Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Did you not see it was BfA?
Did you not see the Dark Iron Dwarf?
Did you not see “You have unused talents”?

And yet, one of you guys said that the addon dev said today that he will now disable some features on his next release.


Isn’t there an LFG channel people can join? This addon seems redundant and antisocial to me.

Yes. That is right.

what’s there to research? it’s an addon that shouldn’t exist in the game

I’m trying hard to determine what makes this relevant since the video is fake.

That’s what the addon uses to parse the LFG channel.

Read about the add-on and that it does not auto group ?

It’s really sad that after all these years there are delusional people who continue to make grandiose claims about how devastating UI improvements are to the game.


He didn’t completely deny it. HE DIDN’T COMPLETELY DENY IT! GET HIM!

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Because with the add on, you don’t even need to do this much! Press button— insta-group of 5 random people you do not know, do not NEED to know, and will never know again.
Rep? Won’t matter.
Good player? Bad player? Won’t matter.
Ninja looter? Won’t matter.

You will be sorted into a group because of an add-on. Not because you built up a network of friends, developed a good reputation, and EARNED a spot in groups.

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Nope. The video was fake. Please READ what we’ve been talking about.

The CLASSIC addon will be a manual process.

Why though, the channel already exists. Why not just advertise it in the channel? Is it not the same thing? This seems like an excuse to not talk to people.

In Esfand’s interview with the dev, the dev told him to download the addon to see how it works (which worked in retail).

If it’s completely different, seems odd the addon dev told him to test that version out, hmmm?

Did you read anything in this thread ???
It does not do that in Classic

I’d like to see the actual Classic version running on Classic.

that really doesn’t matter at all
at this point I feel like it has to be malicious that people would still argue these points. I can only assume its people who don’t even really care about classic and are only going to play it a couple of months before going back to retail

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Guess you need to now wait until Tuesday with a bastardized version that will attempt to appease true Classic enthusiasts.

wow over 1000 replies already. can we please get a blue on this to say its going to be broken?

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People on both sides of the argument are still misinterpreting the video of the addon.

It was taken in BfA, but it is the current or what was the current version of the addon at the time the video was taken. You can go to the classiclfg addon page yourself, download the addon and stick it in the BfA addon folder and it will load even though it’s an addon intended for classic and not BfA because the API is similar enough.

The addon developer is apparently removing the auto-invite checkbox from dungeon content (according to other random claims I didn’t bother looking it up since I don’t care either way).

Even if the auto-invite checkbox remained, it’s irrelevant since most people wouldn’t use it for dungeons anyway, just as they don’t in BfA’s pre-made group finder. Why would you have auto-invite on if you’re looking for a specific role or class or spec?