Heroic dungeons lockout

Heroic dungeons has been CONFIRMED to have ZERO LOCKOUT IN The War Within. Those ASSUMED well now you’re WRONG.

No where in that quote says anything about lockouts…


Did you even read my words and not the title?

Yes, and you told me you don’t know the meaning of the word “confirmed”.

Yes, did you read your own post? Lockouts are not listed there.


Yeah you didn’t read.

Where’s the confirmation? Where did Blizzard say “Heroic dungeons will not have a lockout in The War Within”? Go ahead and show me; I’ll wait.

If there were lockouts it would’ve had mentioned like here

I think they’re trying to say the opposite

As in, Blizzard didn’t say they were having heroic lockouts because it’s not listed and others assumed they were

If they were changing lockouts it would be mentioned. Sort of like how they changed Mythic lockouts and said that they were changing mythic lockouts.

That’s because Mythic dungeons are having their lockout changed. I hope English isn’t your first language, because I’d be embarrassed on behalf of all your English teachers…

Starting with Season 1 of The War Within, Heroic dungeon difficulty will feature our roster of seasonal dungeons.

This is more concerning than if there will or will not be heroic lockouts…


Make fun of me for all I care cause I seriously don’t give a damn. Also, if they were going to change lockouts they were going to announce it like on mythic since it’s a need to know. If they weren’t gonna change it they won’t have to say anything.

And you think you can type better English than I can yeah sure go bully someone else with that kind of stuff. Or have better reading comprehension skills yeah sure I doubt anyone can read at a college level.

So daily M0 world tours. Nice.

Rogue confirmed to be the best m+ tank by far. Its official. They didnt mention it at all so must be 100% accurate otherwise they would’ve posted that that isn’t the case

I haven’t played any of Season 4 (busy with Remix). Do Heroics have lockouts now?

If they don’t have lockouts right now, then I wouldn’t expect that to change without an announcement explicitly saying it.

If they do have lockouts right now, then, likewise, this announcement does not confirm they are removing them.

Why? It’s the same logic that they used for M+ during DF. They want to keep the dungeon experience somewhat fresh on a season to season basis, rather than having people spam the same set for 2 years straight. That’s fine.

Heroic has always had a lockout when you go in manually which is what we’ll be doing the first 2 weeks.

So since they didn’t mention a change based on your logic Heroics will still have a one day lockout when not using LFD.

After the 10th sure but M+ also opens the same time so /shrug?

No where in what you posted did it say there would be no lock outs .

It said heroics would be tuned to the difficulty of Mythic 0

It also no new mechanics from mythic or other adjustments (like no lockouts) from mythics would be present in the new heroics

Actually it’s not

that’s now what they’re trying to say.

I think they mean because Blizzard didn’t post that, and people assumed there would be daily lockouts there isn’t