Heroic+ - Why?

There is a massive difference between Gluth randomly dropping a Naxx item (he lives in Naxx, he can easily come across someone else’s item) and moving an entire raid’s loot table to dungeons with each major patch.


10 man and 25 man dropping 2 different versions of the same exact item with different stats and values doesn’t break immersion? This was in OG wotlk.

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It does. But like you said, it was part of original WotLK. I’m not asking for every single detail to be changed.

What if blizzard made a brand new items that dropped gear with identical stats but its not the same item. Would that go against your “spirit of classic”. Or are you just finding things to complain about

Also this “spirit of classic” is just a dumb buzzphrase that means something completely different depending on who you ask.

Yes. That has the same result. Items are no longer special. They might as well be nameless stat sticks.

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Is there a difference? Yes. I’m just pointing out that your claim of “when you see someone with x item you know they killed y” has never been true in all casss. If your claim is instead “when you see someone with x item you know they got it in y raid” that’s another thing. But in wotlk people get tier pieces from badge gear, so again, it is in line with wotlk design philosophy. We also have no idea what items they’re going to move. I’m assuming the stepped up ilvl loot like KT will not move with the ilvl 200 pieces.

What basic design intention made WOTLK one of the most attractive expansions in WoW history? What was a huge, yet welcoming change for millions of players?

WOTLK as a whole was several times more casual friendly, as well as alt friendly. From the cold weather flying book, to heirlooms, with a whole new ‘Bind of Account’ item status. I personally believe that the changes they’ve made as far as Heroic+ goes, is actually very in-line with the actual intentions and spirit of WOTLK. Not vanilla, and not TBC, but WOTLK. Obtaining previous raid tier from dungeons won’t hurt anyone. It’s essentially a catch-up mechanic that benefits that ‘alt friendliness’ aspect


Gluth is an exception, and even then, it’s not like he can drop any item in the game. He can drop a selection of Naxx items. That makes perfect sense and doesn’t break immersion.

It would only be weird/ruin immersion if Gluth and a different boss both dropped the same item in the same raid… but that’s a pretty rare circumstance and I can forgive Blizzard if they didn’t plan for that.

It is a MASSIVE leap to go from that to “let’s put an entire raid’s loot table on dungeon bosses with each major patch”

These are all reasons why we DON’T need this change. WotLK is extremely alt friendly and casual friendly as it is.

You can already catch up any character, at any point in time in WotLK, after a few weeks at max level. And you don’t need any changes to do that.

This change will not improve that timeframe. It will still take a few weeks to catch up. You will just catch up via dungeons instead of actually running the raids that are supposed to drop the gear that you want.

Heroic+ is their answer to the lack of LFD, it keeps groups forming throughout the expansion


You are completly wrong, TBC has one type of badges and that’s it. Wrath gives a new version of badge with each new tier. the guy you’re quoting is correct.

I’ve seen a couple posts of you on the forum and you seem to blindly defend blizzard on every issue. you’re either ignorant of how alot of Wrath systems work, or you’re a troll.

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Because blizzard is both creatively bankrupt at this point and also far too lazy to make new dungeons.

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Wrath normal dungeons are a complete joke that you can do in greens, you do not even need to be crit immune to do them.

Hey man, maybe find a few better players to run with or up your own skill, all wrath dungeons, save for the ICC heroic ones, are a complete joke.

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they were a god/goddess of heroics back in the day.

in this system they will have to work +20’s (or whatever the scale used is) to maintain that.

since me saying I can ace a regular heroic necrotic wake means, well, nothing. Its heroic. at some point its like running calling quest X for the 1000 time.

Not in wrath “classic” that’s yet another change they made. They’re going with a two badge system ala Cata style. Oh and 10 mans will be dropping the good badge from the start as well which will further devalue doing the daily heroic when you’re getting something like 60+ badges a week just from raiding.

Same nonsense throughout the entire Ion era— buzzphrases meant to justify their preferences

I can see where you’re going with this, and it also seems like an obvious concern at a glance.

However, if we look at the change to heroics that they are making, it might not actually be a bad thing, but a good one.

When Ulduar comes out, then there will be an additional 5-man dungeon difficulty level (Heroic+) that will reward Naxx 10 gear. If this continues with each tier, then it’s effectively giving a catchup mechanic for newcomers and alts, while still keeping previous tier 25-man content relevant for gearing.

In an accelerated timeline, this gives relevancy to both older raid content and heroics throughout most of the duration of Wrath Classic, while also offering a smooth progression path for newly leveled characters to gear up.

What sorts of downsides do you see to this sort of system, and what sorts of effects do you envision them having?

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Hey buddy, I can see you are trying to dunk on this guy, but you are wrong. Blizzard already changed how the wrath classic badge system will work.

It will be 2 badges, Heroism and Valor, the current 25 man will drop valor, everything else will drop heroism.
So 2 examples, when naxx is current, naxx 10 will drop heroism, 25 man will drop Valor.

When ICC comes out, ICC 25 man will drop Valor, everything else will drop Heroism. That is how it will work. There will be no Conquest, Triumph, or Frost. Seemingly you will be able to stack up Valor, then when the new content drops, nab the current badge vendor gear.

For real. If they added a few new dungeons in each patch based on Wrath zones, no one’s complaining about it. This is just more of the same content recycling that keeps players in the same handful of instances all expansion in retail.

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10 and 25 man will both drop valor.

Which is a fairly significant change as it will devalue doing the daily heroic more and will net you a lot more badges per week.

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I’d be 100% satisfied with this. Make it look different, call it something else, and it’s totally fine in my eyes. Maybe for unique effect items like on use trinkets, change the effect to something slightly worse to on par, to incentivize running the actual content the items come from at least a little.

That’d be much more Classic.