Heroic+ - Why?

Hi there,

I have liked almost all of the changes to classic. I liked changing black lotus spawns. I liked early removal of attunements in TBC. I liked everything in SoM. I even liked the proposed Ulduar item level changes and the lack of the dungeon finder in WotLK.

But… I don’t get the heroic+ thing. It seems contrary to everything that you guys have done so far in classic.

No dungeon finder because you want people to stay in the world? Okay, cool. I can support that. It makes sense and you want to keep that classic feel.

But if we’re going for the classic feel, then why add a 3rd dungeon difficulty and change boss loot with every single patch? This ruins immersion and takes people out of the world. It does EXACTLY what you didn’t want dungeon finder to do. It turns the game into retail.

I just don’t get it. It’s not consistent with the other changes up to this point. It’s not in the spirit of classic. It’s the exact opposite.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, this won’t even make it easier to find groups and catch up alts. If anything, it will make it harder for new players and alts to catch up late in the expansion.

Geared players will want to do harder dungeons with other geared players. They won’t group with fresh alts. But this extra difficulty significantly reduces the pool of players for normal and heroic dungeons. The geared players will do heroic+ for their dailies etc instead of the easier heroic.

In original WotLK, this wasn’t an issue. Even geared mains were running a daily heroic for their badges during ICC. Fresh alts could group up with geared mains.


Wrath heroics were mostly undertuned… until the 3.3 heroics at least.


I leveled a DK on the beta, using the weak starter gear that they gave to level 70’s, and I didn’t think that. Even normal dungeons were threatening until you get a decent amount of gear. But even if you do think they’re too easy, then just make the dungeons harder.

Adding a 3rd difficulty and changing the location of drops with each patch is retail stuff. That goes against the spirit of classic.


Heroic+ is not in retail, so no, this does not make the game more like retail. You’re not going to run normals once ulduar comes out. The heroics are going to be getting steam rolled unless you’re in an undergeared all alt run. Adding another difficulty with catch up gear means we’ll actually do more content.


Because otherwise dungeons would be irrelevant after a month.

And honestly, that is a better solution to me than boosting the ilvl of the dungeon gear.


Because otherwise dungeons would be irrelevant after a month.

Wrong. In original WotLK, players ran heroics for the entirety of the expansion to get the daily quest done. Daily quest gave +2 of the best emblem available at the time.

And honestly, that is a better solution to me than boosting the ilvl of the dungeon gear.

Why would we do this though? If you want gear, you run the raids.

WotLK was far more alt friendly than TBC and classic. It was always easy to catch up without any of this stuff. Making the easiest classic expansion even easier isn’t keeping anyone more engaged.


They added this change to TBC classic and this barely does anything to actually encourage players to run dungeons.

This isn’t 2008 its 2022.


There is a massive difference between badges of justice (which can only be used to purchase set items) and WotLK’s badge system. The type of badge awarded from the WotLK daily improves with each patch.


Not in WOTLK classic… The current tier will be one emblem and all previous phase content will be a different emblem. Bringing the total types of heroic tokens down to 2.

Also doesn’t matter what type of token, when people get full bis’d they’re not gonna do any dungeons.

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Yes, in classic. The daily will give the current tier’s emblem. The bosses themselves drop the previous tier’s emblem.

Also doesn’t matter what type of token, when people get full bis’d they’re not gonna do any dungeons.

Okay… but this doesn’t solve that either. Why would someone in BiS run a heroic+ dungeon that drops gear a tier behind what they’re already wearing?


It doesn’t im just saying adding a daily quest for 2 measly tokens doesn’t do a damn thing to make people want to tank older dungeons…

Promising them that sweet .0000001% mount drop dopamine 100% will though.

The fact that the drops are so rare means that tanks will have to spam the hell out of dungeons just for a tiny chance at any of the drops.

And if you think “people arn’t going to actually do that” you underestimate the power of RNG dopamine.

Um… Heroic+ sounds like mythic since that’s what comes after heroic dungeons, your regular ole mythic dungeons.


If you care enough about this game to farm a low drop chance mount, then you absolutely care enough to do your daily heroic. The daily is plenty incentive.

If you want to add more rewards to dungeons to get people to tank them, okay sure. Suggest that change instead. You can easily add more mounts or whatever without adding a 3rd difficulty and moving raid drops to dungeons with each patch.


what spirit is that, exactly?

Immersion. X mob drops Y item. That’s the only way to get it. When you see someone wearing it, you know that they killed that boss.

That goes out the window with the heroic+ changes. Items might as well be nameless stat sticks at that point. It’s no different than the system in retail, where dungeon item levels increase with each patch. No one knows what the hell the items are called in retail. All you look at is the item level.

And these changes provide no benefit. It was never hard to catch up in WotLK. It didn’t matter if you started late or were leveling your 12th alt or whatever. You could get any character caught up after a few weeks at max level in original WotLK without any of these changes.


Except mythic 0s don’t drop previous raid tier items, they were not designed for catch up gear, and the whole mythic+ system is completely different. Modern mythics are just what we know in classic as heroics. They have daily lockouts and aren’t RDFable. Saying that because retail has a third difficulty for dungeons means they’re implementing retail systems in wotlk clasic is incredibly hyperbolic.

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explains why there’s a vendor who has enough equipment to gear up an entire private army but instead gives them out one at a time AFTER you killed the enemy.
what is the NPC doing with those emblems anyway?

Badges also break immersion, but they were part of original TBC and WotLK. It’s not a change to have badge items. That’s just how it was back then.

This is the first change that is contrary to the spirit of classic. All other changes so far have been made to preserve the spirit of classic. This one, not so much. I don’t get it.


so blizzard bringing their classic expansions with “end game patch” which revamped every single class and made them so powerful, it happened in classic 60 and in tbc and after 3years blizzard realized that the content is so easy and decided to bring a feature that doesn’t exist in original to fix the problem they started and then to balance the new system they decided to buff gear, the dev’s must have iq of 20 or something LOL, this reminds me of diablo3 years years ago "monks had ability to hit for 1700%weapon dmg so blizzard said that it’s too powerful and need nerf, they lowered it to 400% and the spell became useless so 1month later blizzard claimed that they didn’t mean to heavly nerf it and will fix it So they made it 2500% more powerful than the original. this was hilarious the dev’s must be high 24/7 to come up with awful problems and fix it with more problems.


Twins, Gluth, and the other 20 bosses that share partial loot tables would disagree with your assessment of blizzard’s unique loot design philosophy. The “spirit of classic” is subjective. Obviously you disagree with blizzard and the myriad of people who like the change. That’s your right, but I’m not really grasping your core issue with it outside of that you feel that it kinda sorta maybe feels like a retail system if you squint your eyes.