Hero talents require spells i do not care to use

that kind of stinks. can you play the other hero talent track that isn’t spellslinger?

i thought you just said you had to press it to apply DS mark.

i guess i just don’t understand the basic idea here. people are saying:

  • i don’t pick certain talents, because i don’t care if i’m playing “optimally”. i play how i want to play.
  • i’m being forced to pick certain talents in order to play optimally, which i just said i don’t care about.


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One of the priest ones requires sw death and another halo. one of the warlock ones requires infernal. There are several hero classes that are including spells that are not baseline.


right, so can’t you use the other one? every spec has access to two hero talent tracks, right?

I think the general player plays with those talents anyways. The question that comes to mind is that if you have to put points into a spell, that spell should probably be baseline.

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This was the same problem I had with some of the set bonuses during DF. Some of the set bonuses only impacted spells/abilities that I simply didn’t talent into because they were either degenerate or garbage to play with (the classic example being DH fel rush meta).

The game gives you the ability to build usually up to 3 different play styles per spec (left, middle and right of your talent tree). This means there’s a whole bunch of people who won’t even have the abilities some of these tier sets or hero talents will actually have any impact on. It’s incredibly frustrating and stupid to attempt to invest yourself into the game, only to find that large chunks of your characters power is effectively blocked off to you.

Don’t use that spell? Tough :poop:. 20% of your dps just went out the window because your tier set or hero talent buffs that ability.

I hate that I’m required to take Halo too. I don’t use Halo. Never have. I’ve never needed to before now. It’s got a wicked cool animation tho! I think they could use either Halo or Divine Star for the Hero talent tree tho, it’d be wicked cool to see Divine Star shoot out in all directions or something.

I hate Halo, seriously, it’s boring and lacks the control that Divine Star has. Glad I’m not alone in this!

Requiring a specific talent can be a problem. I’m happy with the required talent for my warrior. I love using Bladestorm as fury (it’s my favorite fury warrior ability and I wish ground target damage abilities for warriors, Spear and Ravager, had never been introduced). Spin to win - thank you Blizz for restoring Bladestorm to fury warrior. That being said, I can see the frustration if someone might prefer something else, so I think it would make sense to offer more flexibility.

Some of the choices are interesting - Mountain Thane requiring Thunder Clap, even for fury, and I don’t remember ever using it as fury. I don’t really mind it, but prefer Bladestorm.


can’t you go voidweaver instead of archon?

can’t you go voidweaver instead of archon?

umm, not as Holy! I went oracle for now tho. Archon seems fun, but I HAVE to use Halo. Ugh.

This has been my issue so far. I’m running Fury to level and was excited about Mountain Thane thematically. My current build has a lot of passives I didn’t want to skip & I don’t run Bladestorm, Ravager, or Thunder Clap (I miss it being baseline). Thane sadly fits very poorly with what I wanted in my play style since I’d automatically have to rearrange to pick up TClap along with any related talents that improve it.

Conversely, Slayer has a bunch of wasted talents that boost skills I don’t have, as many have pointed out. Of the two, I went with Slayer since despite those wasted nodes it still seems to have more direct boons to my Raging Blow+Rampage+Execute focused build, but I’m bummed that I’m missing out on Mountain Thane which I was really stoked about with all the lightning & WC3 throwback vibes.

I’ll probably still switch over soon since I feel like I’m skipping out on what I really wanted, but the loss of those other traits I want from Slayer is a frustrating choice to have to make. Honestly, I wanted them to be cosmetic like class skins/altered effects instead, but that’s another topic. Back on the main point though, even sticking with Slayer feels bad since a few of the points I slotted in did absolutely nothing given my current build having zero synergy. Unfortunate design there.

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Whether or not I want to be a hero, or return to simply being an adventurer, I still don’t feel like a hero with these talents. Nobody is awarding me the key to the city when I use them, nor do I have a local sub sandwich named after me. Immersion totally ruined.


sorry, i assumed shadow. that was all i meant though, i think there’s always another option.

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a hero doesn’t wait for somebody to name a sandwich after them. a hero picks a sandwich and says “this is mine. it’s named after me from now on.”


As Affliction Soul Harvester, I did move a few things around (2-3 talent points), but the Hero Talents just add to the abilities. I don’t need soul rot, but it gives me extra bonuses. I still play mostly the same, I just use shadow bolt/soul siphon way more. I haven’t really even decided which way to go on that spell either.

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a hero doesn’t wait for somebody to name a sandwich after them. a hero picks a sandwich and says “this is mine. it’s named after me from now on.”

Then I take Power Surge and force it to use Divine Star instead of Halo. Fixed.

Thanks so much for the suggestion! <3


I loved both Resto Shaman hero options, I was switching back and forth often trying to decide which I enjoyed more.

I find that the guaranteed shared fate from nightfall procs, shadow bolt volley procs, along with the malefic do just fine for AoE. I do pull random mobs I wasn’t trying to fight though. I generally do Seed → Vile taint → soul rot → malefic (x4), then I figure out what to do with anyone left, usually a nightfall will proc in there a few times.

This has convinced me to change from Oracle to Archon. Because Premonition is total crapola.

It was disappointing to see some of the hero talents work like this. I remember them saying that hero talents weren’t supposed to lock you into specific talents and that any build could use them.

But ultimately, outside of adding new abilities which they didn’t really want to do, what could they have done? I guess more like hell caller where an existing baseline ability changed to something new.

But :dracthyr_shrug: here we are I guess. Hopefully what ever their plans are for expanding them in midnight and the last titan. Maybe they can do something to fix that.

Legit question, what if it effected both Halo and the other ability (that used to be?) on the choice node? The star one. Would that have made it better for you?

I personally love both but always preferred the star.

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