Quote me on that.

But I won’t be there to see it. My sub runs out in a few days.

It’s still small beans compared to GDKP carries.

It’ll be both.

You’re trying poo poo on system because people will potentially buy carries. The vast majority of players are not going to bother with buying carries in Wrath mate. The content is just so easy and doesn’t require people to buy dungeon carries.

The people buying carries now on Classic is mostly for leveling anyway or raids, and this always existed in the game.

This isn’t going to turn into M+, because heroic+ isn’t the same system at all.

Yea, i do hate when people don’t want something because of the small % of people who do something they don’t like with it.

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I guess we should get rid of raiding and leveling dungeons because people are selling carries for this content right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Potentially? I’m not going to ignore Retail and TBCC. Mythic carries will 100% happen, and they will dominate the dungeon experience.

We just have to sit in dal and do nothing, can’t use the AH or gather mats because people bot.

Nah mate, you’re just projecting your bias here big time. Maybe this upcoming break from the game will be good for you.


You act like you can’t do a normal run. I pugged nearly to KSM on retail in the week before prepatch, they don’t dominate anything.


It’s working under the same principle as the ICC 5 mans which dropped TOC10 level gear in all slots.

With badges you could even get 5/5 Tier sets of TOC10 from running ICC 5 mans.

Facts are not bias. I know you’re looking forward to selling Mythic runs, but that’s not what people wanted from Wrath.

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Trash change that forces people to run even more 5mans to keep gear current, while making entire tiers of raids pointless to run. Nice job

Not everyone enjoys 5mans, but it’s stupid to not run them now if they offer gear on par with last tier’s raids

I saw Tk/SSC being ran yesterday on grobb, as well as a hyjal trash farm. That was just in the 5 minutes i was logged in. Wonder if those would be run if Heroic+ was in the game? Doubt it

This also hurts the gdkp crowd, i realize gdkp is 100% pay to win but it’s still nice to soak money as a carry. Now if you don’t have that option, it actually encourages gold buying lmao since they are doing their best to hurt player gold farming methods

It’s another change that literally nobody asked for. Just like changing the whole arena ladder system in tbcc, and now the PVE cooldowns resetting after a boss kill. Why waste resources on stuff nobody even wanted?

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This is utter speculation. Enjoy your break mate from the game, you need it!!

Another downside I wasn’t considering: this might actually make it harder to catch up alts towards the end of WotLK.

People will expect players to have a certain level of gear for heroic+ dungeons. They won’t invite your fresh alt. Your fresh alt will have to run normals and heroics first before they can get into a decent heroic+ group… but good luck finding groups for normals and heroics after the initial rush.

i will admit, it is a shockingly bad idea. but what do I know, I hated the original wrath so scrambling things around cant make it much worse… uh… right?