Here's how casuals can raise their io score fast!

  1. Have free time that’s not raiding or prepping for raiding or playing a alt
  2. Get on the dungeon finder system.
  3. Fill up with 3 other dps and wait on a tank and healer.
  4. Get tank, wait longer for healer, tank bails just before we get a healer.
  5. Wait on another tank.
  6. Receive keystone.
  7. Realize the key you got is poison…repeat steps 1 thru 5.


  1. Have free time that’s not raiding or prepping for raiding or playing a alt
  2. Get on the dungeon finder system.
  3. Attempt to pug into the lowest key you can just to get it done for the weekly.
  4. Catch the “I can do this” bug then join a rare casual group.
  5. Watch as some jerk drops before the last boss with zero deaths and enough time.
  6. Go drink booze.
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Right! Also, I don’t want to do any game mechanics where I have to talk to someone else :rofl:

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800 dps shoot its like 2000

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hah you too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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+0 LF all, 2k+ io link aotc achievement and overnight me a vial of your blood.

Why would casuals care about IO score or even want to play the game the way you do?

Just be lucky enough people pay for this game so you can get catered to and keep quiet. They people you are insulting are paying for your content.

Judging by the amount of forum posts, there’s a number of reasons why casuals would like to do M+. Unfortunately many of them seem to not know how to form groups to do just that.

Join a guild.

That implies they are taking some ownership or responsibility over their own success. Not going to be a popular suggestion i’m afraid lol.


Seriously. In this virtual game the majority are on equal footing. Hell, there’s a blind streamer who plays this game and runs m+ on key levels higher than the people crying here will ever do.

If they really want to get into m+ it only takes one single step to do so.


Heres how casuals can save their sanity from bad players.

  1. ignore everything above and just play your casual game.

Clean in theory. However guilds usually raid with the time they line up on. When they are not raiding it’s rare that times line up as well. So your clean solution can get muddy by a variety of different play times.

Fair enough. But when you get a guild that is mostly active on the same time and doesn’t form into mythic+ cliques, it works so much better than Pugging ever will.

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so form a party and then leave because you now have 6 people?

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io is just a rating system for basement dwellers.
They need the epeen.

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  1. Come and reeee reee on the forums because they didn’t get invited to a group for some reason
  1. Flock around each other consoling each other about how mean everyone else is for not carrying them.

ick. Who would even want to?
They way ‘real’ raiders behave when they come into lowbie dungeons is enough to never want anything to do with them in harder content.
that ‘muh facerollz’ crap right before they pull 4 fearing mobs and cause the hysterically entertaining wipe and get vote kicked is always good for a laugh, though.

Your right about that, That’s where all of my mythic plus history comes from…Basicly I only group with my guild. Sadly it is not enough to keep up a IO score or keep up with demands for gear.

I am never motivated for do Mythic plus. And the few times I am, the system eats up the free time I’ve cleared and I barely get anything done.

It became a all or nothing system for me. I only have so much free time, if I raise my IO score I would need to quit raiding. I really love raiding. But the lack of weekly up’s in my item level do hurt a lot over time. I wish the two systems where better balanced with the gear rates.

this would make for a very bad group. =/