Hero spec names you like/dislike

the hunter one of Sentinel as that’s heavily NE related and the warrior one of Mountain Thane is heavily dwarf related… hopefully these won’t be how it is for everyone as yeah no… bugs me a bit more than it should. I love the priest one of Voidweaver though as that sounds wicked and the DK one Rider of the Apocalypse is awesome sounding too

I feel as though Darkfallen is too related to the sub-race that we have in game already (Risen Kaldorei and High Elf / Blood Elf Dark Rangers). I feel as though a Lich option could be best for the sake of Unholy AND Frost can share the spec (an probably Blood as well tbh) since these are suppose to be specs that we can swap into. A tri-spec would be amazing for people who enjoy a specific hero spec for all of their specs on their class.

I’m not so keen on Spellslinger. Presumably that’s the arcane/frost one. Arcanist maybe? Battlemage? I don’t know.


Hold on – we’re getting a Batman hero spec?

Do you mean OATH Breaker? :slight_smile:

Favorites: Diabolist, Voidweaver, and Frostfire mage (GIVE ME FROSTFIRE BOLT AND FROSTFIRE ORB)

Cool but unsure: Chosen of Elune, Oracle, and Sentinel

Meh: Spellslinger, Lightsmith

So is San’Layn

Dunno. My brain just substitutes “Batman” every time it sees “Dark Knight.”

Edit to Add: OK, I just now saw the Paladin list. Herald of the Sun looks like it might be something I could get into.

Shado-pan is awesome

Rogue hero-specs sounds like mix of current specs.

Deathstalker: Sin/Sub
Trickster: Outlaw/Sub
Fatebound: Sin/Outlaw

It looks like there will be a hero spec to let Beastmasters run with even MORE pets but I want one that let’s me use just one like in ye olde days

Glad I am not the only person who feels some of these hero names are too race-specific versus ambiguous for all race/spec combinations. Thane is a Dwarven title, and the ‘mountain’ part with it makes it feel even more Dwarvish.


Huge fan of “Druid of the Claw” and “Horseman of the Apocalypse”.

Archon seems kinda generic. Hard to imagine exactly what that one is. Totemic sounds kinda boring.

I don’t like anything that could ruin my class/race fantasy.

I.e. Dark Ranger. My troll does not want to be an Elven necromancer. He is a troll. A troll of the wild. He doesn’t want to use necromantic magic.

Also - Mountain Thane (my warrior isn’t a dwarf) and San’layn (am Orc, not elf.)

I really liked it but again each to their own. Spellslinger is a nod to lineage 2 wizards. I loved the druid ones and oracle and archon sound great! :cloud_with_rain:

all the warlock names are terrible.

SPELLSLINGER should have been called SPELLCHUCKER :wink:

I hate Fatebound for Rogue. Someone in another thread suggest Blackguard, that sounds cool instead.

I just don’t get how yall hate on “mountain thane” because it’s too dwarf related, and yet think making man’ari playable is a good
idea. And every race, even Tauren, can be rogues. And warlocks. Idk, I stopped paying attention.

Just can’t take this fan base serious sometimes.

Ya I don’t get it either. Warriors literally already have iconic Mountain King abilities from WC3: Avatar, Thunder Clap, and Storm Bolt, Mountain Thane fits perfectly.

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