One is automated and will not be in Classic
The index section of any reference book promotes LAZINESS! Period.
Please please please get rid of this add on and BAN IT! It is antithetical to classic!!!
You havent answered, can you tell the difference?
They dont want parts of the play automated, the social aspects of wow is important, and it also goes hand in hand with what Ion said at blizzcon… if you activly create a group by interacting with people, thats fine, if you have a tool that does this for you, that is not oki… that is prime example of automation of the play
The rule for guild recruitment in my guild was this: any guild member could invite anyone they had run content with and liked. No skill cap required: just be a good teammate. Farstriders is an RP server, so skill requirements would have been fatuous anyway.
But my entire TBC/WotLK guild was based entirely on people my guildies had socialized with positively.
Y’know, looking at the video again, I don’t remember seeing playable Dark Iron Dwarves in Classic.
you do realize if you use addons, you are robbing yourself of the games intended experience. the only reason people use addons so much now days is because its become the norm and a requirment, resulting in a mass amount of awful and unskilled players.
Does that make it a good book? Go on, I’ll wait.
The REAL one listed for classic doesn’t have an auto invite button.
This streamer is full of poop.
None of this is what I asked.
Really think about it though, how much socializing did you do with the people asking to be in your group compared to the socializing you did with people that got into your group.
I know for me forming a group went something like “LF rogue for BRD” “Invite please”, /who to check their level, /invite rogue. It was with the people in my groups that I actually talked to at length, as we were traveling to the dungeon, waiting for people to get mana, etc.
And again, I don’t particularly care what your answer is. Just be honest with yourself. If you happened to carry on lengthy conversations with every person that asked for an invite but you had to decline for whatever reason, then more power to you.
i rest my case. . . .
I’m not, but believe whatever fantasies you like. Be sure to mass-report people using auto-invite add-ons and really make the GM’s love you.
This is so funny… certain debators in this thread have cosntantly said, and acused OP for lying, since the addon in question wont have autoinvite features… so if the addon you want to use dont have the feature, what does it matter if blizzard removes that ?..
are you all arguing for automatic invitation to the addon suddenly ?
Are you serious??? did you play Vanilla back in the days? you understand why we are running away from BFA and that kind of social interaction killer?
you should reconsider …
If you can read the index section of ANY BOOK, and understand it. Garbage BOOK. GARBAGE. No argument needed.
Because the feature of auto-invite wouldn’t break it for Vanilla or Classic. People are freaking out over nothing.
No it isn’t. Playing the game involves me hitting dudes with my cat claws, while a paladin raises his shield and makes himself so threatening that the enemy has to focus him down while a healer keeps topping off his hit points.
What you’re basically saying is that you don’t ever talk to your party after it’s been formed. And because of this, the only social interaction you do is while forming it. But that’s not my problem, that’s your own problem. Read a book on ice breakers.
In reality, by connecting you with more people faster, this addon will most likely increase the amount of socializing you do. Without needing to spend hours spamming trade chat, which is itself doubtful as there’s still a stigma against playing healers and tanks, you can actually see how good the tank / healer / dps is and communicate with them while on the way to the dungeon. By getting into the dungeon faster you can more easily spot which ones are toxic and which ones are god like.
The addon is more like a card catalog/ dewy decimal system.