Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

My quesiton to you again, if “your” addon dosent autoinvite people, what does it matter if blizzard brakes it and makes certain it cant add said auto invite features, to make sure no one else creates a version that can ?..

Really would like to see a blue stance on this. It definitely blemishes the fun of classic. This addon definitely gives it a retail feel.


Remove all addons. create the game as it was at its peak and greatest time. commit to the game and invest or don’t play. that simple.

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OK, you obviously mean that the API needs to be changed to not let that work. I’ve asked you a couple times to clarify on that.

Please explain how.
An unsupported declarative statement, repeated, is still unsupported.
With this add-on, my frikking cat could step on my keyboard and get invited to an event.


WoW “peaked” while dungeon finder was around. If we’re going by subs.

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Lol ok

Addons are an essential part of WoW and the Vanilla experience. WoW’s addon API is a huge contributor to its success.

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But your cat couldn’t socialize with people in the group.

I don’t care about your answer because you can lie if you want, but I want you to think back and ask yourself how much socializing you did with the people that asked for an invite to your group that you ended up declining or how much socializing you did after you got declined. In the moment, of course, not if you happened to run into them later.

Go back to retail

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Add-ons were, as I understand it, a huge part of the game in Vanilla. The in-game UI was was just too horrible, too lacking, to do without.

As i said, the version that works without autoinvition, is atleast tolerable, but if a version of said addon can create group by automation, even tailored based on talents, then yes, that needs to be borken so it cant…

Again the problem is if someone makes a variant of “your” addon, couse we know that its possible, and then we have a problem

I heard that addons were considered cheats and people would be banned for having them in vanilla days, i would agree with this.

I’ve transcribed the addon discussion that Esfand, Tipsout, Omar, and Brian had earlier today.

TLDR: They don’t care so long as it doesn’t play the game for you. They’ve already stripped out the portions of the API that they don’t want in the game.


Can you tell the difference?


I’m fine with the add on if the auto invite/talent inspection are out but this statement is an outright lie.

The API is already different from Modern WoW OR Vanilla. There are things you simply cannot do in Classic that were actually possible in Vanilla and still some things you cannot do in Classic that are possible in BFA.

Classic has the most restrictive API and I doubt that LFG garbage is going to last a week; I got 10 bucks on Blizzard stuffing it out simply because of this backlash.


It’ll effectively kill what makes classic so appealing

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This addon promotes LAZINESS! Period. If you think you don’t have the time, DONT PLAY! Not to mention Classic is very Casual Friendly!!!

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Blizzard most not allow this to happen, break this terrible thing out of Classic.