Here's how casuals can raise their io score fast!

I know we disagree. (a lot, about a lot of things :slight_smile: )

but the comment above? indisputable fact. The group finder interface is awful.

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dawwwww :grin:

Yeah I think the raider IO hate will diminish a bunch if that interface is canged.

Yeah it would kinda be nice to check the LFG list before trying to make a group. You could probably grab some quality casual personalities then add a tank and heals. I would say that 99% of those people would see the key to the end if it failed or not.

too much work, I just want to get in a 15 right at the start because I deserve it, because I am good player. I want gear and i want it NOW

Question for the two of you, and this is completely random, just popped in my head as I swiped my pizza lunchable from my son who thought he was going to be sneaky…lol

Is there a discord that could help ppl with keys? I’m sure there is, but if not, has anyone possibly given thought to maybe making a discord for ppl, esp here on the forums, where they can go to get the low key…keys??

Idk, I’m trying to add in to helping to figure out a middle ground to all this RIO IS BAD/PLAYERS BAD/PPL SUCK blah blah blah…I mean, it may be an unsuccessful attempt, but I do get it how some ppl can be discouraged about it all…there are plenty of flaws in how Blizz has set up the LFG system, unless you use it regularly, it really can be discouraging to try to set it up - that’s why I gave examples of how to start a M0 LFA thingy to a couple ppl, idr if it’s in this thread, or another…but maybe a discord for casual keys might be a thing??

Idk, maybe it’s stupid idea - but I tried. lol

Thanks for reading my ramble, and figured I’d tag you two since it seemed you two were really brainstorming. :relaxed:


I’m not sure. I’m from the vent generation and this discord thing is as confusing to me as tik tok.

I’ve seen posts about class discords though, so I’m sure folks could start there if nothing else.

I’ve never used raiderio but from what I understand, it just adds points for how many completed timed dungeons you do.

So couldn’t you just farm lower keys and raise your score?

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lol Yeah I am a Vent Vet as well, but took some time to really “get to know” discord, and now host quite a few servers, and am very active with it. I’ve just never personally seen anything geared towards the more casual gamers wanting to partake in some low key…keys…etc and try to advance if they so choose.


Eh, that hasn’t worked for me. They’re all raiding guilds, and/or are mythic+ guilds that aren’t interested in doing lower keys so I wind up having to pug anyway. Guilds just don’t work out.

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If that’s the concept of what PvE suppose to be, I’m honestly not remotely interested in partaking in such toxic activity.

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Omg this made me laugh.

There is probably nothing worse in the whole world than a casual with money. They just ruin everything!

Of course, maybe you’d have some money if got out of mom’s basement and got a job…

  1. To hell with your rAiDuRr HuRrR DuR Io
  2. Avoid d-bags that use it.
  3. If you can, form a group and never touch rio.
  4. ??
  5. Us “cAsUAlS” will be the exclusive d-bags of casuals.

RIO fankids know it’s created exclusiveness, division, and friction in the “community” (or what it used to be), and turned it toxic af.

But, hey…it’s what they want. And how dare anyone speak against rio!!

And the proof of the pudding…

This infantile, screwing around with keys and “scores” is just stupid and you can keep this cesspool of stupidity. If people want to play your petty, political, childish games of elitism to play content…knock yourselves out.

I’m done with this toxic and petty “community”. It wasn’t like this, 14/15 years ago.

How about ignore mythic+ completely?

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




Funny, whenever I try this on alts or other accounts than my main, the first iteration goes through fine step 7 usually goes like below

  1. Check
  2. Man that took a while but and your numbers were a little off but sure check got there finally.
  3. wait stop no, tank doesnt known how to tank this, we wiped 5 times because he cannot position the boss now healer has abandoned.
  4. already completed prior
  5. failed at step 4
  6. exactly repeat MY steps 2-6

I am not saying it always happens but I have found unless I am playing a tanking role this is the way pug groups go.

I have tried looking for a few M+ communities, most Pugs will not take ilvl450-460 players into anything over a +10 unfortunately you cannot differentiate a good 450 player from a terrible 460 player until you play with them.

I main tank, and I’d love to run some dungeons with you

Running multiple keys doesn’t raise your score, the score is based on highest/best run.

I’m down for that. I also love how critiquing it makes the fankids cry and talk with emojis. lol They have so much salt.

Just in general they always sound frustrated and unhappy having to associate with other people.

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This doesn’t sound very casual.

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