Here's how casuals can raise their io score fast!

So now that Corona has isolated me I’ve had a chance to gear a tank on Alliance side and a healer on Horde side enough to start jumping into Mythics with them.

Is there any interest on these forums for people with any kind of excuses to get a consistent group going, starting from M0 and working our way up? One a week, slow but consistent grind.

You don’t need to tank optimally till you get to 10+. As long as you’re not wiping and you pull at a steady pace you can +2 most keys under 7.

It may be that many. I dont keep an exact count.
I just know that nearly every time I end up ditching a group its DPS who has created the problem.

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Very true my dude. This gets to be an increasing problem as you get higher in keys. I could write a thesis on how much of a problem this is (the reasons for lack of tanks) but I dont want to hijack the thread.

It’s definably been explained before. Sadly repeating the same answer over and over that does not address the complexities of the problem in the least is probably the most irritating thing you could do.

Let’s say mythic plus had all it’s timers removed with no word from Blizzard. And the only answer you to from the CM’s was Gratz, here are the steps to enjoy your new mythic plus experience. Would that not irritate the heck out of you?

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I’m thinking more like healing lower level instances and intro max level. Too many tanks who think they need to run that way but don’t communicate or lose aggro then lecture me on how I deserved to die because I tried to keep a dps alive and they didn’t want to peel for me when the hunter decided to play dead rather than run the mob to the tank.

Them’s the worst.

True, if only the community at large realized this then you’d have more people tanking. The problem is that the community has an unrealistic expectation of tank players; if the route isn’t the same thing they saw on e-sports TV then they’re prone to flipping out.

Which just goes to show that tanks are never given the benefit of the doubt, something that is afforded DPS and healers.

Most everyone is a casual.

Is there a spot for like… super casual…

I think that’s more my speed.

Repeating the same complaints without trying the given information on how to address the concern is just as annoying.

Most people have no problem listening to and debating suggestions for tweaks, however what’s coming are screams of ban IO and remove M+ timers altogether.

That change doesn’t really equate to the situation in question ( this is how it’s always worked, here’s how to do it. )

I wasn’t even playing when M+ was created, and didn’t start again until the current season. I still managed to figure out how to get in groups. (And I did it in the beginning as DPS so I could get a look at stuff before tanking it.)

Also, if Blizz made the change and I didn’t enjoy the content as a result, I would stop doing it.

There might be…I mean “casual” is pretty all encompassing the way it is thrown around on the forums.

Sure!! Let me know when you wanna run. Which dungeon we doing? Last night I pulled half the room onto +12 Cragmaw and didn’t come close to wiping :slight_smile:

That’s a assumption that it was never tried at all, Most people with complaints have actually tried to resolve the issue on their own before posting in the forums. Please do not lump us all together with those (broken souls) who now seek shock value attention.

I’ve have exhausted myself in the past debating suggestions for tweeks. I got meet with a wall of NO, make your own group that was literally a mile long. It’s impossible to break thru to people who seek a simple answer and don’t want to listen.

OK I made a example of annoyance that I thought you may empathise with and instead you just used it as a excuse to lecture me further. Then you wonder why we get irritated to the point where hate threads for IO get posted.


How am I doing a Mythic Dungeon with 6 people?


Sorry if that felt like a lecture. Just trying to explain why I feel this way about the example.

I won’t ask you to repeat them. I personally don’t have a problem looking at things that will improve QoL, (such as completed but over time keys not depleting, and having the option to choose any lower level key at the front) and I’m mostly responding to the requests that are breakers to the current system that is pretty enjoyable imo. Obviously in GD, there’s people reeeee-ing on both sides.

Yeah, it’s a generalization based in the arguments. Honestly though, having done it myself, it seems like you have to try pretty hard to not be able to get at least a +5 group.

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It’s easy if you have the time to commit to it. But spending half your play time getting “denied” is not fun for anyone. I experience it a bit less because of the whole outlaw thing, but I am sure some classes just sit in that boring menu and hit refresh over and over. BTW that Group finder needs a over haul very badly, I think it’s a primary source of a good 25% of the frustration with IO.

I’m sure it’s possible. On the off chance that I’m looking for a group in there I tend to be crafting or something to kill time.

The tool definitely needs some updates. It would be nice if you could post yourself as lfg and people could just request you join their group. That way you could post up and go off doing stuff while you wait.

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Watch a guide or too. You may not have experience, but you’ll at least be familiar with the dungeon, its mechanics, and viable routes.

I have said that one in the past a few times… then someone told me that would be a imposibly long wait and inn-efficent for blizzard to implement, They told me to then start my own group.

It all rounds back down to the catch phrase, even if your not even complaining.

Yeah it’d probably be as bad or worse than DPS waits for queues. That could be a tank/healer issue though. It would really be up to people doing the looking to be flexible with who they request. At least it would be easier to form your own group with it though.

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