Heroic+ - Why?

I’m pretty sure I could solo Gundrak heroic at around… Ulduar or ToC gear, as tank. Took long, but shows that you don’t even need a healer when geared.

Heroic+ sounds exciting, looking forward to it. It solves the raid only endgame. Wrath has tons of content to go through, but once you got through it all, the reps, professions, dailies, you’re stuck at raidlog or re-do things on alt. Heroic+ should make things more interesting.

Not really heroic+ isn’t being positioned like mythic+ in retail where you can get current raid equivalent gear. It’ll be naxx 10 level gear when ulduar comes out. So it’s purely going to be catch up gear if you missed phase 1, oh and naxx 10 will start dropping 25 man gear.

That’s fine, should keep previous raids relevant. When we got to ToC, Naxx would never be done.
At ICC, Just ToC+ICC.

So if they got a way to keep all 4 raids relevant for longer, or indefinitely, Wrath could be pretty fun to play.

Naxx10 is pretty easy to do, so 25m loot dropping later from 10m should make it worth.

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Why should keeping old raids relevant all expansion be something the game’s based on? At a point, players should be able to graduate out of running the same raids every week. TBC’s relatively flat raid progression is such a turn-off.

Alot of people dont realize that after spamming dungeons for rep, XP, and gear for hundreds of runs, those dungeons get TIRED QUICK. Raids at least have a lockout timer so it takes alot longer to start feeling that content burnout.

Yeah phase 1 dungeons are gonna be fun and people are gonna be going hard but…
EVENTUALLY, phase 4 rolls around and Andy wants you to do to tank his 6th alt through heroic DTK and you pretend to be afk cause you’d really rather not.

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How does it ruin immersion? Its no different from having normal and heroic modes. Oh no its got a + after is name ITS GOT A PLUSSSSSS!!!

It’s not mandatory. They’re adding heroic+ as weaker catch up, and beefing older raids as stronger catchup, so you can choose if you want to go with weaker dungeon catchup, or do older raids to catch up.

Or both for maximum efficiency. Heroic dungeons are once a day and you got like 20% chance to get item u need. I fondly remember farming Utgarde keep for a week for epic pair of pants, it’d be about the same, you might get items first run, it might take a week of running.

And to note, Naxx10 is same ilvl gear as heroic dungeon epics, so it’s not massive catchup that’s going to give free loot to everyone. Ulduar with its buffed gear, will be far ahead still.

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Some may be thinking but its raid…its supposed to be hard. to get the gear.

okay…lets actually see what they put out. It may not be “just a dungeon”.

part of me is hoping/assuming this won’t stack on more mobs so 4 decked out dks jsut spread diseases and blood boil the mess longer. and done. Healer there for color really.

Making the dungeons harder steers people from the dungeon when the rewards arent worth it. Thats why you saw us able to do heroics so quickly in TBC, i wouldnt be surprised if it was experimental. Heroic BF was so ridiculous with tbc classic launch no one ever wanted to do it, literal waste of time for majority of the player base.

It’s a great solution that works both as a safeguard against making small content irrelevant in a month and a pretty organic catch up mechanic that doesn’t introduce free loot.

Honestly, I’m surprised - It seems to be a very good idea.

This has to be a joke.


They did it because they can. No further explanation needs to be given. But think of it as the ant gdkp system.

How does this take people out of the world more than heroics?? Groups are still being formed dungeons staying relevant thus people not in the city… but out in the world traveling to dungeon.

do you know what heroic + is or did you just assume its mythic +?

TBC dungeons went empty quickly because they’re long and require just specific enough skill and group comp to rarely be worth the time invested.

Wrath dungeons are low-stress, conveniently paced and entertaining enough to daily run as warm-ups or stress releases.

If Blizzard keeps emblems from original heroics relevant each phase, I can see H+ flopping because people would rather run 3 breezy runs than one that always feels more of a hassle than it should be.

You are wrong. the reason why they felt undertuned is because by the time we had TOGC and ICC 25 man gear the heroics were trivial they were a foot note. and thats how they should be. the only overtuned instance out of the icc 5 mans was halls of reflection and that is only because people didn’t know how to handle that instance.

i don’t give a flying poop what it is. its just another reason for them to make changes and prevent things from being in wrath that were there. i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again. give us RDF. screw with this stupid Heroic+.

what if it makes it better?

Wrath was already the best expansion to date. the number of subs proved it. sorry MoP fangirls, wrath was the best xpac to date. if mist was better it would have had larger numbers. wrath didn’t need to rely on gimmicks to make it good like heroic+ or keys or mythic raids or dungeons. just leave that garbage can on fire in retail. just give us a wotlk like it was released back in november 2008.

Beta heroics were pretty easy. I’m assuming it’s the nerfed version at the end of the game. I remember them being harder as we progressed through patches in retail wotlk. For instance, the 3rd boss in UGP has a breath that does damage if you stand in it. I remember having to gtfo that asap as if you were in there like a few secs you were dead. Now…you can /dance in it and live. Another one that comes to mind is the AN last boss doing an upward strike while underground one shotting ppl at one point in wotlk. Now if you get hit…no problem.

I’m on the fence when it comes to this discussion. Pre-nerfed heroics if anyone knows when there was a nerf, unless I’m remembering things wrong, would be enough. The dungeons dailies is what makes those older dungeons relevant in the first place. If they don’t change badges like twenty times and stick with the same badges, then people would keep going back.

Heroics+ makes me curious as to what they could actually do. Honestly see if people have interest with a survey would be my answer to the Heroics+ question. Wouldn’t there also be more acheivements as well with Heroic+? At least completing the dungeon at that difficulty. Just sounds like a lot of work tbh.