Hero spec names you like/dislike

Considering it is still “subject to change” which of the specs do you think needs to be renamed/you like.

For shaman I like two, but don’t really like “totemic”. Sounds kinda boring/not heroic.

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San’layn right off the bat for Death Knight. Vampire Blood Elves.

Monk: No Geomancer, I know the Warcraft RPG D&D stuff isn’t canon.

Shaman: Shadow Hunter.

Paladin: Dark Knight, Garithos.

I was really hoping for a Monk-E-See and Monk-E-Do for Monks, but we can’t have everything.


I was hoping to see necromancer announced with the release of all the current names but I don’t think hero specs are going to change class appearances, at least not yet.

Like San’layn and Dark Ranger. Not sure how I feel about Mountain Thane and Slayer. But I’ll know better how I feel about this stuff when I get to test it.

rider of the apocalypses

not bad for the dk names

Not a fan of Mountain Thane. It’s too dwarf specific.

…a goblin warrior Mountain Thane? It makes zero sense.


I don’t really like “Mountain Thane,” because that is VERY much a dwarf-specific thing in my estimation, and most warriors are not dwarves.


I swear we’re not the same person LOL.

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As someone who’s favorite expansion was MOP, I’m looking forward to Shado Pan monks.

“Spellslinger” should be “Archmage”, at the very least.

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San’layn needs to be changed like yesterday to something else. It’s way too niche.


I am NOT a fan of priests as a whole, very cookie cutter “you’re either a holy priest or a void worshipper” while everyone else has something nodding to hero classes like Mountain Thane and Dark Ranger. Would’ve really loved a Moon Priest and Loa Priest additions. We already have Gilneans in lore having learned Moon Priest customs, and we know Loa are not strictly troll… so… IDK, priests deserve some kind of flavor.

All the rogue names are goofy and need to be fixed.

I also noticed a lack of “gladiator” in any of the warrior hero specs.

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where is gladiator for warriors ?

Deathstalker ain’t that bad… probably the one for both assa and sub


Or Blademaster which is a sin


My guess are

Dk :
Unholy - Rider/DeathBringer
Blood - San’Layn/Rider
Frost - Deathbringer/San’Layn

DH :
Well there is no choice they both can get each

Druid :
Balance - Grove/Elune
Feral - Wild/Claw
Guardian - Claw/Elune
Resto- Grove/Wild

Evoker :
Preservation - Chrono/Ruby
Devastation - Ruby/Scale
Augmentation - Chronos/Scale

Hunter :
Beast - Pack/Dark
Mark - Dark/Sentinel
Survi - Sentinel/Pack

Fire - Sunfury/Frostfire
Ice - Frostfire/Spellslinger
Arcane - Spellslinger/Sunfury

Monk :
Brew - Celestial/Shado-Pan
Mist - Harmony/Celestial
Wind - Shadow-Pan/Harmony

Holy - Lightsmith/Herald
Ret - Herald/Templar
Prot - Templar/Lightsmith

Priest :
Disc - Archon/Voidweaver
Holy - Oracle/Archon
Shadow - Voidweaver/Oracle

Rogue :
Assa - Deathstalker/trickster
Outlaw - Trickster/Fatebound
Sub - Fatebound/deathstalker

Enhance - Stormbringer/Totemic
Ele - Farseer/Stormbringer
Resto - Totemic/Farseer

Lock :
Affli - Soul Harvest/Diabolist
Demo - Hellcaller/Soul Harvest
Destro - Diabolist/Hellcaller

Warrior : they said yesterday but
Prot - Thane/Colossus
Arm - Colossus/Slayer
Fury - Slayer/Thane

Well these are just guess. but im quite sure its gonna be that or close to that

Since Blademasters are canonically non-armor class, this would’ve been a great Monk spec (finally a spec that utilizes weapons). Its a big let-down.

already a thread

Deathbringer is fine.

Rider of the Apocalypse is too wordy. Scourgelord is already iconic and a better option.

Instead of San’Layn I think their other name Darkfallen is better.

Give Warriors Blademaster give Slayer to Rogues they need to replace Trickster or Fatebound cause those suck.