Heroic+ - Why?

who said this was going to be like mythic + or where did you read mythic was coming?

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who said anything about it being like mythic +. I said they didn’t need a Gimmick Like mythics. but since you’re bringing it up thats exactly what heroic + reminds me of. and i do not want it. stop retailing my wrath.

You did refer back to your previous post mate.

“wrath didn’t need to rely on gimmicks to make it good like heroic+ or keys or mythic raids or dungeons. just leave that garbage can on fire in retail”

heroic raids were mythic raids fyi don’t kid yoruself

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If this means it makes anti RDFers upset then Ia m all for it.

you clearly cannot f-ing read. because i did not equate it to Mythic +. you’re reading comprehension is that of a 4th grader.

please reread. there is an OR in between heroic + and keys. stop being a downy.

have a good one mate, i am going to play the game and have fun you go continue to be mad about nothing.


yeah leave because you didn’t read the statement correctly. but just watch, if i think heroic + is just m+ all over. they’re going to ruin that the way its been ruined in retail. thats why stop i keep saying stop retaling my wrath.

That’s amazing. lmao

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I think it’s pretty simple. They see Classic as a chance to right some of their past mistakes (right or wrong). At the end of Wrath a lot of people were rolling around in ICC gear complaining about how easy the game was. That led to a lot of drastic changes when Cataclysm dropped (we want you to use cc again, we want your healer to run out of mana, we want you to run through your full dps rotation 10 times before a world mob dies, etc.) I think this is their attempt at smoothing out the end of wrath so they don’t get the same complaints going into whatever comes next.


Kind of crazy to think about. Instead of just putting aside their pride and say they were wrong and put in LFD, they decide to do this?

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except when they were given a challenging dungeon like H-HoR people would just bail. sorry but that doesn’t pass the sniff test.

I’m glad you’re not in charge. Changes are good, this isn’t 2008 mate. I played Wrath when it was current, and these changes are needed.

It is painfully obvious you don’t understand the issues that Wrath had and these changes are trying to address them.

I can’t stand this purist mindset for Classic WoW either. This ideology is holding the devs back at times from making a more fun and better version of those expansions all to appease a bunch of purists that don’t know jack about game development.

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These people will never admit they were wrong. They are delusional. They still think the Shadowlands story was good and just implemented poorly.

Game is functioning just fine with LFD, so I don’t understand why people are so upset? The new LFG tool is working just fine imo.

Maybe try to be more social instead of a mute npc while playing?

Your opinion is meaningless. And the LFG tool isn’t working fine at all. Thats not an opinion btw, thats a fact.

Actually, it is an opinion mate. I’d love to see the data on how the new LFG isn’t working.

Wrath heroics were easy peasey.

You could literally pull like 20 mobs at once, kill them, and move onto the next 20 mobs. They were literally free lower teir gear runs with rdf and emblems.

Lmao. Oh so you liked all of the changes so far? Lol. NOW REAP IT!!! see how that works. This is why ppl wanted no changes. Because they will screw it up. They already have foe some of us. Now they will keep changing stuff until every last person is upset.

Such a hyperbolic take on this lol. It is 2022 mate and they are rereleasing a game from 2008. Changes are needed. Classic Vanilla proved that changes were needed badly.

These changes are going to make Wrath last longer and be way more fun!!!

Classic Vanilla proves that changes are not needed. It was very authentic, and insanely popular. Doubled WoW’s subs. TBC was less authentic and less successful. Wrath Classic is going to be a train wreck. It barely resembles original Wrath.