Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Its so hard to use /1 or /world, This is ridiculous!

Part of putting the time to look for or find a group is you are much more likely to stick it out with that group. And you chat a little before forming the group.

In retail, people just spam LFG over and over and randomly leave groups mid dungeon because they can go to LFG and find another group.

This kills the spirit of Classic.

The one being made is the one that doesn’t auto-invite. The one that will auto-invite is for the 8.2 client.

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again, the problem is that it can autoinvite, and that needs to be broken so it cant, and it shouldent matter to you since you dont want that feature anyway ?

Except we don’t know that because “playing the game for you” could mean doing anything automatically (which could break a lot of popular addons that have existed in some form since vanilla) or it could specifically mean things that give you a combat advantage like old decursive.

Again, all I’m saying is don’t read into something that’s not there and then get mad if Blizzard doesn’t follow through with something that never explicitly stated to begin with.

Out of all the arguments against the addon, this one seems the most thought out one.

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AUTOMATION is difference… My friend, in vanilla we prefer interaction with people let’s see what that personas has to say or just make friends if anything is great, with AUTOMATION you don’t need that and you will lose the core of this game as it was originally MMO - RPG
Why is so much hate towards BFA??? because the social aspect is already dead.
We don’t need that in classic.

I have no doubt that Blizzard is going to intervene with this AddOn. Im not even worried.

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It does not have an auto-invite button. The OP is a lie.

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seriously ?, if people can use automatic features that avoids game play they dont like or speeds things up, there will be a verion that can do it, exactly the reason why it needs to be broken…

and again even if its broken, shoedent matter to you or others in this thread, since you dont want it in your version anyway

Meeting stones/ innkeepers auto grouped you with other people in classic. Again no one is answering my scenario question; can you tell who was using the addon?

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Once invited, I would talk in /p or /r as appropriate.

[quote=“Unudi-moon-guard, post:1423, topic:262860”]
You’re quite the social butterfly!
[/quote]As an old offensive linemen, I’ve never been called a butterfly before! Thanks! You made my whole evening.

As I said, once invited, the conversation went from personal to group-wide. Also, Farstriders is alow-pop Mayberry-like RP server, and we wove dungeon runs into our guild-wide RP. Each dungeon was "a mission from Orgrimmar that we need to do FOR THE HORDE! So the new invitee was free to join in our private RP channel or stay in /p or /r. Most of us knew each other at least by guild association, so this was not unusual on our server.

Pretty sure they’re a shill for that twitch channel. I hope they’re getting paid instead of making a fool of themselves for free.


I hate when this happens :confused:

Well, it still dont change the point, the social game play is a important part of classic, and shouldent be automated… and why would you want autoinvitation, you dont want it anyway ?

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It doesn’t. I’m mostly trying to manage expectations since I get tired of seeing people get outraged about something Blizzard “promised” that they never actually promised.

Ah okay, so in other words these LFG addons wouldn’t really affect anything, since most, if not all, of the socializing happens in the group as it’s forming/after it’s formed. And as long as you don’t have auto-invite turned on (and who would? too much of a risk getting underleveled people) you’ll still be able to talk to people before inviting them. That was my whole point. :slight_smile:

Here’s a take I haven’t seen so far. So someone wants to use this addon so they can be out in the world farming, grinding rep, etc and not wasting time in a city spamming for a group. But here’s the thing, if you can just join a group whenever you want, where ever you want without putting in any effort to find said group (this addon doing it all for you) how much investment do you have in said group? Because back in Vanilla, if a dungeon run went slightly sideways you knew that getting another together was going to be a pain. So you stuck it out and made it work. As a consequence, you communicated with those in the group, helped them out, and accomplished your goal despite some hiccups. This wasn’t always the case but often it was. You had an investment in the group you were in because forming another could take a while. This addon makes people disposable again because forming groups will take little to no effort. That is not the Classic experience people are looking for.


sorry lol, im tired, it 5am, cant sleep, and people are wrong on the internets :wink:


it was too cute to pass up lol

LFG chat was made global in 1.11 and Classic uses 1.12 as a base. You can find groups wherever you are even without an addon! :smile: