Probably never going to happen once they break the Add-on before release of Classic.
Which I might. I am not 100% convinced I will continue to play Classic but I’m subbed until at least December so we’ll see
On what grounds?
- Automation will be removed
- Nothing will allow people to automate the invite process
- Everything will have to be done manually
- You can still use /4
Guess you’ll be having a fit then since the addon will be working.
The original clip was broken but it also showed invited party members auto spamming chat channels (not just the leader).
It’s honestly ridiculous.
that’s fine, I really have no issue with people who are just trying out classic
I have a massive issue with people who are doing that and are also trying to change the game for the sake of convenience when they don’t even plan on staying
Did you plan on playing on Herod? They could use the less population. So that would be awesome of you not to play…if you were playing on Herod.
Break what ? If they break it then they will also break all RP add-ons which they won’t do
If it goes against the spirit of Vanilla, you betcha that we’ll keep the noise up until Blizzard determines its fate.
actually if you look at the screenshot of it on icy all you have to do is click invite for each person that shows up ( but it only shows those using the add on) wanting to run the dungeon etc or decline if someone sent you and invite. The only real difference between it and LFG in retail is you have to click invite for each person instead of it automatically sending the invite
Unfortunately for you, it is in the spirit of vanilla since the devs haven’t broken the API to keep it from working.
Can’t wait to use it!
It’s not really trying out classic for me it’s moving back to a simpler time.
It. Doesn’t.
ONce again, for the people not paying attention. It takes the /4 chat channel, and puts it in a GUI. That’s all the addon does.
That sounds either like the other people had the addon and turned that on themselves, or a bug in the addon. I don’t believe it intends for the entire group to send a redundant message to the same chat.
Transcript from the addon portion of the interview. The timestamp is 2:30:25
Brian / Omar: We are more or less based on the modern code base, which has more or less the modern Addon API. But at the same time; there are some things that we’ve added to it over time that weren’t allowed in classic and we’ve restricted some of those; especially in cases where it affected gameplay.
So a really good example of this is castbar addons.
Castbar addons that existed back in patch 1.12 could exist but they were doing a lot of guess work and so they weren’t super accurate. So even though they gave you a gameplay advantage, it wasn’t as good of a gameplay advantage as the castbars that came later and are available in modern World of Warcraft. So we made sure we took back out that data so you still have to kind of go back and kind of guess at that and it’s hard to write a castbar addon again. You can still write one if you want, some of the hooks are still there, but it’s not going to be exactly as accurate as it used to be because that data didn’t used to be available.
On the other hand there were things you could do in the classic addon language that were basically… basically you could use it to essentially bot. There were basically no restrictions; it was a wide open field. You could completely control any of your characters actions, automate them all, and we’ve never really felt like automating your character was an appropriate use of the addon system and so we are keeping those restrictions in the modern addon system.
(Omar talking about Healbot)
(Esfand talking about decursive)
TipsOut: Because the game is so old or because it’s coming back after a long break. A lot of people know the mechanics now and it makes things easier. But at the same time, like you said, the addon api is a lot more modern now and people have the tools to make more sophisticated addons than they did back in the day. Possibly addons that trivialize things like in game boss mechanics, or even things like grouping up and being able to group up faster. For addons like this that maybe make the game a little bit too easy, or do things that are not exactly in the spirit of vanilla. Do you guys have any kind of philosophy as to how to address these kinds of addons?
Brian / Omar: The general philosophy is “If it automates gameplay we don’t like it to automate the gameplay for you. If it’s helping you see the layout in a way that makes you feel more comfortable for you to view and respond to; that’s exactly why addons are in the game. To make sure we can make the interface more comfortable for you to read and respond to. Especially for anybody who uses them to help with disabilities and things like that. It’s one of the reasons why we left in color blind mode. What kind of jerks would we be to take that out? And so we really want people to be able to see and experience the game in a way that’s comfortable to them, but we don’t want it to be played for them.
ya this looks bad.
Interview from today. Get over it or dont play.
Not expecting Blizzard to look at this days before the launch.
Enjoy your RFC run with it in the meantime.