[Herod] I can log into EK but not Kalimdor?

Herod appears to be largely online again, but only the Eastern Kingdoms. Whenever I try to log into my main (Tanaris) or an Orc alt in Durotar I get d/c’d at 60-90% of the loading screen. When I make a level 1 Undead I can log in right away and play without issue.

It’s been this way almost 45min now. I doubt the DDoS attack is responsible for a specific continent to be unavailable. Is this a layering issue then? Is there an ETA on when this will be resolved?


Someone please address this.

Same with Mankrik. Can login in any other server but Mankrik where I was running RFK when I got disconnected.
Getting WOW51900101

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Guys, the DDOS issues are still ongoing, there’s going to be general weirdness and inconsistencies with network behavior until it’s resolved.

I’m having this issue as well. I can sign into my alt on the Eastern Kingdoms, but not Kalimador. Every time I try and select my main character on Kalimador, I’m receiving WOW51900319.

Same here, 80% login on Herod, Please fix

Same thing on Bigglesworth. Can’t log into any character yet there are others playing currently. Every character hangs with World Server Down.

Cannot log into Kalimdor (Desolace). 90% loading DC and error.

It has been nearly 2 hours now since any of my characters on Kalimdor have been playable. This is all while the realm itself seems fine, and about half of my guild is effortlessly playing. I am patient with regards to DDoS issues, but this does not seem either caused by nor perpetuated by the DDoS attacks. This probably requires a realm restart or something? I’m not sure.

Having this exact issue on Mankrik aswell.

same for me on Mankrik. Can login to a different realm fine.

Bumb - same issue, Herod/Kalimore

Same thing here. Bump. Please address!!!

No need to bump it. They’re still working out the issues. I’ve not yet seen an “all clear” post from Blizz saying that everything’s back and good to go.

Same. can’t load into Orgrimmar on Herod server!

I can’t load into winterspring or durator on Herold. But trisafall glade I can just fine. Somehow my two of my friends are having no problems playing over there. Sadness, stuck playing new undead alt.

Lets keep the posts to this one 9/7/2019 Server Issues - #466 by Zolpidem-rattlegore

I havent seen them say anything in regards to this issue. Herod is back to server que with people playing. Yet here we are waiting in forums for them so solve the problem.


Yet, it’s not CS folks who are solving this issue.

Again, there’s been no mention of everything being good to go. So best to keep it to the ongoing thread where the Support Forum Agents have been posting instead of making additional threads.