Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Its on you now. If there is no auto invite on the add on I have no dog in the fight. Seems like the good guys won this round.


So I’ll just use oRA2 with it… done.

so you are essentially saying, there will be addons that autoinvite people, the very automatic game play, they said, they dont want…

you yourself have argued that the addon in question wont have autoinvition, so why does it matter if blizzard makes sure it dosent work…

do you want it or not ?

It’s cute when you try :grin:

I have a question. Back in vanilla, did your guild use CT raid assist in their raid groups?

If a Loot Casino is, “Ok” with you, go play BFA.

While waiting for the group to finish forming? Quite a bit. If you knew me, you would understand me when I say I never met a conversation I didn’t like.

Oh, and the closest I ever came to inspecting anyone was a tank who joined for a Shadowlab run. His name was “Elvenwall”. That sounded promisingly tanky! And he was in a friend’s guild. I noticed that as a paladin tank, he was carrying TYerrok’s Quill: a frikking polearm. I politely asked if he forgot to switch into his tanking gear. He informed me that he tanked with Terrok’s Quill.

I immediately summoned my Voidwalker.

Why would I decline someone? I don’t get that part?

I quit playing bfa for a few months. Only reason im subbed is for classic. But i did try to play it since im waiting for classic…and promptly quit again :l

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To be fair, they said they don’t want addons that “play the game for you”. Is organizing bags “playing the game for you”? Is cleaning your mailbox “playing the game for you”? Are auto-guild invites “playing the game for you”? And are auto group invites “playing the game for you”?

Or do they mean stuff like decursive where you can literally just spam click your mouse and dispell the proper targets?

I don’t think any LFG addon needs auto-invite because I think only an idiot would use it for dungeons or raids, but I’m not entirely sure if it’ll be broken either.

You are so blind, it definitely affects everyone, because if you don’t have the addon already, people using it won’t interact with you as regular… and it will be harder and harder for regular person to get group formed because of this aberration.
damnn bro WTF…

thank you for being honest, what you are describing is one way of playing retail, if you followed the debate and classic, the social game play is a huge part of it, go talk to Kevin Jordan, he done several streams where he explain how they wanted the social aspects of wow to have meaning… and there lies the problem, i can understand you dont wanting to do certain aspects of classic, but automating things you dont like, isnt going to fly…

I heard these arguments before, and it all leads down to retail… -" you think you do, but you dont "

or, maybe people will just ignore others if they aren’t opted in. Without even talking to them.

Without even talking to them,

Yeah, break this please Blizz.

So with the majority of people that asked for an invite you continued on a lengthy (let’s say, 10 minute) consistent conversation? You’re quite the social butterfly! I try to talk to as many people as I can too, but I think that would become overwhelming pretty quickly, especially when looking for dps and getting all of those whispers.

are you wanting autoinvite features or not ?

This addon scans the chat looking for key phrases such as “LFM” “LF3M” as well as dungeon names and common abbreviations such as DM and VC for The Deadmines.

If you type “L F 3 M for DM” how ever the addon will not pick up that you are advertising for a group.
If you type “LF3M for deadmine” your advertisement will get picked up by the addon but because deadmine is not on the current list of phrases your ad will be picked up but will not be placed in “The Deadmines” category instead it will end up in the “custom” category still making the addon less effective.

There is a bit of code that I found that I thought was a bit funny but will also insure that your group is not listed in the addon. If you type “LF3M Deadmines #noclassiclfg” your ad will also not show up in the addon.

I expect that the dev of the addon will make changes to the list of key phrases the addon is looking for. But at least doing these things currently works and people will have to keep updating the addon as gamers adjust to hide their groups from the addon.


I don’t particularly care. I certainly wouldn’t use an auto-invite feature because I like to curate my groups. I imagine most people feel the same way since I doubt many people want to get stuck with 3 boomkins and a ret paladin that’s 10 levels too low for the dungeon.

All I was saying is don’t blame Blizzard for “going back on their word” if they don’t break it since their word has always been vague.

Can you tell the difference?

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We’ve been through this at least 10 times so far. It broadcasts to any chat channel of your choice. So it’s going to be broadcasting into /4 that you’re looking for more, or looking for a group. The people using the addon are probably going to still be in that same chat channel. The addon is designed so that it doesn’t split the community when only some people use it. You still have all the same interactions. The only difference is the people using the addon have a more organized view of who’s looking for groups and who’s responding to them looking for groups.

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And immediatly I stopped reading. Because frankly the moment some rabid fanboy hisses the word “retail” with spittle flying from their mouth as though they had spoken the dread “ni” I know you have nothing of value to say.

You are no longer engaging with my points. You’ve contented yourself with hiding behind your shield of “classic purism” while hissing at the dread word and at every shadow of possibility instead of looking at what’s probable. You’ve nothing to say, except empty platitudes towards your fellows.

and thats the problem, most can as you say, accept the version that dont autoinvite, the one version you all so dearly stated is the one you want, and is the one being made… but again the problem is that same addon can autoinvite people and automate, alot of social gameplay…

The possibility of automation of gameplay regardless if you like it or not, is a huge nono